Panama Red strain ----which would you grow

Wow, those are sum nice plants, you really took hold on them, they are beautiful. and i bet they taste even better… Yes i will take you up on the offer and i will send a dm with an address. Thank you so very much.


Colorado Sativas is also ACE stock on the Panama Red


i’ve got six of them going in a grow log here. they’re just at a month old now and i flipped them to see what’s what and clone. should be done by fall.


To be honest I have always thought that all landraces have sufficient genetic diversity to include shorter flowering phenotypes depending on the environmental factors and that people like Ace could have perfectly selected these and discarded others which are longer flowering. Also, I am sure that these highland sativas would grow different and, yes, probably would flower for a shorter amount of time in lower lands in the Antilles or by flowering them late in the summer early autumn, to bring my personal experience to the example.

However, I also do believe that many supposed pure sativas DO have some non NLD genes going way back. Does that damage my experience of it? NO, not at all, I would just like to distinguish between what is what.

In fact, it does not damage my experience to the point that sometimes I have found strong sativas tamed a bit by plausible non NLD genes with a stone on the comedown desirable. This because, as some may have read from me, I have witnessed seasoned smokers black out after having trouble breathing with these pure Colombians. Not a pleasant experience, even if these memories are a treasure for us and we laugh when we go down memory lane on christmas gatherings.


believe Ace sells only Panama - no Panama Red

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I can share some of my pack with you for a reproduction, I have not cracked it open yet and don’t have plans to this year. Send me a DM and I will pack up half of it for you along with some other seeds, I am enjoying your desire to branch out from autos and start growing heirlooms and landraces as well!


Anyone have any f4 Panama red from crickets and cicada? worked from original coastal selections to be a stable 2:1 cbd: thc. Anyway would love to get some of this medicine in my garden :call_me_hand:t4:

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I never grew panama red but I’d grow dr greenthumb panama red which is fem and look for a male in snow high double panama and play with that


have a $10.00 discount coupon for Dr. Green Thumb (PM me a I’ll send it to you) have heard some not-so-good things about Dr. Greenthumbs. let me know if not you anyone else interested


Wow thats an exclusive bunch of Beans @Ratbastrd.

Impressive thats for sure !


Yes I’ve heard the same stories… and they’re not all coming from trolls and competitors haha some growers I appreciate and know are honest had crap experiences with Mr thumb…

That said, dude is a huge sativa head, some of his old nld lines are stuff of legends… these lines don’t pay the bills, it’s a niche… the panama red is one he’s been after for a long time. I do believe he found something worthy of the name and I’d be ready to give it a chance even if it could possibly mean I’m out 400$

I’m in no way suggesting people rush to his, but if I was to grow PR I’d do what I posted above :slightly_smiling_face:

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I could be good for the male from snow High,but got no way to grab green thumb stuff unfortunaty
Also want to mention @MissinBissin has offered me help too and he was not the only one so I m quite happy with what I am getting, I couldn t and shouldn t pretend to have seeds gifted.On the other hand I really love to do a good job without Chucking Pollen randomly with rare seeds


Speaking of Panama…

Mandala has a nice selection of Ace stuff.


I was really checking out his big laughing line which is actually a landrace (?) Read the info once years back I think it’s a Lebanese landrace or something similar.

He dropped the panama red while I was (still) thinking about it all…

Long story short… I had put aside 5k to clear the shelves if bog sour strawberry was ever to drop again… never happened. I took interest in long flowering varietals and well… “few” must have cuts and a “few” packs and boom gone baby.

Still have a double panama pack from the coops. Packs came short for canadians and I think gpas sent me her personal pack. Know that I’m the opposite of a collector, I run everything I’m sent… Some packs I set aside for special projects and this is one of those :pray:


Thanks for your inputs Brother.I aint no collector at all too.I asked for the seeds to do a seedrun and preserve genetics.
Now,I m quite settled with snow High since a gentleman has sent me his pack.
I miss the chance to have a greent humb panama.So if you are interested I can send you some fresh Pollen from a good snow High male Double Panama.



I have a Panama Red that I got in a trade with an old head from my home town. I popped one seed just out of curiosity and it was a female. That plant got HUGE and it took forever to ripen. It never did finish completely. I was scared to death that it would be spotted by the helicopters so I pulled it early. The roots were gigantic ! :flushed:


been there done that - destroyed many plants that were 1 month of being done. now-a-day they use drones also


thanks been looking for a few good banks that offer Ace gear. Wish their website mailed genetics to US