Pricey Beans

@MidwestGas You said it PERFECTLY. :100: :green_heart:

exactly what you said my man sherbert is some great smoke, not the strongest but makes up for it in practically every other category!


Cheers. People also donā€™t know seedjunky priced them at like $150 theyā€™re priced this high now because the market demands it.


Exactly Midwest, I had bought these after seed junky announced his retirement, so I ended up paying a fortune for them either-way so, it was an investment for me just as much as it is for my clientele.

I assume OP just isnā€™t familiar with Seed Junky and how these packs actually go for this much.


No worries mate. I didnā€™t take offense. My original post was more incredulous that people would pay that for a cut.

No thin skin here. Itā€™s so easy to misread intent online so I donā€™t get worked up - except for that damn @Badger kidding.

This is a great community with a deep knowledge base. Even better, everyone is cool here. Feel free to reach out to me anytime.



Badger has his touchy spots, for sure.

Kingmambo is pretty cool himself.

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@dziendobry I understand you made an investment so you look at things differently, however most of us here are the kind of people that see prices like those and immediately want to get our hands on them so we can make a ton more of them to pass around for free - not out of disrespect for the breeders but as @Kingmambo said its more about the disbelief the anyone would pay those kinds of prices in the first place. I am an old fart and when I first bought weed it was 90 bucks for a quarter pound of some really good smoke (with really good seeds), so for me to see people pay twice that price now (and even more) for just one seed or a cutting is somewhat unbelievable to me and it is hard for me to comprehend, but as I said I understand you have real money on the table that you are looking to make money from your investment, and if people on strainly want to pay the prices you are asking, then more power to you.


Iā€™m going to start selling my seeds at 3,157,875.06 per pack. Pretty reasonable I say for some super duper rare (more rare then an actual UFO sighting) beans.


Oh no I get it bro, 100% of my earnings go to equipment and genetics for my breeding program for myself and when I am finally ready to transition to being a breeder, I will never charge prices like that for my packs OR clones, and I have even rarer/crazier genetics than this that is worth a lot more sadly (I have an addition to genetics). Although I hear you on being able to buy weed for cheap back then, I also know that back in the day people were paying thousands of dollars if not 10s of thousands for A SINGLE CUT, this actually was the norm back in the day because their were not that many strains, and if you wanted the real deal you had to fork up 10x what I am charging today. Itā€™s 100% true - I know big time breeders who can all attest to this. Now imagine how ridiculous THAT is. There has always been a market for boys who want to dream big, do I believe in it? Hell no, but if I donā€™t supply the people with what they want someone else will.


I just made a 12 hour round trip for two strains that used to have incredibly high buy inns like you speak of. My buddy thinks Iā€™m crazy for making the drive I think I would be crazy to pass up getting something for free so many people have broke there bank for lol
Iā€™m a kush addict and some a rarer then others and I will go to great lengths to smoke good weed lol


What did you end up getting Heritage? sounds like you have some really nice clones

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The ones I went on the mission for were
Ghost og (orgnkid verified cut)
Bubba kush ( Mattā€™s original)
Iā€™m also holding quite a few other strains that have importance to me for one reason or another. I have Ringoā€™s gift which is a high CBD strain bred by Lawrence Ringo before he passed away, it was gifted to me and a friend by his sons wife to help a young patient who suffers from severe seizers.
I have some newer strains ,Grape pie, sunset sherbert, gelato 45, ice cream cake, dosi do, mac1
Some older like gdp, gg4, og kush , blue dream , Topanga , sfv og
Also have a false ghost og and bubba Iā€™m not sure what to think about, they came from the strain bank of Los Angelas and are dank but not what there labeled. The ghost looks like my sfv but smells like garlic gas Hindu funk, tthe bubba smells and tastes like bubba but grows a completely different structured plant with more purple to it, prob a s1 somebody bought from swerve or katsu, thatā€™s what most bubba you will find are. Idk I hate having anything Iā€™m unsure what it is but there both dank so I have them labeled false ghost and not bubba untill I can grow them all side by side and compare either way they will prob see the chopping block.
I might have a hoarding problem I have probably 50 different cactis also :joy:


god damn bro I was just talking to a friend about ghost og, love that shit bubba too you got some insane stuff on your hands bro, that Ringoā€™s gift too sounds real nice, Iā€™ve heard of that one. Love everything you mentioned.

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Strainly really has mad it possible for any one to get an elite cut now. I have a hand full my self and keep reminding myself that I need to have a spot for them if if going to buy any more. All my momā€™s are short and small berley fed till itā€™s time to take cuts . Root trimmings every other week.
I canā€™t wait to try out GMO. Iā€™ve heard that was a great cut.


Wow, pricing out the working class is despicable. Weed is for the people. Bougie shit like that brings out my inner tankie.


I appreciate what you are saying completely, but I also feel like you are talking a bit out of both sides of your mouth here if you donā€™t mind me saying so. On one hand you are obviously courting and grooming a select marketplace and group of customers for high-end genetics, while at the same time saying once you get your stuff together you are going to abandon all of that and instead bring even better genetics to the people without charging those prices. If that is true, then that is admirable, however my spidey senses tell me that given the choice of the red or blue pill you are going to go with the green. As far as people paying ridiculous prices back in the day for single cuts or seeds, I know that is true, however I also know that if you grew out some of the bagseed from the weed that was available back then that you got some damn good smoke, not to mention being able to order seeds from Amsterdam and looking for that golden pheno yourself, which was half of the fun. I feel that the fact that selling and buying seeds back then was much more of a risk, and that could possibly justify the higher prices some were paying for genetics, however these days with people on instagram, strainly, seed banks popping up all over offering amazing genetics for $5 to $20 each for seeds, that paying over 200x that is not justifiable in any way shape or form, but as I said, more power to you - let the market bear what it will I suppose.


Running the GMO cut now myself itā€™s supposed to be :fire:

I would honestly go nuts if I could find TK somewhere. Iā€™m so desperate :grimacing:


Heck, I would go nuts if I could obtain a cut of the PNW or UW Hashplant.

Itā€™s not the latest Runtz :unamused: or Cookie cross :unamused: but itā€™s means alot to me, :unamused: compared to the latest garbage coming out.


So as someone whoā€™s tried alot of these coveted cuts would you say theyā€™re really better than standard stuff thats out there? Do any stand out as particularly stellar or particularly disappointing?

