Regular Photoperiod Seeds may become the New Gold

I’ve got an IP lawyer in the family. :love_you_gesture:


Are you trying to say that you think they are unenforceable?

For me, yes. The revenoors can fuck off. Maybe a giant LP should be concerned. But not me.

Business as usual and keep your grubby money making mitts out of my tent.


I think patents on plants only exist in the USA and Australia anyway, at least that is what I think the Pot Cast with Chimera told me.

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“We want to inspect your tent for possible stolen genetics.”
“This is my lettuce tent.”
“Open it up.”


I am of the opinion that his sort of thing could eventually affect everyone.
Even the black market may be affected.
You seem to have the fuck off attitude down, so your stance may not change even knowing these facts.
I mean not to offend here, just pretty sure I know your answer is most likely, they can fuck off, and I do not disagree here.
But one could easily find himself a criminal again by growing a product for which you have not paid the proper royalties on.

Think napster bullshit.
That is what these fucks want, and they are getting it.

Myself, knowing it is difficult and sometimes impossible to clone a proper auto.
I would be thinking along those lines.

I feel if they wanted to do so, they would have made an auto that is absolutely impossible to clone.
Maybe they already have, but they are not going to tell us that.

I have been a criminal for 25 years and I’m not about to stop for them.

Besides, I’d hazard a guess that what they’re really after is the McWeed that will be perfect for commercial growing. Fast quick cheap.

I’m really not worried about it.


What does purity or “corrupted” mean? We get back into the fetishization of authenticity but no one can agree on what that means.

This is a foreign concept to everyone growing weed there.

What exactly is it you hope to find in wild Cannabis? Even crosses of wild plants can be difficult.


I am not sure either.
But I believe US patents are not enforceable abroad, and vice versa.
Again, That is from memory.
I am not positive.

Also chimera is not the best source for credible information.
He have been know on more than one occasion to provide bad/misleading information, but this is not about him, so I say no more…LOL

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LOL nobody is going to patent growing a sativa for half a year. :v:


Mrs Foreigner works in digital sales and amazon has a great acronym C.R.A.P (can’t realize a profit.)


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I totally respect your opinion and stance on the issue. :sunglasses:
And yea, I too think it is the Mc Bud as end result. :face_vomiting:

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Yeah man, and I have no interest in McBud anyway. I prefer to grow interesting things.


From my understanding you can only patent a plant if it has been GMO, that’s in the USA though.


Most big seed companies have their own proprietary inbred lines. In order to get a patent they need to be truly unique and…proprietary.

The sack of seeds in your fridge ain’t it. When was the last time some tomato gardener got raided because he sprouted the seeds in a supermarket tomato?

Y’all worry too much lol.


You should watch the Forensic Files where the guy gets caught by leaving a shoe impression on a squished tomato.


This would be a huge explanation to do it proper justice, so I won’t…LOL
See phylos for the proper information.

Corrupt to me, my opinion or interpretation is, in simple terms…
Not mixed with another strain/cultivar.
For example how many kinds of weed have you smoked that contain skunk genetics?
You may be surprised.

I have to disagree here.
I know some members here that understand this concept very well in fact.

I was not looking, I am sorry if I mislead you here.

I am not sure I know the meaning of your stament.

Check this pod cast out over at @ Kis

They talk a bit about the logistics of patenting the plant and how it can be done.

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Uh oh…


This is not true, check it out.

Twelve Cannabis Plant Patents and Counting,%2C434%20on%20LW-BB1.

I have been bitchin about this kinda shit for almost 10 years now.