Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

That would be cool, but I’m 99% sure it’s regular pollen. I still have a few more lower buds to hunt through. I’ll probably toss the rest of that pollen on your SSDD cut whenever that happens.


New light is here! Grow Light Science ProGrow 1800. No dimmer though. Just checked my email and it still says awaiting shipment. Hopefully it’s not backordered. The site didn’t say anything about it being out of stock.


Headie Gardens order showed up. Lemon Thai galore!




Dimmer arrived today! Gonna go hook up this light in a few. @HolyAngel the dimmer is fully adjustable, no steps. It’s a different dimmer than what the pic on the site shows though lol

In other news, the Holy Crack F2 run will NOT be happening at all. The seeds are done, but Jinglepot is not going to send them to the distributers. Long story short, he’s a bitch. I’ll make a separate post on that this weekend. Fuck that dude though. He can kick rocks and eat shit for all I care


Damn I was pretty hyped for that one.

Oh well, I guess we can’t make everyone keep their word…


Interesting it’s different but glad to hear it’s fully adjustable!

He’s not even gonna send you beans? Considering youre the reason he was able to do the run at all… that’s beyond rude AF.


Dude I’m saltier than the ocean right now. I want to go hang this light, but not while I’m exuding this negative energy lol

He offered, but I won’t accept them. I didn’t send him 2 packs of ultra rare seeds for the majority of the F2’s to not end up going to the community, and him keeping mostly all of them. That was not the deal at all. He really pissed me off. I’ll be making another post about it later showing our messages, but basically he doesn’t want them going out to the community because he’s salty that the mods won’t unban him (he currently has a limited account and is not fully banned). I think he’s trying to use the seeds as leverage to get himself unbanned, instead of just doing the right thing and sending them out to be distributed. I also think that the only reason he hasn’t been fully banned yet is because of this seed run and how it plays out.

He wasn’t offering to send me very many in comparison to how many were made anyway. I wanted the majority of the F2’s to go to the community, not sit in his stash for him to do whatever with. I would have never sent him those original seeds under those conditions. We had an agreement. It’s not my or anyone else’s fault that he decided to REEEEE out one day, and then come back after a 10 day ban on the same bullshit that got him banned in the first place.

I could have just held on to the seeds, and waited, and made my own F2’s, and would have ended up with more than he’s offering. Jinglepot fucked up pretty bad to get where he’s at, and it was his own damn fault. And he only seems interested in digging the hole deeper.


That does suck! Even former President Obama is dissapointed.


Dude… Gimme a break. Get your seeds, if nothing else.

As much as I’d like to see those haha, I’m pretty sure that’s against the community rules. No DM-sharing allowed.


Fuck that. I’m not going to bend the knee to his bullshit over a few beans. And I’m def not cool or on good terms with this mfer so I’m 100% not going to give him my address.


Really sorry that happened man. In more positive news, it’s great to see you got a dope new light & dimmer!!!


Give him a safe address. Get your beans. A year or two from now, you’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t.

I mean, I really have no clue what happened, obviously (although it does sound kind of amusing), but get your seeds. It would be nice if the agreed-upon terms were met and those genetics were shared far and wide, but regardless, get your fucking seeds.


I have 2 more packs of original F1’s. I can make my own F2’s. I dont need shit from that dude except for him to follow through on his word. I didn’t donate those packs for myself. I donated them so that other people here would be able to enjoy those genetics as well. 2 legendary strains, Green Crack and Big Sur Holy Weed, brought together by 2 legendary breeders - Kagyu and Bob Hemphill. You can’t find that strain without some serious digging. I just wanted to share something I thought was special with everyone. It’s a damn shame Jinglepot turned out to be such a hoser



I keep hearing bits and pieces. But I wanna know what got him banned. If not just for my own uncontrollable curiosity!

Definitely sad that you won’t get any or that they won’t be shared with the community.


His account has limited access. Not technically banned. He went off on some political BS a while back. He kept escalating things with the mods and got himself a 10 day ban and the co-op thread got locked. He came back after his ban was lifted and kept running his mouth about mods and censorship. He kept escalating and pushing buttons, and suffered the consequences.


Yeah, he’s locked to PM’s only I think. Ya know, I think that I remember this. It was around Memorial day, right? Well, anyhow…probably not a good idea to f#@k with the mods. :laughing:


He couldn’t let it go. That shit consumed him. All he had to do was chill the fuck out and everything would have been fine. He chose to ride the downward spiral into oblivion. And yea, he def knew not to fuck with the mods, but he did it anyway. Messed with the bull and got the horns


lol i think i was turtled the other day (and lost my regular status) after sarcasm was not taken lightly on the haze thread hahaha - i didnt know we had “limited suspensions/turtling” etc… i see i wasnt the only one - i just didnt go ballistic.

glad to know you still keep some of those packs for yourself at least.

with all the ssdd preservation talk on the bodhi thread i had been thinking of setting up a collective to do these sort of things (like Freakers Ball but for Bodhi/Doc/Stray and related genetics that have been retired) - i mean jinglepot was/is as trustworthy as any of us on the site so i wouldnt blame anyone for having seconds thoughts or distrusting such a process. its a shame.


After his bs, I wouldn’t either. Who knows what he’d send you anyway? You have better things to do than worry about a hoser.