Old School Breeders Association - Garlic Bud

Priceless comment @ifish , love it :joy:

Many may not be aware of this, but all cannabis seeds dream of getting Greg OG for Christmas lol

Thanks for the Information on NL, really cool to add any information about it’s history.

I was thinking of creating a Midwest NL version.
I’m working on a new strain called Ozarkistan now. *see below

  • Translation Meaning
    (That’d be cool to actually make them both)
    #WishfulThinking :sweat_smile:



I’m the only breeder worked the rsk the most and longest (rskbx2). With the original cut (there was 4)

If it’s burnt rubber skunk and happy effect that’s the one



As far as expectations are concerned. I got 1 female from 5 sprouts. Wasn’t that skunky as per what I was hoping for

The upside is the fem was a real gem! Easy to grow. Big yields and crusted with trichomes…smells like a dusty warehouse. Will see how she cures. Fresh plants can evolve once cured as we all know



The road to skunk is a very humbling experience.
I see you


I didn’t get a full RKS on Garlic bud until it was fully cured. Then it was viciously through the whole basement house I smoked it at.

I had RKS many times in a row. It lost its luster fast. True RKS was lime green with golf ball buds. The first 2 ounces was killer, but didn’t take long and you didn’t get the high it had in the beginning.

Even though more was available, we didn’t want anymore, it burned us out fast. Who wants weed that won’t get you high?

May be why it disappeared, burn out factor was ridiculous for a killer looking/smelling bag of weed. :100::dove:


Washington Skunk threw a golf ball.main
Had a strong Skunk smell. Had the classic piney, cedar taste. But Skunk smelling the weed.

Out of the 2 Skunky WS I found one the best Skunk and it’s revegging now.
Both Skunky WS were only a foot tall finished after planted outdoors in July.
I’m currently working the best WS Skunk female for breeding.

I had a killer WS Skunk male but it hermed. Big loss there. @misterbee was kind to send them to me to work with. It will take probably 100 seeds to find a good set of breeders.

No doubt a golf ball plant exist in Washington Skunk. Most WS plants are bad smelling , 3 out of 20 plants were worth keeping, and in the end I only have 1 female to use for a WS breeding project


I sent the new seeds of Garlic bud x Afghani to be tested to @ifish

Here’s a female Heirloom Afghani I’m using in breeding projects now, Garlic bud and Afghani look almost the same in structure and trichomes.

Garlic bud here.

The 1990 Garlic bud had a musty smell. You could taste a little garlic in a one hit at tines.
6 hours wasted average high time on the original Garlic bud. Kept you awake and by hour 7 or 8 you’d more than likely fall asleep, then still wake up feeling stoned.

I’ll be popping more Garlic bud seeds soon, the good phenotypes on the newer Garlic bud are like getting anesthesia for surgery, it knocks you out cold fast. :100::dove:

(Garlic bud plants) regular dirt with mostly rabbit manure and a bit of duck manure


The big bud rks clone the bikers had def had that forest smell (pine/cedar)

Prob lent from both the ghani and the Mexican.


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During that period Afghani x Kandahar was heavily influenced in the gene pool.

I’ve got Afghani x Kandahar seeds I’m going to pop soon. Well find a RKS again one day.

Anyone have the real Korean skunk landraces?
I have a feeling they are hidden in North Korea.:thinking:


I believe it. I’ve seen that phenotype.
Some breeders used oddities as a marker.

Just finished breeding Garlic bud into Heirloom Afghani.

Tested the new plants and one a few pistils I see this. Has resistance to PM, spider mites, septoria ect.

I’ll be running them outdoors to complete the first generation of the strain. The F2 line will be the product. From there I’ll IBL if successful.

So far it’s passed all test and earned its place to learn the outdoor environment so it can provide better seeds in the end. :100::dove:


How’d it turn out?

You keep posting pics. But a bunch of them aren’t yours.

These are from Foe. The very first batch of pics you posted was one with pink pistils and an alert went off in my head. Did not look legit. Now I see these pics of Ortega and they are Foe’s.

