Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice šŸŒø

I pulled my BBDs at 8 weeks to get a baseline on effect and flavor. Since I was testing.

I was not disappointed and neither were my friends/family. I pulled with minimal ambering. It was there but I suspect if I were to take the BBD specifically the lemon pheno to 10 weeks Iā€™d be in the couch. TKO! pulling it sooner like I did 3 different expressions really have a similar vibe minus the lemon pheno which is a more evening chill vibe but still functional. Definitely strongest in terps and effect. But the other three have more of a zip where Iā€™m relaxed but still getting shit done.

Just food for thoughtā€¦


Good to know. Iā€™ve got the funky atm though.
While I got ya hereā€¦
Assuming that itā€™s possible to collect pollen from a reversal, it would happen many many weeks before mature flowers/seeds, correct?

reversing is a slower process than a standard male. Does take a bit more time. Iā€™ve never reversed a plant myself thoughā€¦ but most of what Iā€™ve seen people do is flip the donor plant a week before the others. gives yourself good timing to pollinate your receiving plants. I like pollinating between weeks 3 and 4 if im ā€œdustingā€. Seems to be a good spots so most seeds are good and developed and your not left with a bunch of underdeveloped beans. When open pollinating I just let the males ride till the end of week four and give em the chop.

I hope this answers your question. If I understood is correctly. Iā€™m pretty blasted on some BBD right now haha

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Gorilla berries. Flower day 50.
Is she close? I know Iā€™ll get a million answers but still curious.


Give it another weekā€¦looks fantastic! Howā€™s the trichs look on the actual bud?

Nice trich shots.
Yes, but would like to see a pic of the bud for better idea.

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Those pics are from a piece of calyx about an inch down from the tip.

Here are some bud shots.


Great job, the buds look deadly!
At this point its preference, Iā€™d say one more week at most for cloudier/amber trichs then check again if you like what you see.


They look beautiful, one more week if you like more amber. I would like them right about where theyā€™re at.:peace_symbol:


I think Iā€™m going to split the difference. I want a little bit more time on them so I just flushed them and Iā€™m going to cut in two to three days.


Iā€™m counting days from time of white hair sighting. plus I mostly go by all the advice I receive after I load images, weight through said advice, then I look back at my images. finally, I burn a bowl, or two, and the decision is as muddy as the bong water I need to change. I need to smokeā€¦ a little more on the subject.



Just wanted some advice if these are ready for harvest.Firat time grower so mind the ignorance . Benn giving them water only everyday for the past 4 days .


Iā€™d say you still have a little bit left to go. Look for almost all of those white hairs(pistils) to brown and then watch for them to shrink as the calyxes swell up in the final phase of ripening. Youā€™ll notice branches beginning to sag and bow as the buds pack on weight in the final weeks and you can check trichomes if you want with a jewelerā€™s loupe or microscope. I prefer to judge the entire plant instead of going by trichomes but itā€™s an easy way to check how theyā€™re progressing. Post a couple more pics in a week and we can take a look at how itā€™s going. Congrats on such a good looking plant for your first time, great job. Now the hard part is being patient enough to let her finish on her schedule and not yours. Best of luck!!


Agree with @FirstCavApache64 if they are still drinking water everyday they are still growing. You should notice a big down tick in how much water they use at least if they are in pots. Also there really isnā€™t ignorance on this forum as long as itā€™s cannabis related. This is the place to learn and ask questions and we are all here for the same reasons. Ok there is some ignorance but thatā€™s mostly ego or boron.(boron inside joke). So please ask any and all grow related questions and be respectful and you can learn a lot on this site and get some fire genetics! Welcome!


I couldnā€™t have said it better than @FirstCavApache64. And I totally agree with him and @420noob!
Hold steady and be patient friend. You will be rewarded. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Welcome to OG, @darborg! I totally agree with my friends above, on all counts!

Thanks for the info guys, tbh i was thinking of harvesting them today but as you said i will be patient and wait another week. Scent is increasing and tbh both plants are taking 2.5lts of water per day, planted in 25ltrs growing fabric bag (each Plant), temp is around 26 celcius in the shade at the moment with a uv of +9 . They are getting around 12 hours of direct sunlight per day (7am to 7pm) as i am located in the Mediterranean . As for supplements (Canna Bio Flores) I reduced to 2 times a week. Do you suggest i should stop nutrients now ? and just flush with water only.


I personally feed dry amendments every two weeks as the fertilizer and I feed up until harvest. I like green healthy plants up until I chop.
You can reduce the strength of your feed though as you get to the last 7-10 days as theyā€™re pretty much done with new growth and are just ripening.

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How did you take this pic? Struggling a hard to get good photos as I shake, I got the wifi microscope also didnā€™t work well



Get a stand of some sort for your microscope and make sure fans are off also. I shake and have a shit phone camera. Canā€™t take mediocre pics. My girls phone takes amazing pics but it can only focus if still. So any kind of stabilizing stand for your scope. That should help dramatically. Pretty girls looks like getting close.

@darborg all personal choice. Some people do just plain water, some molasses and water, some reduced nutes, some run it til the wheels fall off. Youā€™ll get 100 different opinions with 1000 different reasons.