Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

Those are some beauties, you’re almost ready for an impressive harvest. K+

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4x Royal Jack auto (RQS says done 11 - 12 weeks after sprouting)
planted 6. march

my plan was to cut the lights in 2h and let them sit in the dark for 48h - no more water and than cut em?
(its my 1st rodeo so any help is welcome =) )


They look like they need a few more weeks to me based on the abundance of white pistils. I wait until the pistils have browned and the calyxes are swelling. Usually this is accompanied by branches sagging and bending as the plant packs weight into the buds at the end of flower. I personally don’t check trichomes anymore but if you do you should only be checking them on the buds and not the leaves. Hope you get a great harvest, just ignore the breeder’s time estimate. They are almost always very optimistic, especially with autos.


do you guys do the whole 48h dark thing or just dont water 2 days and chop`?

im thinking about chopping only 1 or 2? and leave the big ones a few more weeks

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They’re not ready but they’re your plants. And there’s no need for the darkness or depriving them of water.


I have tried a few variations of the lights off before chop and never saw a difference honestly. It’s natural when you first start growing to want to experiment with all kinds of stuff like 48 hours of darkness before chop, flushing, ice water baths and a few others. However, in my experience proper genetics, light levels, environment and watering practices are the keys to a great run. I usually chop right before or right at lights on and water my plants the day before chop. I do start to reduce watering volume and go with just ph adjusted water for the last week.


You forgot the nail through the stem. :rofl:

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I can’t lie, I tried that on my 3rd grow back around 2017. Didn’t kill the plant but no help either. I wanted to test just about everything back then as I was sure there was a magic fix that would double my yield and make my cheap genetics act like top shelf buds. There wasn’t, just keeping them healthy was the best route for better yields and better genetics brought the terps and potency.


Oh ya, genetics is #1 for sure. And keeping them healthy. I think sulfur, potassium, and magnesium can help too. At least making sure they have enought of those. A friend also says chlorine increases terps but I’ve never tried it. I’m doing organics so I use langbeinite. It has S, Mg, and K in it so it’s perfect for me.

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How long does it take till they are really ready you think?


You’re getting close.


Hi, I do not have much experience.
Does this plant look like it is ready for harvest?
It germinated January 10 so it is 20 weeks old.

thanks in advance for the help


What strain are you growing, how long has it been in flowering? Do you have a digital microscope or something similar to get a even closer look at the tricombs?


Looks nice n ripe to me, you could take it longer but them foxtails look good to me


I second Jesus

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Excellent! thank all of you very much.
I will plan for next weekend.
Sorry I do not know the strain but it looks good.

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It looks lovely smoke well grown. Was it outdoor grown? If its indoors you have few insects so maybe worth a clean down.

I can tell by the pic on the bottom theres a lot of full milk trics She can go at any time now.The question now we now have here is do we want to get some amber For a headier buzz?Going to have to get a scope or a loup to get down and see what your amber to Milky is.I like to catch them when theres around 5 percent amber and mostly all full milk to transitioning into opaque with as little clear as i can get.The plant will almost always be putting out clear shiny as it grows and its not at total fall off the vine senescence so food for thought dont chase a dragon to death if you can.Timing it just right is different with each plant yet alone total different cultivar.We have the pattern laid down just the luck of the draw when you can catch it.

A lotta people ready to jump in and help ya over here:



Yes it is outdoors. I found a utube video that promotes some washing of the plant right after harvest in water with pure baking soda and lemos juice and then two more washes with plain water.