Regular Photoperiod Seeds may become the New Gold

Fuck Monsanto and their greed, killing heirloom farmers, fucking bastards… Sorry for my rant…


Might be because I reached out to bill and Jason and Caesar when everything happened. Might be a common play among a group of folks. I gotta read the thread to see what is even going on. But if it pertains to that video Jason made on Colin. 🤷

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It’s a long ass video but he talks about Uncle Fester and a bunch of scammin sketch dudes and the stuff about the guy’s behavior he was saying just lined up really well.

Maybe like you said it’s just common tactics among the shitty. But same time frame, same mannerisms. Deny, project, accuse, lie, manipulate type shit. Threats and doxxing and all sorts of stuff lol. Premium spicy drama.


Good read, it looks as of now no utility patents have been given, and it will be much harder to get a utility patent from the sounds of it. Fuck tards like Monsanto have the money, science and resources to get utility patents one day and big canna is not far behind. So much greed in the world…

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Maybe that was not the best source.
The first cannabis plant patent was PP27,475 on Ecuadorian Sativa, issued on December 20, 2016 to Steven Kubby.

The USPTO Issues First Hemp Plant Variety Patent; Expect More to Come

Charlotte’s Web Secures U.S. Utility Patents for Two New Hemp Varietals with Superior Cannabinoid Expression

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The Red one in the front is my Girl Scout Cookies and she has zero intersex traits and she is a building block for me.


This is how they start…

…and this is how they end up


Regular seed will always be around, I personally prefer regs I think they are better and stronger plants over feminized.

Fems are great for lazy growers or growers that have very limited grow space or lack of experience sexing plants.

Also it’s a bit of a cop out blaming breeders for hermie plants it’s most likely bad practice on the growers part seen it many times before.

Any strain will hermie if you treat it badly, it’s a survival mechanism to preserve itself.


I often treat my plants like shit so I doubt this.

The odd herm just happens sometimes.


first fems and autos, then auto-fems …
next up: sterile regular seeds :grimacing: mark my words.



i will keep enjoying to grow fems/autos/regs and combinations.
and when it comes to making my own lines = regs it is, easy :wink:

to each his own …

in the end we have to test and verify stability in ALL possible
combos … just using regs does not exclude surprises at all.


You’re late. :stuck_out_tongue:

"The team of scientists at Oregon CBD have made this dream a reality for 2021. Following in the footsteps of plant breeders in other crops (watermelon, grapes, banana, hops, citrus, etc.), we’re proud to introduce TRIPLOID cannabis varieties for 2021.

These Non-GMO triploid cannabis varieties are made possible through advanced ploidy screening.

Say goodbye to seeded crops!"


I guess they owe me some of their marketing budget :joy:


If you manage to get any of it, I’ll take 10% for pointing it out. :wink:

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Oh a management fee eh? Yeah ok. It’s a deal.

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I test for intersex traits and I’m learning something about them passing on. It does come from Hermies/Fems in the lineage. And please everybody please don’t scream about the science. Test it yourself first. And there are strains that have no kinky stuff in the background. I have two such strains. And if I breed them with a slutty strain that hermies easily. Then it will partially clean up the intersex traits. And of course if you mess the plant up you will get hermies from most strains. But by breeding them in regular seed a couple times you can salvage a strain. And my best explanation of “Intersex Traits” genetically is not to think of them as binary off/on but analogue and invisible, like an alcoholic gene in humans. If you have the alcoholic gene you can become an alcoholic easily if you drink. So the same with intersex traits, mess around and they hermie. And I’m of the belief that a 1-10 rating could exist for intersex traits in cannabis if someone spent a lot of money and did a lot of research. And if you took a strain that rated as a 1(hermie candidate) and bred it from the same batch of seed, it would become a 2.

I’m not sure I’m understanding your goals.

Salvage what exactly?

Breeding them in a “couple of times” could take a year.

I get it stable + herm = somewhat more stable.

Seems like lots of work when there are plenty of clean genetics out there.

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Sometimes it’s worth it. That’s the point of breeding

It would have to be something quite amazing.

MAC has intersex issues and lots of people use it

Yes and fair enough. It’s just not for me.

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