You’re trying to rep OSBA very hard and that’s also a red alert for me. I’ve gotten seeds from both Charles @prairieboy and OSBA. Charles seeds I’ve only grow a couple, but they have been totally legit through and through.
The seeds I got from OSBA came in sketchy nickel bags. I’ve not grown em yet. But that’s mainly bc I don’t trust they are what they’re labeled.



Those are pictures of Ortega HP, found on the internet.

All my pictures are clearly marked my pictures.
Charles Scott is not with OSBA.

What are you talking about pink pistils?

I started a Ortega thread.
I’ve never once said the Ortega HP was my plants I grew. Where is Jim Ortega? - #11 by GregOG

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This is my bud, if anyone is using it they stole it from me, I have many angles of it. And lots of video.

My concern is what inspired you to tell all your lies?

@FOE20 this guy claims you’re using my pink pistil picture from my Garlic bud.
This true?

At no time did I post Ortega HP as my strain.
I’ve had that downloaded from a Google picture search. If it was @FOE20 and you knew, doesn’t mean everyone else knows.

I hope that Ortega HP is his, then I can ask to get some seeds from him. :sunglasses:

Hey @LemonadeJoe this guy is making up lies on this thread. Don’t know who he is, but his information is highly inaccurate.

@DougDawson @Upstate


Well sure looks like i own it, more than 1 way.

@Swampthing is promoting @prairieboy , who had his thread removed for inciting fights.

Read his comment where he glorifies Charles Dave Scott. Charles was a practicing neo nazi in Canada.

The video exposes him on YouTube. These trolls need to leave OSBA owner alone on Overgrow, I know the owner personally and he’s a solid honest friend, that anyone would be lucky to have in life. :100::dove: @LemonadeJoe

If I wanted to feature a big bud of mine ,
I certainly wouldn’t need an Ortega HP to do it.


:yum::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:. Sounds epic!

I’ve been after Petrolia Headstash since before trimming in Petrolia in 2016. If you make seed, keep me in mind😁

I can see that. Seems the most likely candidate. It’s the only area of Afghanistan that produced midgets consistently. My old Afghan or Paki line rarely exceeds 2 feet in height. ( one of them). Must be Kandahar,at least in part. The mold resistance is odd though. Seems that any Kandahar would turn to mush in the PNW. My old line is moldproof.
@GregOG I hope this summer to find a single cola plant like you pictured😁


Hey bud, I really don’t know enough about any of this to say much. It did cause me to go and read this entire thread, lol. My best advice is to just state your case as you have and then it’s up to folks to decide what they believe. The cannabis community is always full of these types of things. The origins of strains and things that happen between folks tend to swing back and forth due to peoples perspectives. Just keep doing your thing and try to not let it bother you too much. I have had people accuse me of things that were totally ridiculous and lacking in any kind of facts. It’s just the online world. :v:


Don’t know why I tagged ya. Maybe I missed talking to ya. Lol
I just was answering questions for the original person who opened the thread, it’s been a Ying Yang thread, but for historical purposes it’s a great read. :dove:

I’ll be testing an OBSA freebie i was sent soon,. It’s not on the menu, it 2 cup winning strains, Early Purple Kush x Black Willie.

I wasn’t asked to repopulate the seeds, but I told him I was going to run them and send OSBA seeds back. There aren’t many he had of the seeds, so I figured I’d help him free get the work done on them.

I’ve never been paid by OSBA for anything I’ve helped with, He’s a great friend who sent sends to America back when no one else would years ago when I met OSBA.

We’d even call stoned me and my buddies and prank call him years ago, on his 24 hour help line. I think anyone who needs to know about OSBA should just reach out to them and decide for themselves. :100::dove:


OSBA seems to have drama surrounding it and nice strain descriptions so it always increases the lore. I grew out the Barney’s Acapulco gold a few years ago which I heard is reefermans apple pie. It was pretty good and I thinks the Nepali they use is interesting smoke and a hardy plant. I was curious about the love Potion.

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