Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

I used to own a Samsung a71 phone. It had a macro lens. It got perfect trichome shots. I upgraded to an s20 and lost the macro. Upgrade my ass.


Definitely check the trichomes. If you have a steady hand get your phone as close to the bud without it going out of focus, then in edit magnify the image. A quick way to zoom in without a scope. Very frosty btw!


Well will check again today, yestwrday had jus few clear trics, most cloudy but no ambar yet.

The other nla was with much more white pistils and 30% ambar trics, already harvested.

And no I Think I can see the trics with cellphone camera


first grow guys, what do you think ? I think maybe a week longer, seems most of the ambar trichomes are on the leaves.


It’s your call


Ignore what’s happening on the leaves, it’s the buds that you need to check.


alright, i`ll wait a little longer, thanks.

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What’s up guys and gals?

I have this small question: I grow indoor and usually the higer the buds, bigger the buds but also they get mature ahead of the small pop corn buds along the branch.

Do you harvest on one time lokking for the best quality in the best buds or you harvest the big ones first and then give the plant a few days or one week to harvest the rest?

Thank you in advance!

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I almost always harvest tops first and give the bottom half/third another week or two.
I believe it to definitely be worth it. :wink::+1:


I generally do that too, it depends a bit on how the individual plant ripens though. There are strains out there that finish quite uniformly but those are rare so the ones that benefit from staggered harvest get it that way. I also supercrop the plant to even out the canopy for a couple weeks before harvest. Most often the supercropped top will still be harvested sooner but it does help getting those lower buds to finish up better and bulkier.


Is this girl ready to cut? The buds have definitely thickened up over the past couple weeks.
The trichs on the top bud are cloudy.
However, the plant is throwing newly pistils and the lower buds aren’t fully cooked


It looks like it’s in the harvest window. Do you have a scope to check the trichs?


Aha, I figured out how to edit my post! Can you comment on the new info?

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Personally I’d say 1-2 weeks but you could cut them now. Imo your at the earlier part of when it would be good to cut. Very nice plants though. :+1:


I like to see little to no new white pistils. If there are new pistils popping out, then new flower material is still forming.

For trichs, I like to see minimum clear, mostly cloudy, and some (10% to 20%) amber.

If the tops look done, you can harvest them and leave the rest on the plant to ripen.


Thanks guys. I will wait for the weight.
Nice to get a compliment on my plants. These are the nicest I’ve grown so far.


I would definitely invest in a scope. You can get em for pretty cheap on Amazon. Used to be able to swing in to RadioShack and grab em but those guys didn’t make it :sweat_smile:

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I use this scope for 35usd on Amazon. Connects wireless to phone. I love it. Super convenient.


You can always dissect it, take what is ready to be taken, and give the rest of the plant time to catch up and that will also open it up for more light penetration! Just a suggestion.