ROCKS! Any like rocks or gems?

About a week per stage and 4 stages so 4~5 weeks of tumbling. Sometimes you need to spend extra time on the first stage as you want to get them perfect and then the other stages are easy.

How much? I’m the wrong guy for that answer… :grin:



There’s rocks and there’s irocz…


Located a large specimen yesterday on a walk, eyes just seem to lock onto the patterning it seems.

And strange :thinking: mini chicken drumstick rock?


I had a pretty good collection of regular agates… white and yellowish ones as well as a bunch of fire agates… all collected on a trip to Agate Beach on Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands). Found lots of cool shells as well but unfortunately while I was away hunting last fall and my wife was in a “clean and rearrange” the house mission… she tossed the “bowl of rocks” :sob: :sob:

I was upset… still am. The upside??? It was an expensive trip but now I have an excuse to visit Haida Gwaii again and I won’t be hearing the wife’s argument LOL


That thing is massive dude :joy:.

Im a pretty big collector of crystals and rocks myself.

Ive been dying to get an emerald for the last year or so.

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on my bucket list of places to visit


quite like your re-frame on the matter, time to find new cool rocks !


I found this in Salida Colorado. I am using it to hold “up” the loose vent.


I went for 10 days of deer hunting on the northern tip. Was incredible.
We went in november , which provides some amazing storms on the north beaches. Camped out in the tree lines and had a great time. Pretty much had the place to ourselves as the tourist season is over by then. It’s 1000km from here to Prince Rupert and then an 8hour ferry ride which kinda sucks but if you get a morning sailing on a decent weather day the scenery is spectacular. The north beaches are well known rock hound destinations for fire agates



Bro, your hash making skillz are on point. Sick Temple Balls!


Q: Smoke Report?
A: Like burnt rubber.



That’s just too funny! :joy:

Noble Shungite, also known as Elite or Silver Shungite and contains around 98%+ carbon. It is the only known allotropic form of naturally occurring Carbon in the world.

It is also one of the most powerful protection stones we know of. It has the ability to ward off any evil entity or vibration one may come in contact with (or through exposure during deep meditation).

Said to be around 2 billion years old, Shungite is very effective as a protective tool against harmful electromagnetic radiation.

I have A LOT of this stuff around the house and on my Altar.



Same here…bucket list destination. I was in Prince Rupert in December one year and was asking about going there and was told not to bother. I wanted to see Nan Sdins but apparently there was no way anyone was taking me there at that time of year. Hope to get back there one day.

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Cool thread! Been fascinated by stones my whole life. Not good at remembering what exactly what they are but I can easily spend hours in a rock shop just ogling. Here’s some,more pics later

The last three is something I picked up in the woods a long time ago have no idea what if anything it is. Always thought maybe petrified shroom but :man_shrugging: it’s been in my pocket for 15-20 years now


Petrified butt-hole lol

Seriously though it looks like a Sea Urchin fossil to me.


I would have to agree now that you said that, it’s the exact negative to the empty sea urchin shells I find around the beach and cliffs


I have friends there… old school growers so if you ever make the trip, connect with me first and I’ll make sure there is a landing party waiting for you hehehe

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Thanks man, welcome to og

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this is a cool thread.
I don’t really have “cool” stuff other than the gold ore samples I posted already but over the course of my life I have always picked up interesting rocks. I’m going to have to poke around in all my crap and I’ll post the rocks I have and why they came home with me. Here in BC I live pretty much smack on the old Gold Rush Trail and I am always on the look out for mineralization that could potentially be gold or silver as well as ancient fossils. I have a couple rocks with fossils imbedded in them so I’ll dig those out too for some pics.
@CanuckistanPete , I think next year I will be planning an early november trip to Haida Gwaii for a week to 10 days of hunting, crabbing maybe some beach fishing… and lots of doobie smoking hehe. Not sure if you are a hunter but there are permits I can get if you want to tag along :wink:

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I do have some small gold samples myself and a bunch of small cubical pyrite crystals that aren’t with me right now. There are several gold mines here. My buddy that owns the amethyst mine also owns a gold mine that he hasn’t done anything with yet