Sannie's Seed Shop


I had to of been the last person that attempted to buy seeds from Sannie lmao. The shop was still up, everything was fine, sent my cash in an envelope, waitedā€¦waitedā€¦waitedā€¦envelope of cash came back to me in the mail. So close yet so far. Been seeing the name Sannies Jack around since I did my first grow ever(Jack Herer) but I had to go with the Vision Seeds version cuz I was broke and didnā€™t know any better anyway. That was in 2014 in LA. So closeā€¦so closeā€¦

So, if anyone has any Sannies Jack I am dying to get my hands on some - still my favorite strain to this day(long, strewn out, thin, light green, velvety, pearl calyx, lemony Jack Herer.

I can also use the seed to do the reproduction if nobody is feeling up to it(Iā€™ve got some YouTube videos that atleast prove my competency to make that happen), done it before, just let me know. Would be honored to give something back to the community. :v:


Is there now some one Who know Whatsup with Sannie? Is he okay?

Nope. No one knows, Iā€™ve asked many times, he just disappeared. A thread on Reddit claims he died. He was winding down his site before it closed.

Just seems strange heā€™d disappear and all his genetics are gone, except for growers and fans.

I miss his stuff, it wasnā€™t the super homogenized, 30% thc, ā€œperfectā€ seeds every ones turning out today.


Being in business these days is a hard thing.
He wasnā€™t making money and he quit is my guess
Like we all would do.
So much changed, legalization in the US and
The amount of breeders and new stuff has exploded.
Competition I can only imagine is very hard.
Many can buy Oz for 50 bucks and have no need
To grow.
Much has changed, but the niche maker will
Do well Iā€™m guessing but thatā€™s just a guess.
A lot can change in a personā€™s life in 20 years
And itā€™s true what they say
All good things must come to an end.
Weed is becoming something even I donā€™t recognize
I donā€™t want to smoke 30 percent weed
Itā€™s becoming drug like imo.
But Iā€™m older, the young ones prolly think what we grow is hay compared to the new stuff.
Edibles, vapes, dabs, shatterā€¦
I miss the older days , Iā€™m to old for this new shit.


My guess is it was just another raid. Holland is still weirdly not legal and seedmakers get busted regularly. Sannie didnā€™t show up much on the forum after his last bust, but saved the parents on another location and continued doing more drops. But stuff just winded down after that and everyone couldā€™ve seen it going down the drain slowly but surely.

Also: If you donā€™t like the way weed in general is going, the only thing you can do is grow your favorite smokes. Nothing else can beat that, not even a legal market. Like, Iā€™ve got friends who go to coffeeshops regularly but they all prefer to smoke what I grow.


Thatā€™s incredibly sad

A-FRICKING-MEN!!! I couldnā€™t agree more!! I hate that stuff, thatā€™s not weed, itā€™s hash with leaves.

And to state the obvious, whatā€™s the point? How much THC is too much? Itā€™s just a bad message to send for the whole industry and legalization, ā€œHey, kids, get your 30% infused joints, fun for the whole family!ā€ In my opinion.

Iā€™m in Colorado a lot, and have high school family members all effed up on 90% dabs, which should absolutely be illegal, itā€™s marijuana crack, and itā€™s hurting our kids. They come home with burns all over their arms and clothes. And Colorado politicians let it all happen FOR MONEY. Seldom has there been a more fucked up piece of legislation than Colorado pot laws.

Sorry, tripped over my soap box this morning.


A friend of mine smokes joints all day, at work, at home, wherever. I gave him some cuttings from me and the first response I got after sampling was: do you want to kill me?! I canā€™t smoke this stuff all day. Lol

He loves the shiva99 and the bnp from santero because it tastes great and keeps him functional.

I canā€™t smoke 3/4 of the stuff I have in the middle of the day because then Iā€™d just call it a day.

I forgot: regarding hash with leavesā€¦ Itā€™s pretty odd that I can smoke some bubble at noon, at first it will kick in kind of heavy for a couple minutes but then itā€™s pretty functional. If I smoke flower of the same strain Iā€™m way more fucked up.

That reminds me of a video I saw on YouTube or something. An old Afghani was asked why they donā€™t smoke flower and he answered that it makes you crazyā€¦ Lol


Legal pot has become like store bought tomatoes, it ALL has that mass grown taste to it. Think home grown tomatoes vs store bought, homegrown tastes healthy, sweet, and clean, the store bought tastes like cotton.


Iā€™m not going to say that people shouldnā€™t be able to do as they wish, if dabbing is your thing go for it but the whole dab culture imo is cringe and is a very bad look imo. Itā€™s something that anti maijuana legalization groups can easily use on middle ground people(people who donā€™t partake but donā€™t actively vote to keep it illegal) .


Now thatā€™s funny


Its all these kids smoke

Even my daughter rather the wax better then my best bud


Same here I thought :thought_balloon: it was just me lol

Wow Iā€™m normal who would have guessed


@Papalag , have you tried joes fresh frozen ice hash
Your daughter would love that I bet

Bonus of not have to dry or cure buds pior to makin it
: )


Iā€™ve made from both fresh and dried


Its like a different drug , with different people , dabs i mean . Low end and unattractive to me , like crack heads with teeth


Itā€™s just like beer v straight spirit drinkers maybe

I like to keep my tolerance levels on lower side
I still get fucked up but im not chasing the hit ( been there )
To be fair im more fucked up on lower tolerance , win win like how it used to be when I was younger

I like to smoke to get stoned , not to feel normal


:joy: :joy: :joy:


More like having a few beers and slamming a liter of tequila lol. Like I said to each theor own but the dab videos on YouTube just make them look like crackheads.