Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

Not just descriptions, we need a stem rub repository. No one lists that info and I think it’s the most pertinent/easiest way to find particular leaners.


Yeah for sure - laughing lemon is one I regret not grabbing. Maybe he lost the sativa cut - it might have been used with snow lotus, but definitely not the newer males. Yeah my buddy used to run a haze cut… it was just waaay too racey and anxious for me. Only time I sort of liked it was on a bike ride or something… but it was a manic pedal-fest bike ride :rofl: no chill ride there. I think my preference is sativas that have a clear / calm mind effect, rather than racey thoughts. My mind races too much as is, calming is more enjoyable ha.


Completely missed this thread somehow, catching up…


Yup me too, idk how I didn’t see this one! I’m reading up on everything I missed, and props to you @VAhomegrown definitely liking the looks of your work that I’ve seen so far!


Someone has got to F2 Laughing Lemon, if they haven’t already. I’m sitting on a pack, but am going to wait to pop them, when I feel more comfortable with breeding, so I can F2. I’ll keep ya’ll updated…


LavenderJack for me. I can not wait to expand that pack

Maybe we coordinate as to do a LemonLavender chuck :thinking::thinking:


:ok_hand: Yeah pretty much that exactly. The A5Haze is pretty damn racy and she passes that on pretty strongly, basically breeds true for raciness :sweat_smile: Anything with her will likely have it in some aspect. Mango Haze, Neville’s Haze, even rockets Starlite line has it in some aspects and that’s an A5 S1 x NL5 BX8. You’d think the extra NL5 would calm that down but no, not really lol


lol the Ghost Train Haze and Green Crack x ON Haze I grew make me feel like I’ve got angry/confused bees flying around in the top of my head lmao. Thanks, Nevil lol. Almost like it activates a prey drive or makes me feel like I have some kind of mission to do lol

Thanks man! This is the beginning of my journey. I don’t feel like I’m doing anything special. Just kinda having fun with it all and trying to learn along the way!

I have a whole pack minus one of LJ I’d consider donating to the cause when you get to it, if you need it. It’s going to be a long time before I get back to that one, if ever tbh. It just doesn’t fit in to any of my projects. LMK!

Yea The GTH and Green Crack x ON Haze I grew have the Nevil’s Haze coming through in the buzz department lol. Def not chill smoke. I can’t smoke it at night or I’ll be pacing around looking for something to do, but also unable to really focus on doing anything lol


Aw what? That’s no good if you can’t focus. Haze’s should at least be functional imo… I’d think that green crack x on haze would be the ticket for cleaning your whole house after one sitting :joy:


Def not at night when I dont have anything to do. Leaves me a bit scatterbrained lol. Going to a concert or something would be cool though. During the day it’s pretty good. That’s the time I usually clean the house anyway. I think it’s just that at night I’m usually smoking to chill my brain out and it’s just not that kind of weed lol


Beans landed today. Some killer crosses can’t wait to grow out. Burnout chem × blue sunshine and ghost train Haze × blue sunshine and bodhi genetics. Thanks you! Man I wish I could grow outside but I’m butted up to federal blm land and an entrance to lands next to house. Trees don’t grow great here and very very open and the tweaker hell I live in will get them stolen quick or worse just before harvest.


I’m looking forward to seeing the burnout chem and ghost train haze crosses being grown!


Growin weed be like…


Seriously we need a 50-plant count so I can always have something to work on. Otherwise I’m staring at my 3 or 4 plants like watching paint dry.


Omg i fucking lol’d.
That’s hilariously real. “Dammit! When are you going to turn into a plant?!”


Still waiting lol.

Got a nice package today from @50State consisting of Orange Sunshine F2, Super Silver Yo Mama F2, and Elf Snack F2. The complete season 1 of Charmed is the real prize though jk lol

Also got my JBC order - Hollyweed v2, Shindig, Oaxacan 9 x Angel Wing Afghan freebie, and a Sour Diesel x DLA5 freebie


Sounds like a very interesting freebie!!


nice score.


Lemon Berry Candy OG x Blue Sunshine. Taken around 64 days.


Dude, those are some impressive wands! Great growing and great job on the mashup @VAhomegrown!