Planta42's Grow Diary

Hello everyone, good morning/afternoon/evening

I am Planta42, a guy from South America who wants to become part of this community.
In my country growing weed is not allowed, this makes the growing experience very lonely most of the time.

Come by if you want to hear my story

I consider myself a newbie. In the last 2 years I have had 4 harvests and only one of them was really good, 2 of them were disrupted by mites.

currently flowering an unknown bulk seed and on day 14 everything seems fine. Sprayed neem oil for the last time and no more foliar watering from now on.

A picture of my flowering tent.


Looking good! Good luck with your flower run!


Welcome! Here is a thread you may be interested in introducing yourself,


Thanks for the reception :slight_smile:


Welcome to OG @Planta42 and make yourself at home :slightly_smiling_face:
Drop by and Introduce yourself to the community and you can link this topic too



Thanks for the tip, bro. I got to know Overgrow through these guys!!! Some of them are doing an exceptional job in spreading the OG culture here in Brazil.

Trying to keep up with them and learn as much as I can


Hi globalhead thank you for the heads up

Droped there


Welcome, and the best of luck to your grow

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This is my setup.

a 65w quantum board, 45 liter of organic soil and a little girl named A in a beaultiful purple 'n black dress.


It’s looking good. Do you have any idea of what kind of strain it might be?

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unfortunatelly no

the person that sold them didn’t either :rofl:

(post deleted by author)

And that is the main reason that i’m here you know?

I’m about to grab some good beans and after that I will cross them to produce my own beans

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That’s my kinda adventure right there!

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just dropping some old pics

My last cycle

This was the best weed i’ve smoked so far

Damm i really miss smoking a fresh flower :expressionless:


Popcorns popping out