Pollen Chucking with VAhomegrown

Tried a week or so ago and it just had that stinkbug kind of smell lol. I just sprayed some Azamax earlier so I’ll check the stem rub again in a few days. It smells pretty good from what I could tell. Very similar so far


Great growing @VAhomegrown , sucks to hear about the aphids… I swear every grow there’s a new issue that turns up. I always tell myself after a flawless grow… These never happen so enjoy it while you can hahah nice job on the seed making too! Those sound like some nice crosses. Full of flavor!


Heres the 3 Funeral Cake x Blue Sunshine plants uppotted to 1g. One on the right is def female. Not sure on the other 2 yet. Still hoping the one that looks like the Blue Sunshine dad (middle) will be a male too. Stem rub is just like the dad. Hoping i still get some of the Funeral Cake influence though.

And here is a bunch of SSDD in 3g pots starting week two of flip. 2 Orange Verde in there as well.


Those SSDD’s all from cut right? are they all the same cut or? The left one up front in the first row on left, and the very back one in the second row catch my eye for sure :thinking:


Yea those are all cuttings that @HorseBadorites sent me from his keeper. Every single one rooted lol. I gave a few away and still have all these. Plus 2-3 more cuts in veg that I plan to hit with some FC x BS pollen when I find a male. Def have my hands full lol. I honestly can’t wait to find a FC x BS male so I can move on to the Prayer Tower Sativa. I’m super excited to get to that one. Literally holding myself back from popping that pack until I get all these done and it is killing me lol. Def not complaining about having a bunch of SSDD to smoke though. I’m just so behind on all these things I want to do. Was hoping to have already popped the PTS by now.


Also have these 2 LA Pure Kush clones but theyve not been very happy. Hoping they come around soon now that they have some bigger shoes to wear


Man, that’s gonna be a lotta SSDD! Gonna be stocked on meds for a long time!

Hopefully those LAPK’s do ya better than the TCPK/91Hollywood did for me :pray:


I hope so. Already smoked most of the 2 plants I got from the last grow. Shit doesn’t last long lol. I smoke a lot though. The last grow was a bummer. That Azamax has been awesome though. Many thanks for that recommendation. I only got the smallest bottle to try it out and it’s almost gone already from foliars and root drenches. Def going to order more of that!

The new growth at the top is looking pretty good on the LAPK, so hopefully they’re getting out of their funk.



We are all stupid people that don’t know how to count. Ignorance is bliss


Looks like the 2 mac1 crosses i culled except much taller :joy: those things just don’t fucking grow


This sounds like me… I just KNEW I was gonna have some bud left for 4/20 I’m almost certain I’m gonna run out today or tomorrow tho I should’ve grow 42 plants lmao 3 plants didn’t cut it




Yea I’m running low-low already. I have a bunch of bubble hash in the freezer that I still need to sieve and roll out. I just need to stop being lazy about it and get it done lol.


At least you have options after this flower it’s back to the weed man :joy:


Hay @VAhomegrown! Just got back from riding the Creeper Trail, went and checked my 3 SSDD’s and was feeling pretty smug… then see what you got going, whoa :slight_smile:

What size pots are those ladies in?

And, you have headroom, and bright walls, they’re going to think they’ve died and gone to heaven! Their moms lived in a cramped little cave.

I’d go sit in a corner, but it’s too danged bright!

Pretty work :yum:


Nice, SSDD is what i got scheduled next!


Are those from a clone shop? Nice find that is.


Oh nice I’ve heard about Creeper Trail but have never been myself. Seems like a cool spot from what I’ve heard!

They’re in little 3 gallon pots in Fox Farms Coco Loco soil. Feeding Roots Organics Terp Teas and Elemental cal mag, BioAg TM7, molasses… I think that’s it. Pretty basic. I won’t be running this many plants again. Every single cut you sent me rooted, and I couldn’t bring myself to toss any after giving away what I could, which wasn’t many haha


I got those from ChickenCutlets who isn’t here anymore I don’t think. Couldn’t tag him. He got them from a clone seller called GMO. Seems pretty legit. He hangs out in Shoe’s Discord. Quite a few people vouch for him.