re:Strainly - who is Cloney Soprano?

So you would be willing to pay more than market value for a cut because a vendor has a large menu? I don’t see the overhead costs for large plant counts as the customers cross to bear. If Motorbreath can be had for 150 via most sellers, I don’t see how it would make sense that a vendor would be able to charge more because they have a large selection. Definitely doesn’t seem so black and white from my view.


God, i tried at least ^^

Guys … the more you high-jack the thread to push your things/friends (i don’t judge this), the more you push Strainly and CS lol I opened an alternative thread just for this, to unleash the voices in a real neutrality. “There is no bad publicity”, someone remember this ? ^^

SD90 and ECSD/Chaco are two completely different beast.
And the Riri (from a selection of rez seeds i saw in real time) is the trap that Karma dodged, from the same material.


they are different, yeah :slight_smile: (but they are noticably from the same family)

the ecsd dhk aka. chaco that katsu gave to the crew is headier and more fuel/kerosine.
sd riri has a bit more body to the efect and has a floral nuance that accompanies the fuel/
gas-side, some say it’s like lavender, and so do i :yum:

the riri can be taken from week 10-12 with a range of effect and palate
(some take her even at week 9 but those are bit impatient people or mere
commercial growers). the dhk stands 11 and can be taken up to 13 for
a really nice yield.

i love diesels, but most of them common cutz don’t inherit what makes
them great too well/reliable, hence people like karma or topdawg relying
on their own work with it to bring out the diesel common type of gas.

i would say the original diesel (not ecsd, not sour diesel, but their mother)
is what i would classify as something different, because she brings in that
dumpster-diver smell and taste into the mix, that is not to find in the ecsd
or riri-kids :face_with_monocle:


Eh, 620 for all that isn’t so bad considering Notso was selling that headband cut for $500 direct by itself. Still too rich for my blood tho :joy:


I don’t put them on the same level at all, one of the both is out-crossed as well. Same with Karma stuff, they are perfect for catalogs but something is missing. I agree on this at least.

The French-one herm as fuck and pass it dominantly, the ECSD is far more manageable in fems F1. It’s maybe the only one “elite cut” that is more promoted than hunted too lmao I share the floral sensation, but for me it’s more something close to a spiced hibiscus tea than lavander. Far from phenols that make you cry.

For the SD inception i pass, i think that at this game it’s better to avoid intermediaries and to directly collect Chem cuts to figure out. For me it’s the C91 without any doubt now, but i don’t appreciate Chems in general.

Another coin in the CS jukebox lol


Youre asking why overhead would contribute to higher prices right?

Higher energy bills, more soil etc etc its not super complicated. If youre going to fault him for that go ahead idc lol.

Just explaining to you. More costs equals higher prices. Simple stuff.


Right I would never personally search for Riri. But those were the 2 cuts. Ecsd and Riri.

Now theres 95 all of a sudden. Yay weed community.

I don’t understand how 19 different SD popped in like the 8 years I was gone.

Which one is the true sour? If you know just make it easy for me.


I think it’s gone honestly… maybe notso’s but not heard anything after seeing a bunch of grows.

Back in the day I always heard AJ’s original cut was it but the current ‘new’ aj’s cut looks like an OG.

I second @Fuel at this point. Better off trying to remake it :joy:


AJ / “SD90” were the more close for me, but with their differences. Let’s say the SD90 is more rustic and a bit more sensible at the end of the flo (it’s an herm).

All ECSDs and ECSDs based (like the Rez line that gave the base of Karma lines) are a different experience. Excellent to make cross (and more easy), with a more elegant smoke (for me). I should had that i prefer 2 times more a Stardawg than any SD-derivated of this breeder. Just personal taste to give a grid.

If you need a stone hammer to consider a weed potent, sincerely go directly on a Chem91 cut.

Cloney tried to push his two headbangers before we started in deep discussions about the plants. Now that this post is bumped as hell i’m sure he will try again ^^


Yeah the 91 is a solid cut. Great smoke. I had it and ran it a few times but tossed in favor of keeping the TK. Can’t keep everything :cry::joy:

Afaik, I’ve only had Stardawg in crosses but it’s way more narcotic/couch lock for me than SD ever was :thinking:

I’ve ran a few different packs of karma gear and i don’t think I’ll be back. Every single plant across 3+ packs was a herm.


Stardawg is on its own for me, and guess what … i dislike initialy the #4 because i find it too narco / zombifying ^^ When we start to talk with our receptors anyway, the patterns explode in dust lol I just realized that i credited Karma for nothing it was Top Dawg ^^ But hell yeah, not a “creative / sunny day” smoke like the SD at all.

For me it totally make sense the switch to a TK after all intel i gulped. Not fond of Chems myself.


yeah, you’d not be the first to dive rather into og, than chem …
it is common for the headier crowd :wink:

btw, the AJ cut is rather original diesel in expression from times before
the “sour” was added to the line, (people confuse original diesel and
ecsd to be the same sometimes, they are not.)


i LOVE chems as well, tried the #4, D, and the 91skva from the pure
chem-clones and had a few different stardawg-phenos visiting here too
(like the guava and illuminati cuts and that purple dankonomics cut too).

all are very loved by me: chems/dawgs, og/kushes, sour/diesels.
to me it’s all (chemdog-)fam and same as appreciated to the max.

already made my own diesel and chem-lines, the OG’s are next :slight_smile:


Out of likes, thanks for the SD discussions. I’ve been learning a lot.


Can someone in Oklahoma send me some clones then? Lol


No I’m not. The intricacies of the clone market reflect more what you are considering. The price is not simply dictated by how much you spend to offer the product. If you have a large facility, you pay those costs to he able to do that level of business and it comes with pros and cons. You have to spend more but you’re able to take the larger contracts for higher quantity clones than the small guy is able to do. And the small guy has his pros and cons to his business model as he is able to offer a lower price on the things he does hold but he is not able to take large contracts or appease every customer with a huge selection. No need to a prick boss, it’s not as simple as you think.


The only chem cut Ive ever grown is the Illuminati cut. By fuck alll that shit reakeddd.

Had 1 stardawg in the garden. Rest was GG4 and the SD overpowered them.

Is that how the 91 and D are?


The 91 SkaVa cut wreaks to the high heavens. One of my all time fav old school cuts. Wish I had her back again. The bigwyrm is a close second to the SkaVa


Fuel got me on a Sour Diesel rabbit hole last night.

Ive been thinking of stuff to hit onto the 91 to create something new. Recreating SD would be amazing but unlikely obviously.

But maybe something even better? A new fresh sour would be crazy.

Im definitely gonna source a 91 cut for this stud Sour Bubble male I have. He smells like sour lime milk. Would love to see what comes out of that for shits and giggles.

Ps I do believe someone has some old DNL seeds they’re planning to use on the 91. Cant remember who it was exactly though.


Yeah the #4 can be a bit…disorienting/zombifying to me too. Not getting a lot done generally unless you really get used to smoking it all the time. Even then, it’s not functional daytime weed to get stuff done. It’s chillout around the house weed for me. The 91 was more functional for me. I also preferred the taste and smell of the 91 over the #4. I feel like the #4 is 91 x run-of-the-mill nl5haze. And Chem D is 91 x Afghani. No way possible in my mind for those two plants to come out of the same beans the 91 came out of.


I ran a couple Sour Dubb x Chem 91 and they were an interesting, sour-esqe blend.

Great flavour, bud structure and looks from the Dubb, combined with potency and dankness of the 91.

Not super sour, more of that creamy Dubb fuel kind of note but it was really really skunky as well. Like stink up a whole house when it was fresh kind of stuff.

One of them did cure a little bit brown, from the 91, which is something I find common in the 91 hybrids in general, depending on phenotype