Negative feedback on trades

good will goes along way, be well


I canā€™t speak for anyone else that traded with @DrGonzo13 but a goodie bag did arrive here that was above and beyond the agreed upon trade. This was my second trade with him that was fulfilled. The first time his arrived and unfortunately mine didnā€™t make it to him and got swallowed up by the USPS I guess. Itā€™s a crappy spot to be in when something you send doesnā€™t arrive because obviously it isnā€™t your fault and youā€™re still out those beans, but at the same time I think most of us would agree we still feel like we should resend and donā€™t want the other guy to go without. Between not having enough to resend the same strains, being swamped with work, and honestly kind of feeling like it was more of a nice thing than an obligation it took me a few weeks to get the second pack out between deciding what I could send, running it by him and being ridiculously busy.

Shortly after he proposed a second trade and sent me a list of what he had. We went back and forth and figured out what we would trade and agreed. Again being busy it took me a week or so to get them out but after sending he confirmed they arrived about 3 days after I sent them. In this time life was really dealing him a tough hand and he was going through a lot so I wasnā€™t pressing him to send and figured heā€™d get to it when he was up to it. We actually messaged back and forth pretty regularly just BSing or checking on how he was doing. The trade itself would come up only in passing and I would tell him there was no rush.

In this time I started getting warnings from other members and he mentioned threads where people were calling him out on unfulfilled trades and getting angry with him over them. It definitely made me wonder a little bit but I hoped for the best, specially since by now he was a buddy I regularly PMed with and checked on.

Quite some time had passed since the second trade pack I had sent arrived (2 months or so) and still I was being patient (I didnā€™t have immediate plans to grow any of them anyway). Recently a buddy had expressed interest in growing, specifically Pennywise which was part of the pack I was waiting on. His wife has some medical issues and he wants to learn to grow for her. Now that there were immediate plans for some of those beans I started pressing the issue a little bit. It went from mentioning it and saying I could use them soon if he could get them out to actually confronting him after he said heā€™d provide tracking and then dipped for a few days. Between not responding to the message where I asked him about the tracking number and all the things others had said I was now concerned that I was had.

Because of that I sent a message that was a mix of anger and hurt about how shitty it would be if this was all some scheme for beans considering all the times Iā€™d sit and have convos about losing his dad and how rough things were going for him lately. The thought that I was invested in how he was doing while he might be scamming me was a tough one. The next response was pics of the pack he had been talking about putting together and apologizing that he hadnā€™t responded but that tracking would be provided soon. Within the next day or two he sent me pics of it packed up and the number, arrived a few days later.

It had everything we agreed on plus some (plus a lot actually). I was like a kid opening up presents on Christmas morning! Iā€™m very happy with it and more so glad to have my initial and sustained trust validated. For transparency I have to mention that @DrGonzo13 asked me to post here because heā€™s trying to make these trades right and wanted someone vouching for him which I have no problem doing since he came through. Transparency is also why I wrote this mini novel because I wanted to give a detailed overview. This wasnā€™t a simple quick trade where ā€œhappy with the trade, arrived safelyā€ would suffice without the background info since thatā€™s where all the contention is arising from to begin with. Now that all is said and done though - Iā€™m happy with the trade and it arrived safely :sunglasses:


You know it does my heart good to see this. There have been some issues surrounding Doc and it appears he is starting to correct those issues. I have seen him now following through with promises to a few members. Itā€™s great to see him setting things right. I must say I am impressed @DrGonzo13


Yea, life can beat you down, but nice comeback @DrGonzo13
I nominate him for comeback player of the year. :star_struck:

Oh, and Hey, nice one to you too @Slick1
It is far too easy to point out the negative, good of you to point out the positive. :wink:


Thanks :pray:t2: for your support and words and now I have had 2 others just message me they got thereā€™s today and now Iā€™m waiting for the first one to land up north especially those 6 little ones that are calling to u LoL but seriously should be landing Happy Holiday Season thanks for the giveaways it is very gracious and now I have something else to do GROW!


Nice work @DrGonzo13, everyone loves a redemption story right before Christmas, getting the thumbs up from a highly respected member like @Slick1 goes a long way in the OG community.


@SHSC-1 Dudeā€¦ outfuckingstanding! Thank You again, they arrived today. Iā€™ll be looking to run a few this coming summer.


Debatableā€¦ I know that if @Slick1 posts a ā€œWhite Christmasā€ themed thread this year, personally, Iā€™m gonna be avoiding it. :stuck_out_tongue: Heā€™s been a little fixated lately.


Good comeback @DrGonzo13 :+1:
You can always count on a Hunter S. Thompson acolyte/pupil to eventually rebound from a bender or bout of depression like a champ. Too weird to live, too rare to die :peace_symbol:


huntersthompson1 ā€¦ Gotta love the mind of Hunter S Thompson but also



awesome man, so glad they made it this time

you better keep an eye out though, Santaā€™s elves might have double shipped hehehe


Got some seeds for you @DrGonzo13


Was honestly expecting more mentions, worse is the search brings up other people mentioning bukkakes in response to meā€¦ and youā€™re on the list! :laughing:


Yeah, looks like I forgot to put the @ in there, quirk of the search systemā€¦ I fixed it, this one has double the number of results and theyā€™re all from you. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thatā€™s better!


Are respectable and disgusting mutually exclusive?


Mine made it too, thanks very much man! :pray:


Haha, In 2001 several friends & I ran in/out of crowded restaurants daily to shout that phrase at the top of our lungs. Lots of confused diners. I mean it literally just means SPLASH in Japanese, so no harm no foul :whale:


Elves are working overtime for Overgrowā€¦

Second envelope arrivedā€¦ Iā€™m honestly thrilled to have finally aquired some genetics from Chunkypigā€¦

Thank You Santaā€¦ for leaving me some cookies.


See this is the OG I have grown to love so much. The title of this thread is Negative feedback on trades and we are getting more positive messages then negative. You rock OG.