Regular Photoperiod Seeds may become the New Gold

Cool once I get home from work I’ll take a look…

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What are you afraid I may go off on one of my skunk rants again? :astonished:
I may…LOL

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Well kinda true.

Well the whole royalty thing is a bit complicated.
Is there any skunk genes in there for example?
If so royalties may be owed, you really need to be a layer to discuss this properly.

That is what they said about phylos too… :exploding_head:

I’m going to patent the Jackpine. Then the whole of the north will owe me royalties. And I’ll become a multinational overnight.


I feel that is their attitude almost exactly…LOL

For example:
Sam the skunk face is lookin for sterile plants.

Has been since 2015.

Quote the skunk face:

“Does anyone have a clone that won’t set any seeds? Even white nubs?”

I wonder what he is doing…

I can only assume the industry wants to sell you sterile genetics.

A clone they can sell you that you can not re grow, like an auto.

And will not pollenate.

This will work to protect the genetics they now own the rights to, that were stolen from the original breeder way back when.

I have said all along that this is their goal, royalties on every plant.

In time Big Canna biz will be completely in charge of all commercial/pharmaceutical Cannabis.


I fail to understand how they will make the regular seeds, landrace seeds, heirloom seeds go away that thousands have in their fridges, with more or less unlimited possibilities of reproduction. I don’t really care if a home grower or a dispensary weed providing person buys monsanto style seeds, I won’t.


Well they don’t need to stamp out everything, they just want to get a handle on the majority of people/sales. If the majority have only them to go through to get these genetics, the small timers will remain small. Like most Craft beer. Sterility is just the start of the plan. Once they have that and the patents, they can go crazy with breeding or even GMO tech and who knows what comes out. And you can’t get any of it without paying them for it.


Not make them go away.
More like the farmer who had Monsanto corn genetics in his corn.
It is a royalties long game.


Yea, what he said…LOL
Forgot to add the federal legalization thing in there too.

Yeah I mean a lot of people are going to want to buy sterile feminized seeds. Gardeners everywhere. But it doesn’t affect the availability of other lines.

You can go hop on and browse hundreds of varieties. The GMO tomato a big producer might have patented in no way affects that.


Yes. I won’t be buying these.

I don’t particularly like fem seeds either.


I can see the marketing now:

“Tired of unwanted seeds in your fine cannabis? Well you’ll never need to worry about seeds again with our premium guaranteed seedless cultivars. 100% sterile for your growing pleasure. Semillas are a sin!”


Once everyone’s growing you’re gonna want 'em for outdoor. That and mass cultivation market thrives on consistency and repeatability and shelf appearance, but seeds are more vigorous and tougher than clones for outdoor. So the big producers are gonna be clamoring for these.

You know, grannies and casuals who just want a couple plants in their outdoor garden. Or a novelty to show their friends at a summer bbq. That sort of thing. Ornamental varieties are coming too.


Yeah that’s a fair point. Errant pollen is already a problem in some places.

I just liked my sin-semilla joke.


LOL that’s actually exactly what I want to do (not exclusively). Ornamental cannabis, eg. black plants with purple pistils that resemble a chili strain I have. Stuff that looks pretty and later is medicine. For old people like me. Put in a pot on your balkony, grows itself.


Woooweee that’s some SPICY drama.

I’ve actually met Jason before. He used to come in and eat all the time at this crappy restaurant I worked at. He’s a cool guy, very down to earth.

Why does the stories he’s touching on feel somewhat similar or even somehow related to the Hugh Glass Glue fiasco? And the Master Thai fiasco? Call it tinfoil but I’m getting a weird tingling sensation in my fuckery gland. @Enjoi802 any of this feel like “Master Thai” “Uncle Fester Skunk” playbook to you?


Sterile plants would also mean that you could grow hemp and cannabis side by side without any pollination issues. Kinda handy if you fall in an area like that. I can’t grow any outdoors because there’s a valley near my house where they grow plants and its crappy bush weed so it makes these ridiculous pebble sized seeds. Had to put pollen filters on my air intake for my grow room. So while it might seem like a big bad but it could have it uses.


I think colin is probably a shitbag but he didn’t abuse his dog

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I feel while this could be both good and bad at the same time.
Due to the way folks love money and power, I suspect the bad will far out weigh the good in the long run.

I personally, am not a fan of situations where the wants of the few out weigh the needs of the many.



Just playing devil’s advocate here but if its the many vs the few then going full gmo neutered would be the way as there’s far more smokers than there are small time growers.
The unfortunate reality is that just like any other cash crop, large scale agriculture will take over and smaller growers will be a niche market at most like craft beers.

And just to spoil people’s day even further, even large scale grow ops in the states will soon be under threat as countries like mine (South Africa) start exporting massive amounts of product at $2.50 a gram. That’s greenhouse grow, cultivated strains too. Not some janky grown bush weed.

Photoperiod seeds wont go away anytime soon and the whole “landrace under fire” isnt an issue either. If anything the hardest part will be trying to avoid breeders like ethos.