Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

Hi, new here and first time grower. Could someone with more experience let me know if these look ready? TIA!


Hi, and welcome.
Someone better able to will surely help with some advice. Do you know the variety it is, and what the “breeder’s suggested” harvest time is (in days or whatever)?


Doesn’t look done to me. I see fresh calyx growth still!

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Jack Herer auto flower from Sensible Seeds, growing in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Plastic 4 gallon pot. Just over 12 weeks old today. This plant has had a beautiful structure from the start but it has been a battle keeping it green and healthy looking. I think my soil pH was off early in the grow and fought it the whole way. The fan leaves started yellowing and shedding a few weeks ago.

Here are some pics from today with and without flash of the full plant, buds (dense, a tad crisp on leaf tips) and trichomes. It looks to me like almost all trichomes are cloudy and have been for quite a while. Still hard pressed to find much amber as I scope around though.

I’ve had some people say that I have another 3-4 weeks to go and others say it’s in the harvest window now. I’m feeling like maybe another week myself. Please let me know what you think based on the pics…


The advice I was given that proved perfectly correct, was that autos don’t amber quite like photos, and to take them at the “mostly cloudy” phase.

Got stoned as hell on that grow.

I vote to chop eta: maybe one more week. Maybe.


@RainToday @Carty @LoveDaAutos come check out my new friends huge plant


I don’t want to overdo it with pictures, but those seem kind of blurry for some reason. Sorry about that. Here are a couple that look a little clearer, at least on my phone, from a couple days ago. Please let me know if I need to delete some of these for clogging up too much space.

Trichomes have been cloudy for quite a while, maybe 2 weeks. Every time I look at it and think that 80% or more of the pistils are red and receding it seems to throw out a fresh batch of whites the next morning. The pictures don’t really represent the plant well in my eye, it looks thicker and denser in person. The pics kind of make the buds look hairy as hell and fluffy but they’re not.


I think you’ve got yourself a beautiful plant. I don’t worry about the color of the pistils on a plant photo or auto I just make my harvest decision upon the trichromes. I remove a small bud from 1/3 to 1/2 way down the plant and trim it really closely and then use the scope on it to check the trichromes. With the strain being a sative dom one and you enjoy the more upbeat high then this plant for me is in the harvest window. If you’re wanting a more narcotic high leaning a bit towards the indica side of the fence going another week or so would be better.


Yeah she’s done

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Thanks! It really is a beautifully structured plant. I’m sure there’s been much better, but I haven’t seen too many autos with buds stacked on 8-10 different branches as densely as this one. It’s almost like it has 8 “main” colas, but I didn’t train it at all.

As far as effects, I feel like Jack Herer is bred for energy, motivation and an upbeat, positive feeling, so that’s what I want from it. I’ll probably grow a more sedating strain next to have something better suited to relaxation and sleep. The one thing I definitely don’t want is that racy, paranoid buzz that I can be prone to. It’s my understanding that this may be the result of buds that are harvested too early, so I definitely want to avoid that.

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I say…… send it.


Yep. Done. Fresh pistils can keep coming for months in some autos. Can’t go by that.

Gorgeous big plant, I agree that’s really nice multi-cola and lower bud development :heart_eyes:


Thanks for the kind words and advice so far, I appreciate it!

She’s dry today, and I just don’t think she’s quite done yet, so I think I’m going to water one more time with just rainwater and a little molasses, give her at least a couple more days and a proper photo session prior to harvest. It might be a long time before I see another plant built like this and I don’t want to look back and wonder if I chopped too soon or realize that I didn’t get any great photos of such a beautiful (to me) plant.

If anybody thinks this might be a bad idea due to potentially going too long, please let me know. Aside from some crispy leaf tips I don’t see any signs of potential decay yet.


I wouldn’t feed anything, because it could promote a flush of juicy new growth in your buds which is a fast track to bud rot. Even though molasses doesn’t have more than a trace of N, it could boost the soil activity and make some available.

Seems fine to leave it a couple more days otherwise.


I don’t understand soil, but I don’t think it would be wrong to water and schedule a photo op.

If your weather is anything like mine, I’d want to bring her down before the summer humidity gets at her

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Wow that plant looks incredible!

Absolutely crazy bud coverage

hard to believe its only 3month from seed
Well done!

id do the same as you,
water only and a few days of drying out id chop her

again, well done!
im looking at the site now for some of those beans lol


Speaking of beans…I was just inspecting her nether regions for a nice little bud to clip off and trim down for a closeup trichome investigation with my impossible-to-focus usb magnifier and found a mini coconut tree!

Evidently either her or one of her sisters that got moved out of the tent a little over a month ago decided that the dating scene was looking bleak and decided to self pollinate. I have searched this plant high and low almost daily and never noticed any bananas dangling but evidently I missed something. I don’t see any sign of seediness in the big buds and they’re still throwing pistils like a mofo looking for some pollen so maybe it’s a blessing in disguise, free seeds.

As I understand it, seeds that come from a situation like this are feminized and tend to be pretty stable and not excessively prone to hermie early or excessively. I’m obviously not well versed on the topic however so maybe this isn’t a good thing. Either way, whatever pollination took place doesn’t seem to have hampered her bud development as far as I can tell.

A great plant that also gives you a few seeds in the larfy bottom buds might be the ideal plant for a personal, small tent grow :laughing:


I spent a little extra time today focusing that fiddly usb magnifier to check trichomes. I feel pretty comfortable letting this gal go a little longer…


Lowering your light intensity could slow the new pistil growth.

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Good idea! I did just that a couple days ago. Being it’s only a 2000 Spider Farmer I didn’t think it was all that powerful at full power but it is actually pretty intense. I’ve cut the power to about 60% now, and it still looks plenty bright while dropping my max temps by a good 10 degrees as well, which should also help her finish up. I think…