Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

Yea I watered them after I took the pic and realized I didn’t water them lol


Me too! Can get things back on track and pop a few of these! This is what I ended up with after sorting


There will be a test, lol!


Talking of being tested… Aphids in my flower room!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Just started week 2 of flower. Working on a heavy defoliation, then I’ll put this Petra mini fogger to the test before lights out with some Venerate CG. Always something…


Always something! Sorry to hear of your pest issues. I need to look into a fogger. Please let me know how that thing works out for you.


Will do! It sucks that I have aphids, but I’m kinda glad I get to use this thing for the first time lol.


Aww nooo! Azamax killed off all my spider mites in a single spray plus root drench but unsure about flower. Hopefully you’re foggers take care of it! Also, idk how I missed this entire thread but I’m caught up now :sweat_smile::+1:


Oh no!! 2 weeks in flower isn’t too bad. Still time to spray before bud set. Better than being 4-5 weeks in. Yikes!


Dude glad you picked up that sifter and it helped you out, bummer about the aphids though, please report back on that fogger, been curious about that thing


My biggest fear sheeesh. It’s why I’m scared to grow outdoors I got enough problems figuring out what the plants want and that happened indoors smh I’m ready to go check my plants right now lol


If that venerate or grandevo don’t work Athena ipm does. It helped with an outdoor aphid beginning infestation. Aphids can be tough. Check your rootzones just in case for root aphids. Hope you kill these suckers.


Well, I defoliated the shit out of them. Filled a 13g trashcan 3/4 of the way with leaves and clippings and got them sprayed down with Venerate.

@CrunchBerries @LegsMahoney - That mini fogger is AWESOME! Only holds 11oz so it’s kind of pita to figure out the mixture ratio. Would be easier to pre mix a gallon jug and fill from that. But it’s a pretty great tool so far. Sprays a very fine and consistent mist, and I was able to spray down all 9 plants with one fill up of the 11oz bottle. I feel like this will save me money/product in the long run vs spraying my plants with a pump sprayer in the shower. I could spray the plants in the room and not worry about spray getting everywhere. Less waste. Worked at extreme angles when hitting the plants from underneath. Pump has 3 or 4 speeds and is pretty powerful for indoor use. Shines a UV light in the direction you’re spraying. I cleaned the bottle out and ran straight water through it when I was done. Def want this tool to last. First use has me impressed!

Right on I’ll def keep that in mind! I did mist on the top of the soil but it def didn’t saturate. I’ll probably mix some in a gallon jug and water it in the soil tomorrow.


Thanks for the heads up homie! I’m going to have to look seriously into purchasing one soon.


Thar fogger is bad ass, I bet it saves a ton of time. What do u ou think the source of the aphids is?


Yea it’s bad ass! Saves time, saves money & product, easier on the plants. I have no idea what the source of the aphids was. Best guess is they were tracked in from outside or something. My Lavender Jack clone had a ton of them, so I’m guessing they were introduced sometime right before I went out of town. All the clones in the clone tent look good though. Gonna spray them down before lights out at midnight anyway though.


Happy to hear you caught those bastards early! Definitely going to bite the bullet and get one.


Dude this thing makes IPM fun. Before I’d have to carry each plant out of the flower room and into the bathroom, then spray them down, let them sit for a few and drip off, then take it back and grab another one. It took forever and was a legit chore to do. Took around 5 mins for each plant. Usually have around 10 plants so about an hour total. And I’d have to refill the gallon sprayer once to finish. With this thing I’m done with all of them in 10 mins or so on one fill up. Turn it on and point lol.


Let’s try to pop 8 Funeral Cake x Blue Sunshine beans!

So far so good on the aphids. Haven’t seen a single one since using the Grandevo and Venerate!


Sold my veg light to a buddy a short while back so I could buy a pack of Appy F3 lol. Had to get another light, which got here today. ViparSpectra ks2500 250w with lm301h diodes. Moved the SSDD clones into the 4x4 and watered.


Ghost Train Haze x Blue Sunshine on the left, Lavender Jack x Blue Sunshine on the right. The only reason I made all these was to go through the motions of making and harvesting seeds for the first time. Probably never going to grow any of these. Also have some Burnout Chem x Blue Sunshine that I won’t touch either. Too many other things to grow and get into. If anyone wants some let me know and I’ll send a bunch
