Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

Pineapple Skunk I pulled was going for it. Haha. The cats have already gotten to it, so none of that was there while in the tent. Been sitting in the tub getting munched on since I took her/him out. Rest of the tent is starting to get a good funk when you open it up.


Looking good in there, they all look green and healthy. It is a full house in there.

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Crawford rocking some sweet gloves for this fight. He’s so damn good.

Prediction: Crawford with the finish in the seventh.

Edit: Horrible prediction. Haha.

Edit 2: Bud should’ve gone orthodox long ago and been ripping the left hook to the body.

If it’s not bare knuckle I can’t watch fighting anymore. Watch Byb on YouTube and see if that doesn’t change the way you look at boxing, mma and any other form of combat. Jmo

I have zero interest in bare knuckle. Go to just about any bar and you can see slobs fighting. No real skill, no artistry to it, you’re not seeing different disciplines go up against each other. The star of their whole show got dropped numerous times by a Disney kid wannabe boxer. It’s unfortunate so many of these older fighters didn’t make enough money while they were boxing or participating in MMA, that they now have to do bare knuckle to make a few bucks. It’s sad.


Then BKFC is for you, its a bigger ring and more of a boxers fighting style. The only bar fights I’ve seen are the ones I was involved in by the way :rofl: jk

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You like fighting?

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Power is out. Rainy, dark, no air movement, and super humid. Perfect.

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Florida for you brother. Hope it passes quickly


Probably be quite awhile with this storm. I don’t lose power much in Florida. Never really did as a kid either except a few hurricanes that knocked power out for a couple of days. Usually if it goes out it’s back on quickly. But, they’re going to get power back to the bigger areas before mine during this for sure.


Thank gosh the ladies are still young! Good luck dude, didn’t get anything here at all for a change. If you need to head south got a place for you, but I’m sure there won’t be much if any damage.


Just rain hopefully!


Thanks!! No damage or anything here though. I can’t flood either, unless things get biblical. Haha. I’m about 100 feet above the St John’s on a hill. It’s just a rainstorm really. Surprised the electric went out at 8:30. I went and checked the plants in the yard and none are blown over or anything. I’d be shocked if it’s not back on by 5-6 PM at the latest.

Edit: Rain has been pretty much done for an hour or so. This area is always windy too. I don’t know if it’s because of the hills, the river, the lake, or building a new neighborhood in the forest, but it’s a damn wind tunnel in my yard everyday. I’ve been wanting to get one of those outdoor weather stations to compare the wind here to other parts of the state.


Power is back on. 81% rh in there when things flipped on. Not great.


hopefully the humidity drops in there for you soon with the power back on .

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Two 6-7 foot rose bushes were leaning hard in this wind. I went out and tied them up. Might need to move a hibiscus standard and rose tree, because the purple passionflower vines are exploding and I don’t mind giving them more space.


Leaning towards setting the 5’x5’ up for veg and mothers and then just flowering in the bedroom with no tent. I’ll just drape the 5’x5’ with panda film or something, so no light is coming out. I can’t handle this humidity inside tents. Good on ya folks who are able to, but I think I’m done messing with it.


Got the gym flooring partially installed. It’s all rolled out and even, but need to find some fresh box cutter blades to cut the excess off. They gave me more like 17’-18’ per roll instead of 15’, so might be able to fill the whole room with the leftover. Cadillac Pilates reformer gets here tomorrow and I’ll set that up. Then, Thursday I have to do some errands: drop off seeds at post office for people, grab some non-cannabis plants, pickup soil, pickup compost, pickup 10’ garden stakes, buy some more weed barrier, and grab 100 bags of mulch. Weekend will be spent in the yard trying to get this bitch done. I’ll still have so much after this, it’s not even funny. Haha


My aunt passed away at 1:03 AM on Monday, just so nobody thought I was bullshitting about that, since I haven’t mentioned it again. Her suffering is finally over. Now, I’m dealing with my mother and her grieving process. But, it’s just part of life. We all deal with it and go through it.


Sorry to hear that @PatHealy , take care of your Mom, and smoke plenty to ease the mind my friend.