Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

that thing looks huge!


Now that’s a ball :heart_eyes:


That monstrous boulder clearly must be an actual pirate ship cannonball!


Yea the one is the size of a ping pong ball. Got my head feeling like it got hit by a cannonball though haha. Gonna sieve out some Burnout Chem next.

Do you guys mix your runs or keep them separate? Been debating mixing the low yield runs together to save time. Was curious what you all thought about that


autos are sensitive to the nutes, and do not need near the amount you can give photos. i have found autos pretty much veg by themself with little to no inputs. once flowering starts you can give them a little bit of nutes as a boost. for the buds. ruderalis strains [used to make autos] can almost grow & flower in the cold & dark with very little food and water.
i am not positive but recall that ruderalis strains came from the Siberian area. the rough grow conditions made them auto flower because there was not enough sunlight for them to photo. no change in day length sunshine.
autos can be transplanted with care but are best suited to growing in final pot size without transplanting. it is possible that starting them in 1 gal coco loco and then up potting to stonington blend tweeked them out a bit because auto are sensitive to both food and water. i have stunted autos with both.
i have had good luck with autos in stonigton blend but they started and finished with it.
another method people use is layering the soil such as filling the lower 1/3 of the pot with super soil and then filling the rest with just plain pro mix. that way the autos veg & grow as they normally would with no chance of shocking or stunting them. once they mature and grow into flower they can self regulate what they want for flower as the roots reach the super soil at the bottom

and for what ever reason that i am yet to figure out the auto i grow indoors always have grown larger yielded better for me than the autos i grow outdoors?? stlll head scratching that??


Should I put the pipe down?


I had this idea recently, so no, keep on puffin!


Interesting. I thought it would be too hot for them to start in.

I totally misremembered what I did. I germinated the autos in Root Riot plugs, and as soon as they showed their heads I put them in 5g pots. I filled the 5g with CoM, but I stuck a 1g pot in the center to make a hole, and then filled that with Coco Loco and put the plugs in the Coco Loco. Still probably wasn’t the best idea though lol


Would you do anything differently?


Draw some eyes on top & its a nice flounder :laughing:


Not really! I haven’t tried it yet, but was taking with JoeCrowe about it the other day.
That’s how we used to dry shrooms.
I personally like the wet material too be elevated off of the silica to avoid potential contamination, but other than that it’s pretty much how o would set it up.
Do you seal the top? If not, that is something I would do. Obviously it’s easier to dehumidify 60 sq. Inches, than a whole room


you are right it would be a little hot for seedlings. i did the same method you did. i think i was in 7 gal pots and used a 2 gal pot for the hole and filled it with plain pro mix. that way the plant can get established and grow the roots before it gets to the super soil. it lets the plant decide how much nutes/super soil it wants. similar to the layering method.


Those are dessicant beads?
I first thought you were drying that in the oven. Lol. Get your whole neighborhood high


I once tried to decarb a cookie sheet of sugar trim in the toaster oven, but had it set way too hot and basically just vaped the house out haha. My wife was piiiised! Especially because when I put it in the oven she asked me”you’re not gonna vape the house out and get me stoned, right?” I assured her I wouldn’t. Then we were hiiiiigh haha.


You “hot-boxed” a whole house. Impressive lol. I’ve only done that in a car.


It is a very small house to be fair haha.


Ordered some of this coconut endosperm (freeze dried coconut water) to try and help germ older seeds. Endosperm is what the embryo consumes when germinating so i think it will work


Not sure if the Appy pollen took. Hope i at least get a bean or 2 lol. The c99 x herer pollen def took. Looking like the other 2 Funeral Cake x Blue Sunshine plants are male


Did you try the Appy pollen on any SSDD?


Last night i went to a screening of Frenchy Dreams of Hashish at a local hydro store and someone brought some hash that Frenchy had made and passed around for people to smoke
 DC Scroger was there too. Was a very cool event! Was a good small crowd.The hash was very good. Had a rich flavor that reminded me of a tasty black coffee or something. The movie was cool to watch too.