Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

Agree another few weeks. As said you could take your tops… in about a week.

What strain are we working with here?


Turns out My little pos microscope seems to actually work pretty well with this phone


I agree with Naptown, I think you’re on the front end of the range where you could harvest if you want to. You could give it a week or two, I like my stuff a little earlier, so if I see largely milky with any amount of amber on the buds I consider it good to go.

In general the entire plant will be at different levels of ripeness as others mentioned, though. You’re going to get a mix of ripeness and the tops will be at the front end of that range and the lowers at the back end.

Ideally you want to go off the trichomes on the bracts/calyxes because the ones on the sugar leaves will be further along than the ones on the buds, and the leaves are getting cut off anyways.


Looks like still a good amount of clear heads. I would give it a week and check it again.


GR8 advice from all :clap::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


If you have good reason why you absolutely positively must harvest right now I’m sure it will be fine but I’d wait a bit longer :+1:

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I’ll hold off for now and keep checking.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Looks good. The microscope that @Tracker suggested is a good unit, I have the same one. As tightly packed as the buds are, keep a eye on your humidity and air flow to prevent mold.


I tend to go by smell when I still have stash.
When they suddenly smell extra sweet, that’s reaping time.

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Those are some nice chunky plants! What strain are they? :+1::green_heart:
Also, I agree with the other folks above. They could be chopped now, but definitely a bit on the early side. Wait 1 maybe 2 more weeks for full ripeness

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I’m gonna step and say this for shits and giggles maybe you know maybe you don’t!

When checking trichomes for maturity stay away from scoping sugar leafs …what you wanna be looking at is the calyx sacks where the pistols emerge from …the most resinous part of the plant Cannabis Calyx: Did You Know It’s Most Resinous Part Of The Plant?
After typing this I seen @GlassJoeGrows has it covered
Good lucky buddy !
Almost to the finish line
Enjoy the reward


For those wondering, this is one of 3 fem killing fields by Sannie Seeds. They were a gift from a very close friend. If I remember the high is supposed to be a psychedelic uplifting high. I figured that sounds pretty good. When it comes to high types I believe variety is the spice of life.

I’m really enjoying watching them bulk up, especially if they keep plumping. I don’t have much to compare it to though. After years chasing “nutrient deficiencies “ I finally discovered I was chronically underwatering.


I’d watch them close and I estimate 2 weeks and they will be fine and kind.

Yeah, I’ve been guilty of that as well… :blush:

Puzzling over poor root-ball growth, trying to divine the correct time/dose rates of Mycorrhizas laden treats, cover crops… etc. etc.

Well, they say it’s the journey that counts… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



Today my trichs looked like this so I decided to cut her. I am so very, very happy with this plant


Blueberry Diesel, the only plant I have. at 60 days +/- 2 days. I have never had luck reveggin’ but I’m gonna try. as usual, please let me know what you think? Now mind you, I’m still recovering from the hospital but I think a few more days up to a week? but I could be completely off my rocker, my sweet wife said I have not been right since I’ve been home. so who is to say? please let me know, I don’t want to take this plant too soon! I am going to take some images of a blockhead plant, but that is for tomorrow. here is the blueberry diesel:



Block Head, again the only plant I had of this that made it, at 60 days. please let me know what you think?



Double Dip (Greenpoint seeds) and Vanilla Frosting (Humboldt Seed Co.) at 7 wks from flip.



Maybe @Rhai88 or I think @anonymous4289 can help ya with he BBD.
Me personally, when I think a plant is absolutely done…I’ll give it another week. At least. :wink:


:+1: i’ve heard that often.