ROCKS! Any like rocks or gems?

Hey, aren’t you that other guy? And also those other guys? You got balls coming back here. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



Ya no kidding what he said.


There is so much scandal in the most random places here. Just minding my business reading up on rocks. Then :socks:

Which kinda rhymes


Not a hunter…but have no problem eating game. Had a bad experience when I was 15 involving a porcupine and 3 idiots with pellet guns (me being one of the idiots). Turned me off shooting anything but targets for life.

No idea if Haida Gwaii could be in the plans next year or not, but it sure is nice to think about it. I’ll keep it in mind! Thanks.

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Inherited a nice collection :ok_hand:, haven’t seen it yet but I’m pretty sure it’s going to taste good

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Lmao, yeah a petrified kitty’s butthole!

@tresbundles - good call. :+1:t3:

@moderators, y’all wanna have a look?


Found this weird looking little bad boy while combing the beach for sea glass


This is the rest of what I picked up beach combing in the last 2 days


Just had a trip down to the mine yesterday and managed to snag a few nice samples. None of which I have had time to clean except for the last piece that went through the washer and dryer.

The big piece wrapped in paper is about 8x10 inches and is worth $400 and up depending on the quality.


Thanks for the reply, Gpaw. I got to wondering, are there places I could take the 100 lbs of agate and pay them to have polished?

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I found this when I was walking back to a lake to go fishing. Not :100: sure what it is but I liked it and took it home lol


Any guess what this is? I know just curious if anyone else can recognize it :grin:


Some schist

:poop: Lol

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This is a couple pieces I got at the mine after a quick cleaning.


lol it’s iron ore, that little chunk is about 4 lbs and fits in the palm of my hand. Some of the purest in the world. You can strike an arc with a welder on it.

Not so much into gems but have been looking at them in a rocks and minerals book i just picked up. Started hiking a lot with my dog this year and am starting to get very interested in geology. My wife actually got me a hammer to take along on my hikes

Was wondering, can anyone give some info on the processes that caused these markings in this rock? Saw it on my last hike


To me it looks like a unique weathering due to different makeups in the different parts of the rock.
The owner of the mine is a geologist so I could ask him as well.

BTW. That is a beautiful hammer!


It’s a sedimentary rock that had some smaller softer round areas that have subsequently eroded away.

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Thanks. I love the leather handles. Used to run duct and the similar malco hammers are hard to beat

The weathering of the rock makes sense. Theres a lot going on geologically in my area, or at least there was a long time ago. A volcano (extinct) pretty close, and the ridges where i hike have old fossils of aquatic life in some of the rock faces. I was unsure if that had something to do with what was happening with this rock. Too damned hot these last couple weeks tho! Had heat stroke in 2020 and i havent been the same since, the first clue that my body gets that its hot it goes into airplane mode, i get sluggish