Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

Yeah man, you might be alright, and if it’s not perfect it is good you have a couple more to experiment with. The last plants I grew I let one turn mostly/all amber and I wasn’t a fan. The ones that were just starting to amber to me were the peak of THC to me. Overall something to remember is I’m not expert though. Good luck!


That ‘bean’ in the last picture thinks it’s close to done and is getting ready to ‘jump ship’… :laughing:



Thank you @Natea its my first grow! :grinning: yeah i like the more relaxed high, going to let them cook longer haha . unless i have bud rot :cold_face:

I saw something about my upper leaves turning yellow and coming off easy being a sign of bud rot so now im trying to see if i have that :sweat_smile:

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That’s what’s up man, you’re doing well, I grew around 8 failed grows before I figured some stuff out and succeeded. At least I learned a lot. As far as bud rot goes, I never had it. Just keep fans going at all times and you should be fine.

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What’s the strain? Some are more prone to bud rot. If you are in a dry climate it might not be a problem also :slight_smile:

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white widow autoflower

I went on growweedeasy. com and found white widow autoflower strain in a list of mould resistant strains, so it looks good :slight_smile:

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thanks @StickyBandit the humidity outdoors has been up and down between 60 % and 95% RH for almost 2 weeks. my room/tent RH% has been in 70ish% or more and im in flower. so i had to buy 2 more dehumidifiers to get my tent below 55 %RH . 2 - 50 pint units and 1 30 pint

Did ya take her down?
I’m also curious where u got the seeds.

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@blowdout2269 no i haven’t yet :grinning: still wait for more amber :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  • oh i don’t have any seeds that i know of. someone said it looks like they got pollenated but i can’t find any herm sacks or bananas (whatever the F they call males lol).
    i actually am in nutrient lockout right now. I’m about to flush and re-buffer my coco at the moment. :crazy_face:

beautiful plants bro! mine looked like that before i messed up and got into lockout :weary: :weary:
but i new stuff was going to good, i hadn’t had a single problem until now and then they all happen at once HAHHA :rofl:

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No, I meant what seed supplier u got the WW Autoflowers from. ?

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oh ILGM lol

Hey there everyone,
How much longer do you think? I am seeing amber but she is just starting to think about fading. I would like the buds to stack up a bit more if possible. Thanks for your help!


All I know is that looks marvelous, im always if it looks done, give it another week and look again.


I’d have to agree with @Greenfingers. Take your time. Harvesting to early generally leads to some form of regret. A last push of swelling likely will happen within the next week or two. You’ve made it to far to screw up. When she’s done, you’ll know.
Beautiful plants btw! Good luck friend. :slight_smile:


Yes, I agree. I just don’t want them to get too amber, ya know? Typically I like to see more of a fade before I chop but this one is slow to turn. She did recover from an aphid infestation so I am considering this a win all around! Thanks for your input.


I agree with too much amber, I like to function when I get high. I like cloudy with a touch of amber.


Ready to harvest? Plant is at 60 days since flip


Beautiful buds, it all depends on your preferences. The more amber the more couch lock, I prefer cloudy w/a little amber.