Panama Red strain ----which would you grow

I ask and see what he says.

Many similarities between ACE & Bodhi . They both owe their success to the fact that the avg grower can get something smokable to the finish line . They both make hybrids / polyhybrids . Both have very few pure sativas they’ve released . Finding a pure Panama Red or even a Punto Rojo is RARE . Peace Corps / Red Cross , Snow’s Double , Snow’s other PR phenos , Cryptic Labs . 26 - 16wks depending on purity / phenotype .

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Has anyone run Coastal’s Panama Red? Dagga Garden has some in stock.

At a $ 150 + shipping a pack !!!

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ACE has only 13 / 14 Strains!

  • double thai (thai x thai, ok however one calls that, pure or not… )
  • thaistick
  • oldtimers haze (unknown lineage, 16 weeks plus )
  • thai
  • new caledonia
  • ethiopian
  • burma
  • vietnamese nah trang
  • guatemala
  • honduras
  • lao luang prabang
  • nepal annapura
  • an african strain i forgot region, relase long ago: ghana or something…
  • should i count vetblack x thai too?

3 strains they resell on site for other companys such as Realseedcomp/ Khalifa:
lolab valley
laos dac chang

probably i forgot some…

Also its unknown to me how many were realsed when kaiki worked with them…
All i can say, theyre one of my most favored seedbank, BECAUSE theyre slightly older lines.
modern collected Linnes i dont like.

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but yeah thread is about panama, and there are better ones i think from Snowhigh, dr. greenthumb, and another source i only tell to preservationists.

theyre all old lines i think.

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It appears Ace used a Pakistan Chitral in breeding Bangi Haze which gives it the 30% indica in the product description.


Of those you list how many are still available today ahora mismo . Charlie & Luis made those strains not Kaiki . Kaiki is like Arjan he’s a businessman , not a breeder .


Right now?
8 aviable from ace
1 aviable from the resold ones if im not mistaken

i just checked, oh, thousand of new realseedcompany resold lines, i cant count them…
(those new ones i didnt meant with beeing slightly old lines)

5 with the ACE label , 5 of Kahlifa’s & 3 Indian Landrace .

nope i just verified my statement to the exact numbers, 7 ACE label.
i had to edit the resold ones… actually theyre much more than just 3 resold ones. like 10 resold Lines from kahalifa /realseed

They should be good. I’ll have another couple soon. Different Durban, with Old Silversides.


Cannabiogen Panama
9 weeks at 11/13. 3+ to go. Doesn’t really look all that close to me. I am a fan, nice plants. Pure sativa? I dunno about that.


thanks for the info !! - have Ace’s Panama but want to get Dr.GreenThumbs Panama be nice to do a side by side


@Upstate will give you one Panama Red seed (Ace) --only have 3 (fem’s) ???

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I agree 100% Sativa ? might be a 80% sativa ??? just guessing- really don’t see those “thin” leaves — at any rate GREAT plant !!! great strain from Cannabiogen


For me, that plant is done. I let my Ace version go til the stigmas fell off and the high was boring imo. If you want a racy Sativa edge, I’d pick soon. Nice buds.
@hawkman, thanks, but I’m all set on Panama seed. . I still have Ace Panama seeds from 2019 when I ran them.
1971 Panama here.


Here’s an Ace Panama grown outdoors in 2017.
It was really good smoke and a beautiful plant.
I should have taken more pics.


The Zamaldelica I grew out was crazy good smoke and yield.
I got 8.5 ounces from this plant about 18 weeks flowering.
Here’s a few pics.