Old bagseed grow

Oh ya all my best plantsover the years have came from random seeds. The purple do si dos is a bagseed.


Here’s bagseed getting big… last picture is my g13 hashplant. It’s got that candelabra structure. I’ve got 2 clones cut of rge bagseed plants. Hopefully one will survive or ill reveg so I can breed her with the remaining original seeds later.

Here’s the bagseed purple do si dos looking good. She’s on day 2 flip, and already smelling great. All phenos have been super aromatic from veg to finish. Smell is really hard ro describe but it’s got licorice, pine, perfume, cloves, and funk. It’s a stinker big time.

And last pic is rosetta stone from bros grimm. A very underrated cultivar imo…


Balkh hashplant getting ready to repot soon. Plant is very indica and squatty.


Here we are a few days later. I’m really liking this balkh hashplant from khalifa genetics. So stout and stinky. Last pic is the do si dos x purp bagseed.

My Humboldt bagseeds in the other tent I’ll pull it out later for pics. The more individuals I grow of it the more I’m convinced it’s a nl5 x haze hybrid of some sort. Only 2 phenos a tall hazey and short affy, both big yielders.

I still plan to pass out seeds at the end of year to people that have followed this thread from beginning. I’ll be making a few hybrids too with my dosi bagseed and maybe shiatsu kush so keep an eye out if your interested in running some for me. Peace out


They are looking very healthy, that purple dosi do is going to be :fire:


Thanks man! Just fox farm and water thats my secret recipe haha. This soil is 3x recycled too, its all about watering correctly and light distance imo. I very rarely feed or anything just water and epsom salt every other. Plants honestly dont need to be pumped with nutrients.Check out my hashplant, first time and I’m in love already. Super easy grower

My bagseed purple do si dos almost ready to start flowers… already pungent smelling. You can def tell by the leaves and structure it has gsc in it. Gsc is so much better as a hybrid imo. Hate it by itself bc the buzz is so short, but in a hybrid it adds density and color.

Rosetta stone ( jack herer x c99) x jack herer. Basically it’s a tamed tent friendly jack herer. My bro however grew a tall sativa spear pheno which was awesome with lime terps. I must have the c99 leaner


I thought it was planted in the toilet. Had to look twice


Haha same here :joy: I actually thought of using an old bowl too, but didn’t go thru with it.

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Beautiful plants you have there mate. Your finished buds always look amazing too.

I love growing the odd bagseed myself too. My last one harvested was from bagseed, the stone is incredible, no paranoia but feels like a warm full body hug. I found a couple of white seeds in her, not sure if they’re viable but I’ll try just to keep the lineage going.


When it all boils down to it, every bean is bagseed (you never know what you’re going to get exactly until you grow it out). That’s why I luv every seed the same, whether bagseed or from a fancy breeder. Usually my bagseed can go up against most commercial, it’s not the seed but the grower. We all can be growing the same bean and still each get something different due to growing conditions, nutrients, chop times all being different. So as I always say, “it’s upto the grower to bring out the best potential of that strain.”


I 100 percent agree with everything you said. A good grower can pull good flowers outta anything.


Sorry for the picture qualitythe hid screws the picture quality up. Just upped the hashplant and purple freakshow. My bagseed clone made it, and I have another unknown bagseed at 2 weeks going.

First 2 pics are the Humboldt bagseed from the beginning of my thread.

Purple do si dos starting to make flower sights.

Other shots…

Airborne g13 about halfway, very skunk smelling. It’s a very old school plant, but strong indica effects.

Rosetta stone budshot…


Edit…wrong thread


Sorry if this is a very noob question - What is revegged?

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It’s putting a plant back on 24 light after harvest. Basically if you have a plant you really like that didn’t clone you reveg it. Put it back on 24 light with the bottom growth still going. Feed it vegetative high nitrogen food, and 3 weeks later it should look like this…

You can now keep this plant as a mother for clones.


From the other tents, have the bubba, mosca strawberry, and a random bagseed…


So the damn other purple do si dos had 3 :banana:, I tossed it. I now put the hashplant in flower to replace. I went ahead and tossed the revegging one too. I don’t keep anything that shows herm tendencies. Never had an issue with older strains showing herms. Here’s balkh hashplant day 1 flower. Rest are humboldt bagseed, airborne g13, and rosetta stone.


Here’s my 2 freakshows… got 1 at 6 week veg, other at 3…


Just got a new phone with a good camera, here’s photos from all tents… everything seems okay. A few plants have some overwateing issues.


Looking really good.

Thanks dude! Just ready for flowering to progress. Anybody grown anything from sensi seeds lately? I’m eyeing their mli, silver haze, and super skunk.

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