Planet of OZZZ


Yeah I think the difference in cannabinol content makes for a blast off on the first sampling for sure. The proof is in the pudding when the strain continues to deliver throughout cure and beyond



No worries nan, I probably never explained that myself! Yup this was a single seed popped from this line and out came this beautiful foxy lady :call_me_hand::call_me_hand::call_me_hand:

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Either way thanks for the confirmation Orloff!

Funny you mention SLF-100, I just got a bottle in yesterday. Haven’t used it as of yet but plan on it shortly. I’m not running any drip cleaner at all but so far things are on point by simply starting with a lower PH and keeping the res fantastically clean as you mentioned. All I’m really doing on the res is disconnecting it after each fill and spraying it out with super hot tap water then wiping it down.

The PH swings aren’t happening anymore either now.

Another thing I’ve noticed is before I was using the same milk jugs to mix the nutes for my res as I was using with organic soil nutes for my outside and inside soil grows.

As the jugs sat between use the little bit of liquid feed would dry leaving a film on the bottom of the jug. No biggie in soil, but when I would mix up the nutes for the autopot system the film would flake off and end up in the autopot res…. Subsequently causing a bacterial bloom snd making things all out of whack. PH would climb from biological activity in the res and in general things just got nasty.

Now i use separate milk jugs for my organic feeds and my salt feeds.

That combined with hydroguard and the weekly rinses seems to have done the trick!

I’m using botanicaires silica blast. It’s clear as water and leaves no floaties of any kind. Give it a try! I’ve noticed significant stem and leaf strength and thickness using the product. Plants are extremely robust. Stems look like tree trunks!


Great thread man :nerd_face:. I can honestly say I want every strain you have posted here. :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover: Good stuff!

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Thanks Kabuddha! Some quality stuff lately, but I’m just getting started mi amigo…. Don’t want to spoil the show but there’s a bunch of interesting stuff coming down the pipeline! Roll one up and pull up a chair my friend :wink::+1::+1::+1:


Already there mate. Plan to enjoy this one.


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Great, I’m looking forward to your experiences with SLF-100, I still have a bottle of Enzymes+ to finish so you will beat me to it :slight_smile:. There’s a guy here using it with his autopots, and he is the one that pointed me towards it. After reading a bit I have to agree that it looks almost tailor made for autopots… should completely negate any possibility of salt buildup and problems stemming from that.

Sorry about my presumption about line cleaning product, I thought Hydroguard that you mentioned functions like one, but it’s something completely different. Anyway, I guess it mainly depends on water source , you probably don’t need it with RO. I use tap water starting at 400ppm or so, and keeping res clear and lines flowing was an issue before ATA Clean due to bicarbonates.

Your res procedure is similar to mine, I found it very important to completely empty it between batches, wash away any buildup/sediment and start from clean. Might seem tedious, but it’s really no issue with quick-fit connectors and sure as hell beats watering every day :slight_smile:. Sometimes I wonder how bigger operations manage their reservoir hygiene with constant top ups… Guess that’s in the realm of water chillers and other expensive equipment.

Oh, one quick recommendation that I forgot before is using a small pump or an aquarium “wave maker” (like this) to keep res agitated. I wasn’t using it before with a smaller 50L plastic reservoir and single autopot, but I have it in my 100L Flexitank feeding 4 XL trays now. Set on a timer to run twice a day for 15 minutes, and it markedly reduces sedimentation.

Thanks for your recommendation regarding silica blast, but Botanicare isn’t available in EU. No worries though, plenty of silica products on the market, and I’m gravitating more and more towards big agro suppliers.

Anyway, all the best in your grows, I’ll try to keep up with your journal. And as a fellow ACE seeds fan, here’s a pic of my autopot grown CBD#1 from last year:


Great to talk with you about these things man and sounds like we got similar solutions figured out.

The hydroguard is a beneficial bacteria for hydro…. But the thing is after I started adding it I noticed there was no more muck being built up and no more biological activity. Apparently it out competes any funky monkeys that get going in your system and also inoculates the roots keeping them healthy, bright white and keeping root rot at bay.

I started up a brand new res a few weeks ago and noticed initially I had the same issues for about a week and after that all was good just like my other, established res. I believe it’s due to the hydro guard colonizing itself in the lines and in the res keeping everything clean. Even though I’m spraying out the res with hot water it seems to stay established. Almost like setting up a new fish aquarium where you need to let the beneficial bacteria colonize your filters before adding fish.

What kind of quick connect fittings are you using? I’m not using any at the moment and can tell before long the lines are definitely going to get wore out and start leaking.

Btw…. Beautiful CBD plant man! She looks like a beauty!


Hydroguard sounds intersting, I’m afraid of adding anything biological to my res, as I have a problem keeping it clean as it is with my hard-ass water. ATA Clean and Enzymes work, but I’d like spotless res for a month or more like I see in those big operations. Wonder what their secret is. Maybe the bactos would help, I’d probably try it if it was available in Europe.

Just a regular Gardena quick-click adapter, it’s included on Flexitank models:

A huge improvement over plastic tank filter fitting, I hated pulling on hose to disconnect when I needed to clean the res. I could see the hose stretching, was just a matter of time for some leaks to start to happen. Actually after each run, I would cut like 1 cm off hose end to get to the “healthy” part again.

