Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

After that Arizona deal, I’m leery. Jk

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Almost anything can be done.

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I’m taping them up then into thier ziplocks with padding and more tape. Then a box within a box . Then off to Mota


Bubble wrap brother!

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Bubble wrap, rice crispy treats, potato,potahto !

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But zucchini shows up from nowhere for free!!

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: That should tell you something!

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Tells me it’s the easiest most productive thing to grow :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Tells me nobody wants them :rofl:

Forgot I had this:

Where my NE folks at?? Tough to find a game down here. Haha


@PatHealy We play a little different where I come from. S.E. :wink::crazy_face::fist:t3:🪶🪶

Kinda pissed my ball wasn’t in the bag! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Those look familiar for sure. Haha My dad was a big deal lacrosse player back in the day, when there was no professional league, just college. But, he’d only play with an authentic Native American wooden lacrosse stick. He was always talking shit to my uncle and me for using metal and plastic. But, deep down he was just pissed he was only good at lacrosse and wrestling and couldn’t prove it to anyone in FL. He was always looking for leagues and stuff. Haha.


Pineapple Skunk will probably get pulled tonight, A few iffy parts shot pistils, or whatever the correct terminology is, but if these other two aren’t male parts I need to go get an eye exam and some glasses. It’s a beast of a plant too, so it won’t hurt to not have it over growing everything around it.


Gym flooring rolls got here today and those suckers are heavy. Tweaked my back slinging them around. Haha.


Any treadmill people in here? Trying to decide which one to get. Leaning towards NordicTrack, but with the 32” screen and $40 per month for the iFit stuff, it gets expensive. I already have a 70” tv screen to mount on the wall of the gym for Apple Fitness+ workouts and whatnot, so maybe I don’t need a treadmill with the whole built in screen and trainer stuff. Any help is appreciated!!

Edit: Going with NordicTrack Commercial 2450. They seem to have a real lock on the treadmill market. Have to wait a little bit to order it though, because my money tree hasn’t bloomed yet this year. I’m waiting though.


Always been an outdoor runner but with this insane heat I was just looking at some used ones on offerup last week. No clue on what to buy though.

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Same here, but the heat and just getting stopped by people to talk out here is insane. They’re waving you down as soon as they see you coming. Small towns I guess. Nobody cared about me in Pinellas or L.A… Haha


Also, curious to see if I can get more miles out of shoes on a treadmill compared to roads and whatnot.

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That would be miserable I wouldn’t stop for them. They must not understand what exercise is! I maxed out my last pair of brooks at about 1000 miles. Not much tread left but not through the rubber or anything yet. Just being in ac and running would be great. 100+ 100% humidity is not much fun!

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Brooks are great. 1,000 miles out of a pair down here is really good. I cycle through Brooks, ASICS, and Hokas these days. I like the cheater springy ass running shoes. Haha

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