Ready to harvest? Post your pics and get advice 🌸

She looks like she’s still putting on weight the past few days, still making some white pistils, still almost no amber visible with the magnifier, still taking water and I notice some more purplish hues and stronger smells this morning as well so I think she’s still good to go for at least another watering. Here’ are a couple pics from today…


Looking GOOD! :+1:


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Great job on her!! She is insane!!


Looks like there are a few trichomes missing caps and some that are stuck together with resin. I would scan for trichome caps with resin oozing out.


I’ve looked it over pretty thoroughly with the scope, trichs look pretty normal. I don’t see a lot of burst tops. Still not much amber either but I am seeing a tad more. Here are a couple bud pics from today…

It looks to still be bulking up but definitely less white pistils now than a a few days ago. I don’t want to chop it before it’s maxed out but I also don’t want to let it go too long. I’m thinking 2 more days might be it but any advice from those with more experience is greatly appreciated!


Here’s when it’s gone too far. It looks like someone got down there and kicked the piss out of the trichomes.


Hello. Just wondered if you’ve “defoliated this plant” and/or kept it that way? I barely see any long stem/petiole fan leaves. I’m just curious if that’s how it grows, or you’re doing something to it. Maybe it’s an autoflower trait - I know nothing about autos.


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I didn’t defoliate at all. I’m of the belief that the plant uses the nutrients stored in those leaves when necessary and then they wither and fall off, which is what happened with this plant. I think some strains are more prone to this than others, Can’t say for sure in this case if it’s because of the way I grew it or if it’s just the natural progression for this plant.


I expect to see more ambering of trichomes before that happens but maybe this is one of the plants that just don’t develop much amber. The trichomes still look pretty good under magnification but there’s not much amber happening yet.


The secret is… it was an auto flower. I’ve been studying them lately, in the greenhouse.

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The usb magnifier is a PITA to get focused but I’ve done a lot of looking with it and don’t see too much trich degradation yet.

Part of me wants to let it go longer to see how big it’ll get, but I think I’m going to go ahead chop it in the next couple days just to be safe.


They sure are tricky to use.


Yes they are. I’ve never been able to use mine holding it in my hand. They require a stationary stand, in my experience.


Can you record video with yours? That’s what I have to do. I have mine connected to an android phone via usb otg. I have the phone in one hand (so I can try to view the screen), and the usb microscope in the other hand (in a way that I can barely rotate the focus with the same hand that’s holding it), I press record, and then I inspect the flowers with the scope - just gently holding it up against the flowers. I look at the screen while doing this and trying to get as much in focus time as I can on a few flowers, adjusting focus where I can - if possible. I’ll try and get maybe a couple minutes worth of video. Then I’ll view the video on pc after, in a media player, where I can watch in slower speed, and pause on the spots where there’s a good spot of clear video. Then I’ll take screenshots of those clear images.
Actually snapping individual pictues is nearly impossible, and very frustrating - haha. I’m on a ladder too. What a pain.


You have to use a proper tripod.
I made a horizontal boom and hung the USB camera from that. Focus is ‘fiddling’ the vertical adjustment on the tripod, the focus adjustment on those ‘instruments’ is very nonlinear.


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Probably, but I’ve never attempted it.

That’s exactly right! And it’s why my photos using it look like shit, I don’t own a tripod. :frowning:


Any thoughts on harvest time based on those last pics and description I posted yesterday? I’m stuck on the fence between harvesting now and giving it a few more days.

Little more to go. Heads look intact.
Trichs necks generally look more like this:
And less like this:
Ha best I can do on this tablet. Have been noticing that around the time the heads start leaking, the trichs overall start looking a lot less like brand new shag carpet, and more like shag carpet after the party.
@JoeCrowe do you concur with the shag carpet analogy? Curious to see if your more in depth observations bear this out.


hmmm I’m not sure I’ve ever seen shag carpet! It gets messy though once the resin starts to leak out. things start to look like someone got down there and started causing destruction. It starts small and the destruction spreads. First you get the caps at strange angles, with little resin goo, and then eventually the caps are missing from the trichomes. Sometimes you can see resin trails like little strands. The neck of the trichome stalk gets thin. Sometimes the trichome caps get gooed together into some radical blob. The separate chambers of the trichome cap definitely get dissolved and filled in. So the cap grows in size until it reaches a genetically determined diameter. After which it stops and then starts to age. Thats when the cuticle gets cloudy. After that stage it just ages in place until the whole thing goes to resin goo balls. that’s when it usually turns amber, if it’s going to.
The trichomes will also only reach a certain genetically determined height. Some are more radical. Each plant is it’s own precious snow flake. This plant I’m growing right now has trichomes as wide at the base as the trichome cap. Shaped like a stalagmite.


The calyx’s really swell up after watering. I can see the buds are fatter than they were yesterday when the soil was really dry. Here are some pretty decent trich pics from today, still rockin the buzz cut look.

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