Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

I remember my tennis shoes would melt to/on the court during summer playing on hard courts. I hate hard courts. Haha

Edit: It also pissed me off that they pretty much got rid of grass and actual clay (red) courts over here for those lame Har-Tru courts. Especially the Har-Tru courts with permanent lines. Such a joke. Just needed to get that off of my chest. Haha


Well, I’m off to take my mother to sit with her sister until the death rattle comes. That’s how the doctor explained it. Fun stuff.

Sorry to hear it bud, my Condolences for you and your family.

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Sorry to hear that brother :pray:

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Damn. Take good care, Man.


Thanks all!! It’s rough on my mom, but I have no contact and have had no contact with these family members since I was 16. Just trying to be there for my mom.

Does anyone know Medicare and FL? My cousin is trying to hit me up for $1,000 for the cremation or she says they’ll not release the ashes? That whole side of my family is nuts and that’s why at 16 I stopped dealing with them mostly. My cousin is a legit grifter convicted fraudster, so I’m not believing this nonsense. But, I don’t want to upset my mom and whatnot. Any help is greatly appreciated!!


F that . If you didn’t know them in life. If you contribute, do it directly to the crematorium etc. My mom was on Medicare here and I paid for her though.


They charge to pick up a cardboard box of ashes?? I thought Medicare would cover that or it would cost $30-$50. I’ve already been hit up multiple times since this all started a month or two ago. They always need money for something. I’d tell them to go fuck off myself, but I’m not trying to upset my mom while her sister is dying.


I’m not sure. My little brother picked an urn for 900. And the thing was 3500. I know lots of family scams happen at sad times. She left money to cover expenses , but I left it in his account to help him along with the bills she was doing.

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Yeah, I’ll wait until the cremation happens and hopefully my mom is over it and done with the remaining family by that time, so I can tell them to piss off.


My friend had a Grandfather that he was only lately introduced too who was sick. The daughter solicited money from everyone for furniture and an air conditioner etc. People gave almost a thousand bucks. She rented the stuff long enough to take a picture and had it repossessed. She kept the money.


Be careful, my uncle passed away down there 2 yrs ago without us knowing and the state charged only 1600 to pick up his ashes. So be careful brother

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My cousin is just a grifter/con artist/fraudster who lives way beyond her means even with whatever sketchy shit she’s doing. She said her monthly expenses are $9,700. She rents a nice house on Fernandina Beach. Drives an Audi suv. All of this shit and she never graduated high school. My mother has a masters. I triple majored and quit grad school after two years. We make solid money. We bought a house together and got rid of our extra car. So, it pisses me off so much. I want to just slap these people, but I can’t for my mom’s sake.

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Hospice places are a fun spot to hangout. Jeez. They need a bar in here or something.


Medicare does not pay for the cost of a funeral or burial expenses, including cremation. The family pays the funeral home for cremation. I do not think you can get a cremation for under $2000, at least not around here.

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Thank you for that info!! Hopefully I’m not the one that ends up having to pay.

Out of likes before the cantaloupe. :confused: What a time.

That Pineapple Skunk or whatever it is still has me unsure, but I pulled it anyway to free up some space. They really look like male bits, but I swear one or two threw a pistil. Either way I don’t want to be worried or on-watch the rest of flower, so she’s done.

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I have a super old nordic track and I love it. I’m sure they are a lot more high tech now with all the bells and whistles but the flywheel method on them is really nice and smooth. I got it for 25 bucks at a yard sale

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Yep, game changer for me. Always had issues curing before. Now just throw in a grove bag, heat seal and wait.