Old bagseed grow

Thanks Tejas. Here’s the sativa one ready for a trim, thus ones my fave. Best smell and effects, this one has a very gold look to the flowers in person. Could have went 2 more weeks as well, but still came out really fire at almost 12 weeks.


Nice looking bud. Lookin forward to your smoke report.

In about 2 weeks I’ll do a smoke report on all 3 plants. As said the sativa one is an early favorite. Come September I’ll do this all over again with probably twice the plants with remaining seeds.


Very nice wa wa we wa! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Reminds me of Silver Velvet I got back in 2012 when I visited California. I would love to track Silver Velvet down to grow some.
Looking forward to the smoke reports.

Okay so after a month or so of smoking these 3 plants one (long flowering) plant really stood out amongst the group. This one has it all for me…terps, quality of high, yield, etc. Basically just a superior individual in all aspects. This fall I plan on finding another stinky male to make some seeds, so I don’t lose these genetics.

In the meantime I have some liberty haze( chem 91 x g13 haze) and blue dream hybrid going. I’ll just add these to the thread until I pop some more bagseeds. Blue plant is an oddball with all single leafs, have it bonsai. 2 liberty hazes are about 11 days old.


Here’s they are cured up. The one i like leaves a very enticing smell in the air after a joint. Really reminds me of a catholic mass or old dead show. Lingering sandalwood/ nag champa insence smell for hours…quite lovely. The other one is all pucker sour smell and taste with heavy indica high. This ones strictlynight use

I’m definitely going to need yalls help making some seeds with remaining ones. Never attempted to make seeds or keep males for that matter.


Better pics if the single leaf plant.


That’s usual, was this from seed?

It’s a clone(maybe why?), what’s weird is it the mother was standard looking. I’ve never had a plant with all singles lol. Really strange though how plants can really look so different each run. Probably due to many varients…temp, soil, humidity, light, etc.


And the liberty hazes. I didn’t know chem 91 was in the makeup of this strain until I researched it. Should be some fire.


I’ve had clones look real weird strange leaf pattern especially if i’m using superthrive or kelp, that seems to make them more odd. Sometimes if they are close to flower when the clone was taken they do weird things.

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Yeah I think your right.it was taken during flower. I didn’t even think of that. Either way it is very cool looking.

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Looks like it’s revegging, so yeah, that’d probably be because it was taken in flower. Assuming you keep it in veg lighting, it should do that for maybe a few weeks before starting to veg normally again; at that point it won’t be as stressed and the leaves will probably go back to normal.

Oh, and once it does go back into veg, get ready to do some training. :stuck_out_tongue: They usually go a bit crazy.


Thanks for the advice. It’s been on 12 12 4 days I guess I’ll just leave it bc it was showing preflowers on 18 6.

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Here’s another bagseed my brother started. We’re keeping everything here forward. I’ll keep updates on it


Super silver haze coming along nicely too. Love anything haze.


Just got caught up on your thread, really amazing work. Hunting through bagseed is alot of fun for sure. Looks like you found some nice keepers. I wish I would have saved my bag seed from the eighties and nineties would be really cool to grow .
Can’t wait to see what else you find. I will be taking a seat in the corner for sure

Ya it’s been very fun. I’ve actually been suprised by these seeds, was not expecting much. All 5 females have been outstanding know their own regard, everything from short fast plants to tall long flowering ones.

As said earlier I will be trying to make seeds this fall or keep all females. Feel like these are pretty special. I really regret not doing something with that stinky saw bladed one. The smell was just too much, I’ll prepare for strong odor next go round.

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Here’s 2 cured buds from the bagseeds. Left is sativa looking one. Both are very potent, right one has an afghan effect and smell. These are the keepers my brother found.


Love the wild card magic found in bag seed. Can be some wonderful surprises. One of my favourite lines I’m working originates from a single bag seed.

Those are some beautiful buds, bud. Nice find.

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