Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

That’s basically what I did. I scuffed up the edges, stuck them in a shot glass with water/h2o2 on a heat mat. Most of the seeds cracked, but the tails didn’t grow much at all after that. Stuck them in the tray with 75% ProMix HP and 25% earth worm castings.


Sadness. That’s where I’m at on these Swiss Thai Nevil 2’s. One came up real well, second has helmet head, other 8 haven’t done shit. Just stalled with the tap root sticking out.


Do you keep them in the dark? I used to do that, but thought hey the seeds aren’t buried, or in the dark naturally, where they grow towards the light. Of course there’s nothing else natural about the way I grow, lol!

The worm casting thing is interesting, hope it works for you :slight_smile:


I have like five left that I bought eight years ago, back when they were just “Prayer Tower” without the S/I designation. I thought they were gone but I came across them a while back when I was digging through my fridge, looking for something else to plant haha.

I already know two of the things I’m gonna sow next round, but haven’t decided on the other stuff yet. Maybe I’ll see about those old-ass Prayer Towers.

I’m definitely not criticizing SHOE, though, he’s not a shyster haha. I was just curious.

Until like a year-and-a-half ago, I always just planted the seeds directly in the soil and usually got pretty good results. Until I didn’t haha. Now I mix up like a third-gallon of water and a half-tablespoon (or is it a half-teaspoon? I can never remember… haha) of fulvic acid, soak the seeds in shot glasses for 24 hours on a heating mat and have gotten great results. Even if they’re not sprouting tails within 24 hours, I still plant the seeds and they pretty much always sprout.

Two of the Grapefruit f3’s I planted last round didn’t sprout, but I think that had more to do with those seeds than the method; everything else did, so it had to have been those Grapefruits, right? Right??? Haha.


That’s very true, I think I need to re-prioritize my master list but based on age this time.

I’ve been thinking this for a little bit after seeing not just your results but other folks having a little trouble with old Bodhi packs and some of the older packs are going for a rather high price at auction.

I agree with you though these seeds are getting old whether they are in the fridge and stored properly or not.

Too bad someone on here doesn’t have a tissue culture lab to rescue some old packs that might not germinate easily with traditional methods.


Some do. I’m sure of it.
I just don’t know if they know how to use em yet, lol.


Ordered a pack of Mota Rebel Apollo 13 F4 for half off on their site. $40 + ship. Here’s the link if anyone is interested

Also pre ordered H&L’s Green Crack BX last week. Had to make sure I got in on that one lol.

Orange Verdes were super root bound. Transplanted into 3g air pots. Changed the light schedule in my flower room to 16/8 and stuck them in there to veg. They’re starting to grow normally now

The variegation on the one PTS is becoming more pronounced

Need to transplant the JFT and OC, but I have to wait til Tuesday when the grow shop near me opens again so I can grab more 1g pots.


I got one too in the final few minutes before they sold out. I thought it was scammy at first look because I haven’t seen Motarebel sell directly ever… and also because I haven’t seen him offer Apollo 13 in a very long time… but his social media page references the same link… so I gave it a go.


Mixed some ProMix HP and earth worm castings, got the 3 PTS uppotted to 5g air pots. They were getting rootbound. I will take clones this weekend, then move them to the flower room to veg more. Still need to transplant the JFT and OC. I’ll do it tomorrow though.


Yea I guess he just launched the site and is having a sale on some stuff. I just got my tracking number today.


Me too. It said 4 in stock when I grabbed my Apollo 13 pack and then I swear within 5 minutes all 4 were gone. Big thanks to @Weednerd.Anthony for letting me know about these. Apollo 13 is one of my favorites… right up there with B’s A11g. I’ve only had/grown Subcool’s A13BX but it was so damn good. I do have a few of the Mota A13 f4s from many years ago in my fridge that I was gifted years ago… along with some Joeyweed A11s… a big all Apollo grow is in the cards for the future.


Missed out on the Apollo 13, dammit, what other strains would you guys recommend from him?


I recommend waiting for one of these guys to do a seed increase :joy:. That’s my plan at the moment


Got these outta my P.O. Box yesterday, thanks so much for your generosity brother @VAhomegrown I’ll be sure to tag you once I pop them so you can see the fruits of your labor come to life.



Nothing interesting going on over here. This morning I culled 2 Orange Creamsicles that showed balls, and one JFT S1 that looked like a herm male. Might be one more OC male, but the rest are female. One mutant looking OC that will probably get pulled too.

JFT male with bananas

Mutant OC

OC girls

JFT girls

Variegated PTS

Other PTS

Group shot. The PTS male I think needs an uppot. Not looking too happy the past few days. They all will probably get uppotted tomorrow. Then I’ll stick 2 Orange Verdes and the PTS male into my pollen tent and flip them


Hey @VAhomegrown these bad ass beans 🫘 arrived last month, sorry to taking so long to thank you 🫵 as I am still recovering from Covid, and I am still not up to speed. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


What are you guys putting in your aero cloners? Just water, or do you mix stuff in? Finally getting around to taking clones of everything now that work has slowed down a bit.


I don’t use the aero cloner anymore but when I did I always ran light veg nutes. Like half strength what I’d give to small vegging plants. This helped keep the pH stable in the cloner compared to just water. I liked the pH around 5.5 in there. Still tho, I’ve seen people have a lot of luck with just tap water :man_shrugging:


When I used to use mine I just used tap water and 2-3 drops of plain bleach per gallon of water to avoid slime on the cuttings.


I’ve just been using straight well water.