Planet of OZZZ

Looks awesome :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Thanks noob!! :pray::pray::pray:

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I think I use those exact same white square 5g pots. Two of them fit in a 10x20 tray? Mine are so old the plastic is starting to sun rot, and are slowly getting retired. Gonna miss them when they are gone.

Nice plants, I really need to grow more NLD cultivars.

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Yeah man! Love those pots. Although, These ones are smaller than that. The seed run were all done in 1.0 gallon pots…. The pheno hunt was in 3 gallon pots, and of course now I’ve moved on from soil into the autopots which are black.

I have 1 Gal, 3 gal, 5 gallon and 7 gallon. Love them all but don’t see myself going back to soil anytime soon. :wink:

I probably have around 200 pots :joy::joy::man_shrugging:


Still working my way through your thread. Around post 50 now, you just cut bait on the coco test big girl and threw her outside…

What NLD strain would you recommend if someone (me) was gonna give them a go?
Shooting for sparkling psychedelic but not harsh anxiety inducing like the Killer A5 haze?

Not sure if they would be for indoor or outdoor, but I am at 32deg N latitude, so OD should be a viable option, especially if they can take the heat.



Looking good my friend


Man brother that’s a hard one. They have so many awesome ones snd most of their main lines have been worked enough that they are of a more reasonable behavior.

Panama would be a good one, it’s well behaved as long as you don’t veg too long but that goes for any of them. I say just go browse their catalog and get familiar with their offerings… you really can’t go wrong any way you go.

I haven’t run them yet (just got beans in last week) but I hear their Zamaldelica x Kali China is amazing if you don’t mind a little China yunnan indica in there…. The C5 haze x Kali China too.

Malawi is a good one too for a pure Sativa it’s strong. Some phenos hitting 30% and psychoactivity to spare. Although some say it’s more devastating on the effect (which is partly why Killer A5 is such a banger) so might not be what you are looking for.

Go check them out I’m sure you’ll find something that will appeal to you. Great reports on banghi haze for an up energetic high …. Etc etc


Thanks man!!! Since this test run has given me the information I was after, once I finish this run I’ll be tearing down the two 4x4s, setting up the 8’x4’ with the two 650 Diablos… and starting a 6 plant hybrid grow in the Autopots. I’ve been going back k snd forth on what I wanted to run next as I have a few projects on deck but I think I better bust out some of these new frost monsters first even though they are modern hybrids haha


Panama reds in week 6 looking chunky. I’ve been playing the EC dance with them a little as I got a bit of burn when I tried pushing the EC up to 1.9 a few weeks back…. but nothing too bad. I backed off to 1.5 EC and that stopped it right away. Shortly after one or two leaves started yellowing out signaling to me I hit the bottom limit of what they need. So now I’ll be adding a PK supplement in todays res refill … which will push the the EC back up but just slightly to 1.6-1.7 for the next few weeks …. then we will head into a long 2 week flush. I don’t want nute buildup in the smoke at all…. So I plan to let them yellow out fully before taking them on week 10.


Week 7. Added Koolbloom (PK booster) to the res last week. These gals responded by doubling the size of their colas, pushing out a fresh reflowering of new pistils and increasing trich and resin coverage Look At This:Bow:thumbsup:


Nice colours on them flowers brother…

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Thanks amigo!

Here’s a video I nabbed this morning of #3

She’s a beast

PANAMA RED #3 @ 7 weeks


Panama red#2


The 5 new doors x Ohz seedlings. My next grow will be a bunch of modern hybrids, but then these babies are up for a pheno hunt. I’ll run these plants against the 2 doors x Ohaze plants I have been running for the past few grows to pick out the favorite.

Turns out I got 4 more females and one studly male, I’m super excited about it too :thumbsup:

That will give me six doors x Ohaze females to run against each other, in coco and the autopots…. To find the keeper.

It will be a tall order though…. As I absolutely love the effect of #2 and #1 has bag appeal for days… although I still prefer the effect of #2.

Would be great to get a plant that combines the two, but we will see that would be a grail plant imo.


9 weeks on the panama coco and autopot test clones :call_me_hand:

I was gone all last week to Santiago, Chile…. Spent a week with my wife’s grandparents and cousins. I put the res at 1.3 EC before I left expecting some yellowing when I returned but much to my surprise they really haven’t yellowed out at all. I just got done filling up the res with plain RO to do the flush, but to be honest red #2 looks practically done with all her pistils died back …. But she’s not flushed so I’m going to give have to give her the week to clear out.

Panama #3 is definitely slower, her top colas still showing fresh pistils while the bottom half of her looks ripened.


Red #2 came down today at exactly 10 weeks. The flush worked perfectly imo, she’s nicely faded and turned out fantastic.

Now to get her dry and cure on point!

In the tent before chop:

And during wet trim:

…. And a few outside shots:


Looking amazing brother… :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Thanks homie… yeah man they turned out really nice this run!


I’ll say. Great work man.

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