Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

@HolyAngel @FirstCavApache64 You guys are using plugs and Hormex? Might do that instead.


I use tap water in my turbokloner when I use it, no additives or ph adjusting. Similarly for rapid-rooter style plugs I just hydrate with tapwater, use an IBA ( Indole-3-butyric acid ) rooting hormone - whether gel or powder, and then I forget about them. The less I do the higher success rate in my experience.


Yeah, the Root Riot plugs and Hormex#8 are easier for me especially if I’m just taking a couple. Filling and draining the aerocloner is hard with a bad back.


:100: plugs in a clone dome
And then I recently switched from root riots to rockwool plugs, like this bag right here

and I’ve noticed even quicker rooting. And then yeah, the hormex #8 is what I’ve been using.


Rockwool with dip n grow for rooting hormone has been giving me the fastest roots… faster than root riot cubes and clonex


I make clone machines out of rubbermaids and air pumps. Just use tap water with a couple drops of veg solution in there to promote thicc roots.


Time for an update I guess lol

PTS trucking along

Juicy Fruit Thai

PTS male dying off after pollinating the fuck out of 2 Orange Verdes. I have four clones off of the male still, and a bunch of each of the females

Tray of PTS pollen ready to be separated

Anyone know wtf is going on here? My Orange Creamsicles look like wheat. Looks like unhealthy foxtails


Where’d that come from again? Because she doesn’t look “Thai” to me at all. She does look Juicy, though! Haha.

I couldn’t say. I don’t know anything about Orange Creamsicle, but she does look a little strange. If it was some sort of “exotic Sativa”-type thing I’d say don’t worry about it, but I’m gonna assume that Orange Creamsicle is not an exotic NLD.

Too close to the lights, maybe? Too many nutes? Too FEW nutes? I dunno…


They were S1’s made by HATT Seeds. I see the Thai stem structure, but not the NLD that you normally see with Thai. I need to do a stem rub and see what kinds of smells I’m getting. They’re vigorous plants though. The clones I took rooted pretty fast.

That one is Orange Crush x Juicy Fruit Thai. They did get scorched about a month ago. My heat pump kept freezing up, so there were a few days it got pretty hot, like 90*. The other plants recovered, but these ones seem like they’re still struggling.

I think I figured it out. I had a light leak going on. The piece of tape covering the LED on the power strip came off on one side. I just wrapped the fuck out of it. Hopefully nothing herms!


Mm. Okay. Yeah, I don’t see anything going on there that one would normally associate with anything Thai. Maybe HATT (?) just picked a weird plant to S1 or something, I dunno.

Aaarrgghh… Hate it when that happens.

Anyway, good to see you updating your thread, anyway! Haha.


I have a pic of the plant he used to make them somewhere… Here it is. Def looks more NLD than what’s going on here.

lol yea I had a lot going on and not much to share so I wasn’t posting much.


I didn’t know either but now, I’d say that JFT probably explains it? Unless you think it’s doing some reveg type thing?


It might be doing some reveg type thing. I do notice some 3 leaves. I’m honestly not sure how long the tape was peeled off for either. I never poke my head in after lights out.


Got some fan mail on IG today lol. Ray Cogo. The guy who was Nevil’s seed distributor in the USA that ended up giving names and addresses to the feds after he got busted. Not sure why he’s stalking me on social media lol


Just judging from his message, I’d say it sounds like he thinks you’re handsome. Maybe he has a crush on you haha…


Dude was trying to post similar rants into the forum recently. He has the mind of a sociopath.


Is there anything worse than an adult snitch. Just throwing other peoples entire lives & families into a trashcan without the slightest care for the long term irreversible destruction they are causing. I guess there is… cops & cops in suits who orchestrate the destruction of lives/generations of family without ever questioning the legitimacy of inprisoning people for altering their consciousness.

Anyway, PTS is looking great homie! Back to positive vibes :laughing:


Yo wtf! :open_mouth: That’s messed up!


Say no he usually finishes on your mom’s lower back


He was probably rubbin his nub when he asked me that. Read it in a hot and heavy voice lol. “Do you let Todd McCormick cum in your mouth when you are blowing him, you dirty little boy?”

Yea I called him out on here a while back and got his ass tossed. Looks like he’s still butthurt over the truth.

Especially an adult snitch that is making money in the cannabis industry. Snitch’s get stitches. I’ve thought about trying to organize a concerted effort to get his contract with Willy’s Reserve cancelled. Metaphorically kick him in the balls. He doesn’t deserve to be in this industry, IMO.