Planet of OZZZ

It’s saying “Clone me”:vulcan_salute: :sweat_smile:



:joy::joy::joy: She’s on week one of 12/12 as we speak mi amigo :metal::metal::metal:

Let the games begin!


Haha how’s it going Gpaw?

I have everything backed up, always. On special plants often they are backed up several times.

These plants here are clones themselves off of mother’s i made from the three panama red phenos I found in my original pheno hunt :call_me_hand::call_me_hand::call_me_hand::metal::metal:


Outdoor panama recovering nicely and starting to flower. She won’t finish mind you, as we are heading into summer and the hours of daylight will be increasing from the current 11.5 up to our max of 14.5 so she will have to reveg, then switch back into flower in fall when the hours drop again. I’m not sure she’ll make it but I’ll keep feeding her and watering her anyway for the hell of it. See if she hermies out or not. If not it’ll be a hell of a stress test.


Indoor panama coco clones Stretching half way through second week of flipping to 12/12


Tom hill haze x Original haze foxtail cluster after a few weeks of curing.

Extreme accelerated and energetic smoke. After my customary 4 vape pulls (when testing a new strain) I wound up cleaning out the garage, trimmed the two ohaze S1’s, watered all the plants both indoors and out, put together a patio table and cleaned the fish tank. Lmfao :rofl:


Took the girls out for one final trim and a quick photo session

Panama red #3


Panama red #2


Panama red #1 …. At over 5’ tall this monster won’t even fit on my backdrop!!! :joy::joy::joy:


Wonderful grow! That Tom Hill x Original Haze is AMAZING and unique. I really hope to see a line of this available. I think Kali Mist was about the most foxtail bud I grew, but this is ultimate no doubt. True sativa there


Nice job with the Panama @OZZZ.

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Thank you brother! Yes the THH x Ohz is being vetted as we speak for keeper mother status. I only have room for 8 permanent mother plants so I have high standards for who gets to occupy a space. Assuming the smoke continues to remain energetic like it is now it will definitely get one of the spots. Often times tester smokes can be rushy and after cure that subsides. We will see IF and HOW the smoke changes with cure, and assess at that time… but I’ve definitely got my eye on her closely. :metal::metal::metal:


Thanks friend!! Pretty happy with them thus far.

Those THH xOH flowers look insane man loving your thread :+1:



Thanks invisible! I’m super hopeful the effect remains the same or close too through cure. We will see

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In your experince growing this strain before have the other phenos held their effects?

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I’m not sure I understand your question 100%, but will take a stab at it anyway. My apologies if I misunderstood. For the record I’ve only grown the THH x Ohz once, this is my first time growing her and I only popped one seed and this is the plant I got.

What I’m referring to is my standard procedure of putting a small bud aside while I’m wet trimming, before the harvest goes into drying.

I let it simply air dry until the harvest is ready for jarring. At that time while I’m processing the harvest and jarring them up, I try out that tester bud.

It seems very often that this quick dried sample hits me very hard, for whatever reason. Usually it’s a new strain so maybe it can be attributed to a new cannanoboid profile.

Later, after cure I find things often change (obviously) so you really can’t make any determination on the smoke at this point.

This is the point I’m at with the THH x Ohz.

I’ll need to have multiple more sessions throughout cure to ensure the desired effect doesn’t get “dumbed down” too much.

It’s well known pure Sativas need several months cure minimum, to ensure best potency and effect. I’ve noticed this also and had strains become noticeably more potent with long cure as in over 3 months and sometimes over 6 months.

So it’s a variable dynamic process. Some get better, some get worse.

Some strains come on super energetic on the quick dry tester but cure into well rounded and well balanced smokes. Some highly energetic Sativas on the quick dry test remain highly energetic …. That’s what I’m looking for in the THH x Ohz because of the category it’s supposed to be in.

If a highly energetic smoke gets dumbed down over cure… That’s totally fine … if that’s what your after. Personally, I’ll be looking for well balanced smokes too … to have in my lineup, but I won’t be looking for them in pure Sativa lines…. If that makes sense?

So a pure Sativa that is energetic as hell but dulls significantly while curing isn’t going to make it as a permanent mother in my stable … for that category of smoke

Hope I was clear enough I’m pretty buzzed right now lol


I noticed that as well

When it’s really good, one of my 1st thoughts is always this:

yee haw

:vulcan_salute: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I run standard ‘Quality Control’ samples through analysis as well. :+1: :laughing:



Ah I didn’t realize this is the first time you grew it and only the single seed.

I thought you had grown it before and that’s why I was asking if this pheno that you have now has held these effects during cure from other grows…

My bad I didn’t explain myself enough and most like missed that its the first time growing the strain…

Regardless your description is on point :slight_smile: buzz is working!



Quality journal, kinda bummed I missed it before. I’ve gone through similar struggles with Autopots as you have and arrived at similar solutions. Wish I’ve seen it before, but I think you figured out the important parts on your own - keeping PH of feed at 5.5-5.6 for coco (I let it climb naturally to 5.8-5.9 or so during the use which lasts about a week), keeping reservoir impeccably clean (for me that means rinsing it with every weekly change and deep clean at end of each run), using a drip/line cleaning product (I use ATA Clean) and I also get good results with Enzyme product lately (use Enzymes+ but switching to SLF-100 as it was tailor made to break up salts). I’ve had bad experience with silica in my res, it got flaky/gunky real fast, but that is probably due to a particular product I use and will try again with Yara’s Actisil.