Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

I thought turtling meant something else entirely. Some more, scatological… :joy:

Anyway, bickering bs aside, one’s word means something or nothing.

By choice.



I also wouldn’t trust him to package them up well or fill out the forms properly so they get through customs safely. All good. He got upgraded to a permanent ban today. I told him last night “Fuck around and find out”. He laughed at me and called me cute. Well, he found out lol


From the co-op group, we’re sorry it worked out this way.

We try to set up the rules to make this kind of thing as unlikely as possible.

But in the end, it’s a process that relies on the good will of the participants.

Glad you still have a few packs of this one because it’s a very special line. I smoked a ton of green crack in high school, it used to be one of the main early finishing cash crops in the emerald triangle.
And the holy bud was always sought after, but always elusive.

I was definitely hoping to grow this one myself.


Foxtrot Alpha, Foxtrot Oscar. Trying to use it as leverage for blackmail on the forums. Crazy thought processes!


For real. All he had to do was do the right thing without any bs, and he would have been unsilenced lol. It’s hilarious yet sad when you think about it. He played himself. His ego got the best of him. Jinglehoser thought everyone was going to bow down and kiss his feet so we could get those seeds lol. I have no idea why he thought that was a better idea than just doing the right thing and sending the seeds out lmao Who thinks that way? At least we found out what kind of person he really is.

Hey no worries! Not your fault Jinglehoser did what he did. No one to blame but him

You’ll def be growing them one day. This is one strain I’ve been wanting to run pretty bad. I’ll try and squeeze it in sooner rather than later.


Speaking of Green Crack…
Does anyone know where the Minerva line of it came from?


That would awesome to see it still able to be preserved and shared like he should’ve done.

I can’t believe he did that, I really wouldn’t expect that from anyone on here, just with the nature of the community spirit it seems that most would be honored to do the run and wouldn’t take it on if they knew they couldn’t handle it or something.

Glad we didn’t lose the genetics due to his decision to flake out.


I haven’t heard of Minerva. Who/what is that?


A grow-op/dispensary chain in the southwest United States.


People who can’t let go of their politics and allow it to define them, that’s who haha…


If you don’t radically alter your stance I’m not going to give you these magic beans…

The whole thing is silly.


Hung the new light in the 5x5, and moved the PTS into it. Moved the JFT and OC into the 4x4.

50% power. Will probably lower it down so it’s closer to the plants

Most of the PTS “popped”. We’ll see how many actually grow


Congratulations on the new light! Excited to tag along and see how it works out. Which light did you get again? I’m not really in the market, but am always looking.

Sorry to hear about your troubles with dude and your seeds. I was definitely looking forward to that one. Whenever shit like that happens, I always look at it like, I paid that amount of money to see who you really are as a person.

Fuck it, dude! Let’s go bowling!


And a wise man once said…


Thanks! Nothing crazy or anything. Grow Light Science ProGrow 1800. ~650w, 5 year warranty, free shipping, $420. Just needed something cheap with good coverage, and a decent warranty. That small light that’s in the 4x4 wasn’t cutting it for the bigger plants anymore. Mostly going to use it for veg, but I can use it for flowering in the tent if I need to. I def want to try a SIP and scrog eventually



The more SSDD I smoke, the more seeds I find lol. Anyone want some SSDD x MB232 beans? First 5 to call dibs get a 10 pack


I’d love some dibs. Thanks so much


I haven’t dibs in a while :joy:. What’s mb232?


Dibs I just can’t pass on this mix of genetics, very generous of you…

Love my blueberry strains, master kush is amazing, and after what I’ve seen on OG I know I can’t go wrong with SSDD either.

Peace and thank you!


Dibs dibs dibs please :partying_face:, I have not dibs in a long time either :joy::joy::joy: