Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

What’s the bug issue exactly?


Mofuggin aphids :frowning_face:


Damn :see_no_evil: if it was veg I would do azamax. One foliar+root drench and I bet you’d be done, but can’t use that stuff in flower. Hopefully that lost coast gets you by but I feel ya :pensive:


Thinking about doing an h2o2/water spray down and then doing the lost coast a couple days later. If I still see them next weekend I’ll just trash everything, reset, and put the SSDD clones in flower


Damn Dude, that sucks, I always get nervous about aphids this time of year around here.
Hope you can kick their ass! :crossed_fingers:


Mailbox was smoking today! Thanks @Nuskool89 and @iamyou_youareme! They got here safe and sound!


En Fuego!!!


Nice dude! Not sure how I missed your journal, I probably started following and got high somewhere along the way :wink: Best of luck with the beans. I’m trying to get a write up done for the Baba Kush this weekend, to give you an idea of what may be in there.


So after breaking buds open and checking things out, the aphids were in pretty much everything except one Funeral Cake, which got cut down and hung to dry. Rest were tossed in the woods. Been 24h now and still no sign of them on that plant thankfully. Also left the Heavenly Sativa as it was pretty resistant to them and I didn’t see them inside the buds at all, though I have seen a couple on leaves. It needs a little longer so I’m going to see what happens now that the big offenders are out of the room. If it starts breaking out I’ll cull that one too, though. Otherwise I’m getting ready to do a reset and clean the fuck out of the flower room.

They really liked the Lavender Jack and the Orange Verde’s. The Lavender Jack was culled a while ago, and then they went for the Orange Verde clones. The other Funeral Cakes didn’t have a lot of them, but still too many for me to feel comfortable smoking them. Ordered a small bottle of Azamax based on @HolyAngel’s recommendation. I’ll try that in veg and when I do the final transplants on the next grow…

In other news my Petra Mini Fogger stopped working a couple days ago. I emailed them about it, and after a couple exchanges and a vid of the unit not working, they’re sending me a new one free of charge! Should be here this week. Def impressed with how quick they took care of me. Hopefully the new one lasts longer than 2 months. I always rinsed the bottle and then ran water through it after using it. I took pretty good care of it.


Ouch, that’s a tough break man, pest issues in flower can be a real pain in the ass. Was just going to ask you about your Petra fogger too, I usually just use a small hand pump sprayer but thought a fogger may be easier, not sure now haha…


The fogger is still pretty awesome IMO. I’d def get one, especially after seeing how they took care of me when mine failed. It’s a great tool.

Yea the pests in late flower are a real PITA, but like Kenny Rogers said,. “You’ve got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away. And know when to run”

I prefer Iron Maiden though, so I’m going to run to the hills on this one lol


Sorry for your pest issues bud! I know the feeling too well. I was told by @colocowboy over on riu, that he will spray acidic and alkaline water on alternating days to put pressure on thrips/mites when in flower. Wonder if it would help with aphids.

Sucks about the Petra fogger, but at least they were quick with the replacement.


Just waiting on this Heavenly Sativa to finish so I can clean and throw the SSDD clones into flower. Should be soon. Trichs are starting to get cloudy but still mostly clear


A full SSDD clone run you say? :exploding_head:

Sorry you lost so much of your run man that sucks!


I also have a couple more Orange Verde clones, one of which is going to get hit with some of @Slammedsonoma420’s feminized Appalachia F3 pollen that just showed up today! Many thanks dude! Put it in the freezer as soon as it got here!


Hay @VAhomegrown, my notifications must be screwy, just saw this. Glad I did, too, I’ll be in the corner watching the SSDD’s :slight_smile:

Did you use the fogger on the aphids? I was amazed at how well, and fast, it worked on the red spider mites. I think it gets places the sprayers can’t. I’m forever in debt for your recommedation, thanks!


Yea I used the fogger on them. Tried a bunch of different products, soil drenches… Wasn’t able to get rid of them completely. This Heavenly Sativa was the only one they didn’t like lol. I did get my replacement fogger last week. Glad to have it back. I had to go back to lugging plants into the bathroom to spray them off which was a bummer lol.


Oh and an update on the Funeral Cake x Blue Sunshine… Lost 3 a while back due to the plugs getting too dried out. Tried to save them but they didn’t like getting dried out for 24h. So I have 3 left, and they’re doing well so far. The one on the right reminds me of the Blue Sunshine dad more than the other 2. Should pop a few more of these. I think the first and second are female but I could be mistaken.


This is the Funeral Cake x Blue Sunshine that looks more like the dad. Got some double serrations going on. I haven’t noticed any on the other two yet.


Looks right! Stem rub similar or? I’ve been able to follow the stem rub to find similar phenos in the offspring, pretty damn reliably lately. From parents to F3s. Been debating trying to start a thread to document stem rubs of all the elite clones :sweat_smile: