Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

Fort Collins


Significant differences there

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Yeah, I’ve never had any impressive Strawberry Cough myself. Not trying to start any arguments or offend anyone.


It’s your experience no worries. Fantastic thing is everyone has a unique experience with each plant


If people want clones backed up I’d put shelves in a 5’x5’ and use a bunch of smaller boards/lights for mothers, rooting cuts, and seeds. Then leave some space or some shelves to veg stuff for the flower tent. Could be fun.


Just take stuff you’re interested in. Otherwise you’ll have a 100 cuts and start losing stuff. Ask me how I know :disappointed:


Hahaha For sure only down to back stuff up I’m interested in. Thats why I started trying to make a list, but there’s still a bunch I haven’t listed I’d checkout. 20 or so would be my max if I’m helping people out by backing stuff up, but if not I only want 3-4 after running through a handful of ones I’m interested in.


I’d look for your top 5. Mother and flower them. If they all hit the mark stop. If one is meh exchange it for another. Just let the person know that you are retiring it or spreading


Yeah, I plan on buying 3-4 and then taking in a few from members here who have offered already. Then, I’ll just toss the ones I don’t like after I flower them out twice. If I need to I’ll keep buying some until I have 3-4 mothers I love. Something super up and heady. Something narcotic and night night. Something grapey. Something tasty, good looking, and a strong high but not so strong you can’t smoke with others. That’s all I need.


You can send stuff out also.

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I’ll definitely offer any cuts to others before I toss them. Try to trade them for something I’d like to checkout too before they just get trashed.


Main stay cuts and the stuff you only need once in a while to switch it up

I have three going for six. I have Frankenstein, White Rhino, and Cap Junky mother plants. I have another that might become a mother plant Panama Spice. I am still looking for two more mother plants.

Johnny Potseeds White Rhino is a great night night strain. That is why it is one of my mother plants.

I am hoping the Panama Spice fits the bill.

It is a mix of Jungle Spice and Panamanian Landrace strains. Jungle Spice is a cross of Congo Pine X ’88 G13 Hash Plant . The strain was sold as “Panama Spice caters to those seeking a protracted, high-energy sativa journey.”


My buddy gets packs from out west? New flavor every 5 days. I gave him some Frankenstein from last year’s outdoor. He remembers it over every thing he’s had since than. @JohnnyPotseed

Once it cools down and I want to reaquire her and white rhino after what you just said


He says there is a reason him and Rose has kept the White Rhino for 20+ years.


Lol both Frankie and WR for all these years.The WR was one and the same used in Frankie’s breeding program


I’m out of likes, so don’t think I’m just being a prick. Haha


It happens :rofl::rofl::rofl: frequently :disappointed::disappointed:.

Never doubted you @JohnnyPotseed just amazed me he recalls it after all these other things!! It definitely made an impression and I didn’t do a particularly good job


@ndnchild has developed a sweet way to ship rooted clones just fyi. Ya getting a few elite cuts is nice but just share and I believe no one will think you are pulling a tst. Plus you buying cuts for yourself no one can say shit since you purchased and didn’t beg for them.:wink:


Yeah, that’s what I’m trying to say. I want to buy 3-4, so people know I actually paid my money and brought something to the table. Tons offer free cuts and seeds on here to me, which is awesome, but it makes me feel shitty if I’m not able to reciprocate. So, once I have a few I paid for, I’ll feel a lot more comfortable trying to trade for a cut someone else has or a pack of seeds. Should’ve kept mothers/cuts of the Cap Junky, HPK, BH7, and Corey I just bought and ran last go. Haha.