Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

Ha, I got disc 3 from him yesterday if you want it :wink: :joy:
Nice scores!!


4 of the 6 discs are in the States with Member of Overgrow so youā€™ll have to start a new thread and track them all down.

If you want I can send the other two discs and you guys can have a slumber party once you track down the other disc holders.

Iā€™m just saying šŸ¤· :relieved:


LOL! That made me smile big time


This MB232 Master Kush x BBF4 pollen got here today. Immediately vacuum sealed with desiccant and put in the freezer after this pic. Still not sure what to hit it to though lol. Thinking an 88g13hp cross from Bodhi? Kandahar Black? SR-71 PK BX F5? Another kush? Maybe a Thai cross? Should be enough to hit a little bit here and there.


Can you break it up into a few different vials to keep in the freezer, and just use one vial at a time? I would try and maximize that purchase.


Yea itā€™s probably dry enough inside to do thatā€¦ I kinda didnā€™t want to mess with opening it up though. It was a nice warm day today so I wanted to get it in the freezer asap. Itā€™s double bagged with desiccant in each bag, and vacuum sealed. I think it will be fine. I might divvy it up whenever I pull it out next though.


Iā€™d do that for sure! Should up the kush phenos in the offspring.


Yea I was thinking about finding a kushy momma from that, or Hollyweed v2, or White Light Hashplantā€¦ Maybe a TK cross of some sortā€¦ Tempted to scoop a pack of the DLA6 Iraqi Ranya x 88g13hp. That might be worth doingā€¦ Or maybe something like Waking Dream - WiFi x SSDDā€¦ The pollen was kind of an impulse buy, but Iā€™ll find something good to hit it to lol.


Whatever you decide, run a bunch of small ladies so you can have a bunch of variety.

I bet it would pair nicely to one of @HolyAngel SSDD bx girls. Youā€™re more than welcome to most any pack in my stable if you wanted. I can pm a list of you want


Oh damn you got a pack of black d.o.g thatā€™s awesome heard really good things about that cultivar


Mother vs Daughter


Oh wow it def looks like it tightened it up a bit! Have you done a smoke comparison?


Thought the power steering pump on my truck was going out because it was making this rattling noise, so I ordered a new pump and pulley off Amazon, but it turned out to just be a loose bolt behind the pulley. Returned those and picked up this FGI far red light bar instead. My CMH lights are 3k bulbs and the par map looks like the reds falter off. Growers Choice has 3k +r bulbs but itā€™d be around $450 to replace all 4. This was $129. Plus with this I can set it to turn on/off 15 minutes before and after the main lights turn on and off to get the Emerson effect. Seems to be a quality well made unit. Main lights just turned off and this is what it looks like


that is a win win. win on the truck repair and another win for the far red. go get that lottery ticket for the trifecta. :thinking:


Finally getting around to washing my outdoor. Bros Grimm Rosetta Stone first wash. Tons of 90u. Gotta go get more ice lol


I have one of those bubble bag dude washing machines and havenā€™t even used it yet. I need to get with it!! Bought it for $50 on offer up.


Last run of Rosetta Stone up top, 2 washes of Burnout Chem below


I canā€™t be an advocate of this stuff anymore.I never spray any flower with this stuff mostly veg but I will hit the bottom of the tent with it and periodically spray the bottoms of my pots and totes with it in the flower tent mind the overspray.It was the only thing that wiped out a 4 month long battle with the little Motherfuckers. if your flowers survive Iā€™ll bet they will this will clean off all the eggs and stragglers in the area and in your Veg stuff no harmful or systemic Chems mostly hydrophobic neem oil,those eggs are what fuck everyone they gotta go.When I see pics of aphids thine eyes turn to daggers :dagger:.Safers endall cleaned them out in 2 weeks and kept them packing they hate this stuff.Works on everything Iā€™ve tried it on havenā€™t seen a bug since.


Yea the stuff Iā€™ve been using has just been keeping them at bay. I havent been able to eradicate them completely. Iā€™m going to chop here soon and Iā€™m still worried about those fuckers. Thinking about trashing this grow tbh. Probably going to hit it with Lost Coast tonight and see what happens


If a clean sweep is at hand lay waste to all.Keep some Safers on hand I promise you wonā€™t regret it.First 2 to 3 days spray twice a day then fall back to once a week shake off all excessive drips.That stuff kills them Dead