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I checked up on my plants and snapped a few pics for you. So basically the res has a tap, and a male quickfit connector with gaskets. It plugs into female quickfit connector on the piping which then continues to inline filter and then on to each autopot. Easy to connect/disconnect, a few drops get spilled maybe, but nothing special:. This is 16mm piping btw, it gets reduced to the new 9mm standard for aquavalve5 via 16-9mm cross connectors.

Gardena stuff is pretty standard in EU, don’t know where you are from, but there’s probably something similar eerywhere. Here’s my water filling wand with inline flow counter, I love it :slight_smile:.


That’s excellent to hear it’s positive so far. And yes I know about the selection process to mothers, eliminating and limited space to house them. So I had to look up THH, and it appears THH is the dominant parent for this braided foxtail structure. It’s insane calyx to leaf ratio that gives me the impression of being virtually trim free, which I find unique. I think it’s special and I hope you’re breeding for this trait to continue. Yes, haze’s give me the most energy having autistic fatigue, but also clam, clarity and focus to do things. I’ve found it to be the most beneficial of most strains for anxiety and fatigue. The one thing that always sticks out is the flowery-perfume flavor. How is this one for terps ? Anyway, I hope you get potency ratio you’re looking for. If I understand what you’re doing, you’re testing to see if there’s a crash after the long term cured high initially wears off. I’ll be watching cause I love long lasting clear energetic effects that don’t drag ya down after. Perhaps testing an earlier harvest window before CBN conversion. I’ve found earlier harvests do have less drag effect than more mature ones. Unless I’m doing seed, I opt for earlier end of the harvest window instead. Looking forward to hearing the results in due time

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Thanks for all the info Orloff!

I am using the hard 12.4 gallon reservoirs from autopot and turns out I’ll have to modify them somewhat. I like using multiple 12.4’s rather than a single 25 Gal (for example) because as I progress through the grow it I find some plants are heavier feeders than the others I can simply rearrange the pots so that the heavy feeders are on one res snd the lighter feeders are on another res…. Etc etc.

I’ll look into those quick connect versions for sure!! Thanks again! :call_me_hand:


Will do amigo!

I’m going to give her another week of cure or so before getting into any sort of serious smoke testing but I’ll report back on this one for certain.

As of now, out of all the plants I’ve ran in the last four grows or so…… Doors x original haze #2 and possibly this THH x original haze are the only two that really stand out. Like I said the smoke is good on all Of them really but with so Many genetics to work from I really only can keep outstanding plants. As of right now that’s the Doors x ohaze #2 …. And I have a “TBD” status on the THH x Ohz until I can smoke test her more fully :metal::metal::metal:

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Man I am envious of your flow meter amd being able to simply fill up from the tap! I use RO water, so I have to fill My reservoirs gallon by gallon with milk jugs. It’s a very painful process but at least I don’t have to hand water the plants anymore.

On top of that my RO filter only stores 3 gallons at a time…. So it can take two days of filling jugs to get everything filled up, like before leaving on a trip for example.

It’s a higher efficiency RO unit, meaning it “only”wastes at a 1:2 ratio instead of the typical 1:4 ratio of less quality units…. But still it’s unfortunate. Would love to be able to use water straight from the tap but ours is horrible

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Goo idea! If you can facilitate multiple reservoirs and feed lines it’s for sure the best option when running multiple strains. I try to run one strain at a time to avoid issues, but with modern polihybrid even identical genetics can produce phenotypes that feed wildly different.

Yeah man I love it, one of my favorite recent purchases. I was looking for a reliable way to judge how much water I’m putting in a blue flexitank since it’s missing markings on the inside, and this little gem just popped up in my internet searches. Little things, eh :star_struck:?

I have no idea how RO works tbh, it’s not that common to use it here since tap water is OK quality. I was looking into cheap units for aquariums, but still haven’t given up completely on tap. Trying to make it work, if it was a little softer, up to 200 mS/cm (100 ppm or so) it would be ideal. Juggling jugs seems like a hassle…

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It is a hassle but right now it’s the way I’m getting by, but I’m fine tuning things as we go.

As for the panama reds …. Today is Day one of week 3 and they have stretched uncontrollably lol.

These same clones in soil were very very well behaved, in coco and autopots they stretched to an insane level. I’ve now resorted to bending, cracking and breaking stems in order to keep them from growing into the light and burning up. :D:rofl::thumbsup:

Next time I will be sure to flip them much much earlier, I cannot believe how much differently they grow. Wowza

Panama red #1 is now around 6’3” tall Look At This


Noice brotha… :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Thanks dude! :metal::metal::metal:

Tomorrow is Day one of week four on the Panama coco test plants.

I just got back from a trip, I was gone for six days. Came back and they were perfectly fed and watered while I was away. Amazing. They are stacking fantastically. Going to have some 4’ baseball bats looks like :thumbsup::good:

…. A few flower shots. Not the best photos but you get the idea . You can see the red pistils starting to appear :metal::metal::metal:


Panama red #2…. My favorite pheno of the bunch from my previous pheno hunt.

She continues to stack and she’s starting to frost up nicely! :heart_eyes: