re:Strainly - who is Cloney Soprano?

That’s interesting :thinking: I didn’t notice that in the 91 cut herself but that is 100% something the Chem #4 cut does. Cures brown in like a months time in a jar.


I’m of the same mindset, the D and 91 are way too different in my opinion. I also wonder if maybe the OD may have lineage with the D and the sour’s lineage seems to be more 91? I definitely prefer the 91 over the D myself and I also prefer the SD over the OD. Pure speculation…


Oh! Can’t say I’d thought about the OD being Chem D related :thinking: would fit better with the way her leaves are and the effects tho :thinking: you may be onto something there!

The Sour was definitely a 91 cross. What was the story? 91 x mass super skunk x dnl? :thinking:

I fully agree with your preferences.


If speculations true about SD origins… dude had a huge hermie problem and im grateful for it lol…

That would most likely be 2 generations of herms. I doubt he made mass x dnl on purpose.

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I watched a podcast with AJ. I find him very believable. That being said theres a giant possibility more of those “Sour Diesel” seeds could still be out there in someone’s freezer.

He said they came from the Chem 91 bud Weasel gave him. And a few others found seeds in them as well.

Now that I think about it. If AJ was buying from him. He could possibly know what else he was growing at the time to produce the seeds. Or even Weasel. :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

Or maybe they do and thats why we think mass dnl.

if i have to ask myself who a person is before i buy cuts from them, it’s probably better that i didn’t buy them lol. dirty cuts n fake cuts are rampant.


most cuts aren’t even worth the price they’re asked for either lol.


I find this to be true myself. I spent a bit of coin on a BLSR cut a few years ago and was totally let down. I also thought fairly hard about purchasing a cut of the notso la kush. In the end, I decided that it would have to be some spectacular shit to be better than the keeper I have from seed. I’ll just find my own keepers.


Totally a pattern that I’ve saw too.

That’s something we should still repeat in loop now, also to educate people to don’t be lured by S1 offers (then making the prices crazy). ECSD isn’t a backup of the SD, but a transformation of the SD in a sub-genotype. It’s why the ECSD is so performant and more easy to manage in out-crosses.

#4 and 91 only, first grown the hell and the second i just buy buds this year to solve a concern about the SD ^^
And guess how i want to discover the D ? ^^ Appalachia lol Just to totally confirm your first point.

Now if you put buds of #4, C91, OGK and Stardawg (was just selection on seeds) on the table … i directly roll the Stardawg until it’s gone lol

I think that the OGK galaxy is as intemporal that the SD/Chems. Not even niches. Even the fresh meat, beside chemotype’s preferences, is always happy to discover these classics. I personally reserve a 3th slot to the TK now, i’ve enough serious feebacks now to consider that it’s a future classic I’ve to know and recognize.

The 91 is stronger. Just imagine the “spice” that make the SD, the SD. Remove everything else, and you have the C91. At first i don’t really believed @LonelyOC that introduced me to this theory, in having only the #4 in lungs. After one fucking expensive oz of 91, Now it’s impossible to convince me on any other theory ^^

I can’t tell for the D if it’s a real equivalent, it doesn’t look like at least. As far as i can assume this theory : i think we are in the same case that a ECSD/SD with a ChemD/Chem91. Like the TK, don’t trust me. It’s just a lead i want to personally check, and that i’m sharing without filter.

I’m partial, my entire lab smell the SD without any flower yet lol I’ve even made my newb in cloning the hell an overfert motherplant in being to in hurry to roll some blunts with her. Beside my renewed interest to work on this plant, everything else was chemically pure.

I had initially planned a (Chem91 S1 x Shiva Shanti II) to outcross the SD. The plan failed by a total lack of luck on both lines. But it wasn’t to recreate the SD, just to work a specific plant i love (the “sd90” cut) picked among different choices i had : AJ, Wing Wang, Albany.

For a complete rebuild, it’s less hard that it appear and i’m sincere. But only at the moment you drive the three necessary compounds in IBLs (whatever the inbreeding strategy) before starting the cocktail. Click on my avatar, you have exhaustive wikis on the “how to”.

If you’re talking about the BOG release, it’s way too dominant for the C91. Just like the Lifesaver balance.
The LS is the actual fire test of my padawan, he just finish his round now. To see how he’s dealing with this dominance to generate a singularity. The rate of failures are always very high, it’s a fire test i love to see potentials ^^ He have to generate a cut unleashed from the dominance to win the right to create his first 3way.

C91 and SD, beside the love shared here, are both recessive bitches hard to work. They are really asking all the spectrum of your kung fu to dare to try to outperform the cut in seeds, without shortcut (ECSD or chemD).

You have to choose : being trapped in a never-ending jobs of a detective, hunting sometimes for high price something you can easily create yourself.

Or studying the pedigrees the mind more free, in removing all storytelling hiding this simple sentence : “i just cracked a pack of Sens”. This consideration is also in one wiki, with the GG4 as demo.

I discovered by a friend in COL that was mono-cropping it and smoked only this during years. While it was all about the GG4, and specifically in Denver. A true resistant ^^

He’s now far from his apogee and turned 100% douchebag, still one of the best holder of this cut I’ve ever met. With his help, I’ve even learned with his intels that the variegations (to dodge like the evil) are totally triggered by the CEC of the medium. Before having the cut in hand ^^ Theory confirmed, and that helped a lot to understand why the #4 crosses are constantly ON/OFF since ages : pristine or just to give to birds in the garden (passive guerrilla activism lmao).

On daily basis, i reach a plateau of saturation where i can smoke any weed and i only feel the C#4 bumped. It’s specifically what liked my ex-friend with this cut. And what i hated, as blunts lover. Still a very valuable medical weed, far more than the C91 on this point imho.

Let’s risk a synthesis : the #4 is perfect to don’t get mad at things you’re unable to get done lmao

100% the same. And from a profile that never have enough THCv in blood, so i think we just made a valuable educational junction here on the #4 and #91 for the curious.

Now to try to give a more blunt compass :

  • the C91 is full of phenols and “smokey” and the stone is elegant and deep;
  • the #4 isn’t elegant on anything, far from a “smokey” render and you really feel that you mostly smoke cannabinoïds to get the job done fast and for long.

Not saying one is more potent than another. The C91 can get baked a whole BBQ team without ruining the event. The #4 just put everydody in his dominating bubble and the afternoon is ruined lmao

You know which one. Even in showing you the most NL5ish of NL5H i’ve ever met, it’s not a theory i’m able to believe. I really know the NL5H like one of my kid, as the JH skunked-bump cousin. Now i agree that on the floral shape, it can be quite disturbing.

Without any doubt, something watered down the 91. Same recessivity output that you cross on multiple attempt (Lucky Dog hybrids are very valuable on the educational side for this purpose, even if the breeder is now playing against the stoners on the new i got in this thread lol). I’m sure CS is doing some black magic behind to stay hooked to the thread lol Alan is sacrifying goats on his side beneath the full moon :laughing:

That’s something i will not be able to verify with the App for sure. But i will treat it just like any AfghaniSkunk genetically. For what it’s worth …

To put some off-road lines, what i like with the C91 and the SD is that they don’t really need to cure to deliver full throttle ^^ Now i think it’s harder to get a C91 perfectly dialed than a SD.

That’s more than a theory for me now. I don’t know for the D side. Not speculating one second, i even can assume 100% any shit show it can generate with weed-nerds ^^

c91 x NLskunk is the pattern the more shared. But most of “youtube-money” I’ve watched about it imply people totally unable to recognize blatant skunk traits. So i’m shared.

We all are ^^ A lot of cash crops big failures have turned in magistral cuts as well.

I don’t. When it belong to plants and knowledge of classics, he lost all credibility for me. I don’t blame, it’s the inherent pressure to be invited with such status and role in the pedigrees.

Just like SkunkVA. With a so long time with the 91, only hybrids that aren’t specially competitives and blatantly showing his expertise on the C91. Yeah, yeah the Fume. But have you smoked a C91 flower of a guy like him (by example) knowing how to perfectly dial it ? The factual judgement is bloody.

Gipsy still have a ton to sell ^^ But it’s ECSD outcrosses.
If you’re a “smart Karma” with the insurance to get a shit ton enough in bulk for near nothing … can be a thing, still.

I prefer to check the customer’s plants, the motherplant on which will be taken the cut, flowers given by the cut … that stories.

At one point you just find that “everybody is the genuine firestarter”, even if they were 5 years old at this time.

Fakes are a true plague now, i can’t vouch it enough. Over a year for me to source a cut that wasn’t even hyped or “dramatized”. I can’t even imagine what the game is for the last flavor of the year

My favorite with the MK Ultra … just throwing. I don’t like the OGK, superb plant but way too “heavenly” balanced for my taste. I like spikes and singularities, even on kushs i don’t specially appreciate generally.


Chem D is stronger than Chem 91, it test higher and breeds better.

Chem D has produced a lot of elite offspring, don’t see too much from chem 91 crosses.


If you can throw, let’s say what you consider as the top 3 of the D offspring, it can help a lot people like me not very familiar with this branch.

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Well if SD is a progeny… :smiley:


GMO is the most famous D offspring. If you want offspring that test in the 30% there’s very few parental strains that can achieve that.

From what I’ve seen with S1’s that CSI makes for example Chem D outperforms the 91.

Same with Top dawg who breeds with both.

Im personally not that into chems because I prefer other strains based on flavor.

I like ECSD and Gorilla Glue over Chem. Also don’t see many growers who monocrop and make money off Chem 91 like Glue.
Chem 91 grown outdoors looks like shit also.


Sour D may be the progeny of Chem 91 but
What have you done for me lately?
We haven’t any famous progeny from it since sour D, that sounds odd.


Im not sure which Bog release youre referring to. Sounds interesting though.

But no this male was selected from a batch of 2009 Sour Bubble seeds. His first release back after his hiatus. The golden era for this strain in my opinion.


Exactly this one and this one. Ask anyone, wannabe or not, to handle the dominance (inbred) to unjail the line … and you will get the true core of what can be this guinea pig as potential breeder;

So the answer of the top 3 is :

  • GMO
  • GMO
  • GMO

Too much passion in this answer for a guy like me, i can’t believe in such partiality.


I don’t think it’s stronger personally. More narcotic for sure, but I wouldn’t say more potent for me. I find some people think more narco effects = more potent but thats not how I judge my potency :man_shrugging:
I tossed the Chem D cut and kept the Chem 91 and Chem #4 for awhile until I ended up tossing both those too and settled on just keeping the FJ TK cut. I think that TK cut is more potent than all the chem cuts but ymmv :man_shrugging:

I’ll give you that the Chem D might breed better than the 91. The 91 is usually pretty dominant in the offspring. She can pass the potency easily but also at higher risk for viable herms too. Seems maybe less so in the Chem D and you usually get better structure/yield while you’re at it. I don’t care much for THC testing numbers…


I don’t care, it’s common knowledge Chem D is stronger.
If you don’t care about thc, chem D presses better because it has more oil content.
Who runs chem 91 for extracts?
People can have their preferences, I’m just stating the facts.


Caleb, Capulator, Top Dawg all choose Chem D over Chem 91.

You guys should educate these guys because clearly this thread is full of chem experts.


You have the critic a bit easy and fast buddy, just share more that “go full throttle GMO” as referential. Or evasive promotion of labels instead true feedbacks on specific lines.

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