Sannie's Seed Shop

If all go good, I’ll have enough to give them to the community

For now 9/10 regular are good and 4/5 feminized too

All the best


I’ve F2 of the Sourjack Esko made for alien growshop if you want. :wink:


I have several of Sannie’s lines if you are interested. I surely would like to get in line for some of those Jack beans. Never got to buy them, despite being his most worked line. Bad mistake.

Hopefully we can revive his lines.

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@jahmok59 ok Bra. We do like that. When they are ready I say something here and send you a DM

@anon3323625 yes I’ll try to make good F2’s to preserve this strain via Overgrow. I hope they will accept our work in the seed-run coop.
And yes it’s a good idea to try to preserve and spread good genetics

All the best everybody


Hey. Wanted to check in here as I recognise a few folks from other boards. San, hope you are well. I have a massive collection of bits that might interest a few folks for repro. Was always a hoarder but don’t grow anymore and haven’t for some years. now Have some rarities stored away (somewhere). I for certain have Sannies Jack f6, Heri and a bunch of Eskos stuff (I mostly ordered Sannies gear just to get the esko freebies to be honest) I should collate a list really, it’s likely to be long… anyway, nice yo see some old broskiis around, hopefully can chew the fat at some stage. Happy new year!


Dam bud haven’t seen you in a long while . Happy new year and welcome aboard .


Welcome :sunglasses: great site!


Would like to see what you have stashed away. Hope you have a HappyNew Year also


Hey shishka!, yes it has been a long time. Fuck I feel old Jetdro, I used to be a member of the old school site of the same name, I think I have some of the old threads from there on a HD somewhere if I find them ill share. Cheers mrgreenthumb, I’ll see if I can draw a list up later for yous see if we can keep some of the old lines alive.


I have a list together, it’s pretty long. Is there a better place to put it see if we can get some repro’s going? Let me know, some gems in there for sure!


Edit: moved list to another place as line up a few repros, will keep them all safe and get as many as possible out to folks to keep going. :blush:


Wow what a list so many gems there always wanted to run those rascal the white s1s one of my favorite strains and does killer in crosses I’ve tried but that is sure a vault of goodies!


Yea, the whites are lovely, bit finicky. I had a cut at one point that supposedly was the real deal but turned out to be a close relative (likely a bx1, investigated by san on my behalf). I did some breeding with it with good results.


Just looked up this gem wow that sounds so ducking good


@santero can you tell me about this one it’s my favorite animal :joy:


It’s a work of art.


Just so happens I have a bag of it great smoke well worth growing .

Save him explaining it this is from him
The “Sloth” F2

the 11yo clone from denmark from a rare g13/hashplant-line (by ndn) that was worked

to g13-traits over a few generations and Bx’s (I was called G13project aka. klar) was hit

by the six reef G13/Black Widow F4-males as well. couchlock old school weed deluxe.

no more, no less …

lineage = [(G13Project aka. KLAR) X (G13/Black Widow F4) males] - 2nd filial generationally


Sounds lovely thank you @ShiskaberrySavior


If you can find it she is definitely worth growing . It was a regular in my garden for a couple years. I might have a oz left was digging through my stash a while back and spotted it and went dam I haven’t smoked that in a while hence I had a bag handy to snap a couple pics .


If anyone wants to repro them or grow them out I can happily donate although I suspect santero might still have these (idk) I was always much more interested in San and eskos stuff. My personal favs were the pakistan chitral kush, the deathstars, eskos chocolate cheese and the apollo lines. You can probably tell from my list I had a bunch of apollo lines. Santa maria is up there too. When I first frequented the old overgrow everyone was doing mad scrogs of c99 in hollowed out drawers and the like :slight_smile: