Sannie's Seed Shop

I never tried it but I heard from a lot of people it was good. I used to get some jack herer in my city starting around 2005 that was some of my fav stuff to this day. Last time I had any was around 2007. Since then the jack that I’ve seen (which I’ve seen many times since) is not the same stuff I remember from back in the day, or even good.

I have I think the f8 Sannie’s version. Maybe if I have some room this year I could try to do an open pollination and make some seeds to pass around. Would prob have to flower em right away since they stretch a lot and get so big.

Shitty screenshot of the only pic I have of that older jack. This pic is from 2007 surprised I somehow still have it. Stuff was braided looking and frosty as hell.


Heyyy, good on ya! I popped half of my SJ ten-pack this fall, and 4/5 survived, but after making a bunch of clones, I finally gave some the flip only to discover that I have the good news/bad news problem of four female SJ. Anybody out there who finds themselves with a disproportionate number of male Jacks who wants to make a trade, well… hit me up :slight_smile:

(ETA: this happened to me once with Herijuana as well–I ordered a non-feminized pack and got 8/8 female plants. Makes me wonder if somebody doing packaging occasionally subbed fems for regs? Most people would probably be happy as a clam, but I was in it for seeds. Fixed the problem with another purchase batch, though.)


ANYONE have ANY Sugar Punch F1’s??? ONLY F1’s

@eskobar @santero


@Jetdro, Sorry to be obtuse, but do you mean original Sugar Punch, bred by Sannie? Or crosses made with SP?


Original Sannie release of Sugar Punch, the original release, NOT the re release batch

I’d tag Escobar he might be of help.


Indy has Selene he’s making f2 I believe

Sinister seeds on ig


I did had everything that was ever released at Sannie’s, yes.
But i gave most of them away allready, this is whats left i think. Sorry, no SugarPunch at first sight.
Not had the time to check all the boxes in the seedfridge.


Thanks man appreciate you looking. IF i find some i shall make seeds @eskobar


I think I have a pack of Sugar Punch fems buried in a case somewhere. I got them around 2018/2019 timeframe. Would those be useful for your project?


Sugar punch only came in fem

I believe sannie said Selene basically was sp but reg


I have two Sugar Punch seeds left, I believe. I always felt Sugar Punch was a very nice high all around, without the speediness of his Jack.


Thank you sir I appreciate it but those would be from his second release and not really what I want to run I haven’t heard of much good coming out of his second batch of sugar punch

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I’m surprised you don’t remember Iran Celine I wasn’t impressed

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was it from his early first release or the 2018 and on stuff???

If it’s the early ones I would love to have them and I’ll trade whatever you want that I have


I think i saw some SP x SP in my stashbox but it where maybe 20 of it… Will check tomorow have some SP crosses but never tested any of them… Will try some very soon


no I’m going to hold out for some original pre-18 F one Sani

my God every day we see people find seeds that are 20 years old and thought extinct somewhere someone’s got some sugar punch seeds if I’m patient I’ll find them

certainly very cool of everyone to offer what they have but I’m picky and I know what I’m looking for


nope, sorry … :frowning:
i had three packs, but gave them away already.


Thanks for looking buddy @santero


…I would have remembered the same thing about Silverfields? Could definitely be wrong.