Season 2 SEMO Grown Medicine

Seeds, Seeds, Seeds The Supafreak is loaded with them.

The Lemon Betty, Papaya Cake, and Evercrisp are starting to bud. Evercrips is in the back right and the Papaya Cake is in the back left on the tent.


Chocolate mother plants and clones

My cross of Fat Albert and Chocolate Diesel F3 Pollen

I have these packs of seeds and I was thinking about crossing them over the nest couple of years.

Cross these two strains from Bodhi
(Sour Diesel Chaco Cut x 88G13HP) x (Sour Diesel JP Cut X 88G13HP)

Then Cross these two strains High Lonesome and Bodhi strain
(APPY Diesel (ECSD x APPY)) x (Ultra Sour Double Diesel x 88G13HP)

Then cross those two crosses.


The two Bodhi strains getting crossed sounds really good


When I saw those Sour Diesel Cuts crossed with the hashplant Iimmediately wanted to cross them. I am still not sure what the Ultra Sour Double Diesel is other than a Sativa Dominate strain.


The possibilities are endless!!!


All looks great. Tropaya serious bondage going on. :100:


Thanks. I have silly grow restrictions from the State so I get creative with the twine. As soon as I harvest the supafreak for seeds I will be moving the three chocolate funk clones into the flower tent.


That is a beauty. The Purple Queen was next to the 9lb hammer. She only had five leaves with small white fuzzy spots. The Slightly Stupid did not show any signs of infection, I tossed it as it was between the 9lb hammer and Purple Queen.

I was thinking I could have splashed nutrient rich Aloe Vera + water on the stalk of the 9lb hammer. From where it started that is what it looks like to me, I try and get the aloe vera water as close to the stalk and main root as possible. I am going to use a watering can with a long thin spot to ensure I do not splash the stalk or leaves any longer.


Its the year for that fuzzy PM. I got it for the first time on the DJ Short. Blueberry is so susceptible. Anything and everything can get it this year. It use to bother me losing a plant. I just expect it now. I just grow over my limit. Chalk it off.


My JBC order came in today and I am very happy with the freebie seeds. I now have the seeds to cross the Sour Diesel Chaco cut and JP cut hashplants. I took the Purple Afro over the other new offerings, the AK47 was a very close second.



Blueberry Diesel F2 is off to a good start.


The Chocolate Funk are filling out nicely in the three-gallon pots. The number #3 clone is rooted and starting to grow.

My cross of Fat Albert a lemon-pine-fuel smelling plant and Chocolate Diesel F3 pollen

No more signs of mold or mildew in my remaining plants. The Supafreak should be ready in ten to fourteen days. The seeds are really starting to swell and change color. That could be from the UV light on the mostly exposed seeds.

When the supafreak is harvested for seeds I will move the three chocolate funk clones into the flower tent.


Sweet, got lots going on. Props. :sunglasses: :metal:

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Early yesterday morning I soaked six Pine Apple seeds in water. Yesterday evening they were starting to crack open so I put them between wet paper towels. I just checked and all six are cracked open.


I tossed the Lemon Betty as it couldnt handle strong light. All the leaves were turning light green and the buds were starting to fall behind in size compared to the Evercrisp and Papaya Cake. I moved the three chocolate funk clones into the flower tent in Bettyā€™s place. Five of the six blueberry diesel seeds have broken ground. The six Pine Apples are snug in their nursery bags waiting to break soil. My two tester plants from my cross of Fat Albert and Chocolate Diesel pollen are healthy.

Chocolate Funk Clones

Papaya Cake on the right side of the tent and Evercrisp on the Left. I trimmed them up to expose more light to the lower parts.

My Tester Plants F.A. x Chocolate Diesel I call them the Golden Child and the Red-Headed Stepchild. The Golden Child is a nice-looking fat-leafed plant with plenty of foliage. The Red-Headed Stepchild has to take after the father.

Sorry for the quality of some of the following pictures. The following pictures are Tropaya and the Chocolate Funk parent plants. The Chocolate Funk are loving their larger pots.

Blueberry Diesel sprouting

Waiting on the Pine Apple

Blueberry Diesel and Pine Apple should be a great start to 2024.


Ive gotten to that point in growing these days if a plant gives me a hard time. I cull her ass. You have plenty to spare. :sunglasses: :metal:


I have seen what powerful LED lights do to strains that cant handle intense light. It isnt worth the time and space to grow those plants. Strong Genetics or it gets the boot.


Iā€™m anxious to see how those Pine apple turn out.

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I am very interested in the Pine Apple. If I like it enough I will find and grow some Lavender Lemonade and make some crosses with it.

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Mr Rogers



Many Photos incoming

The #2 Chocolate Funk is a confirmed Male! The other two one is a female the other could be another male.

The Blueberry Diesel plants are doing good. Four of the six sprouted seeds are growing nicely. Two others sank into the depths when I was watering never to be seen again.

The Pine Apple plants are coming along. Like the BB-D Two of the six disappeared into the depths while watering.

Random Images.

How many of those crap clip-on oscillating fans have you all bought? How long before they stopped oscillating? These companies are making them to break quickly because trained consumers throw away and buy new ones over and over again.

This fan was my dads that he bought in the 1970s. It has been used every summer since then and for the last two years it hasnt stopped. It is still oscillating as if it was brand new. Stop buying clip-on fans and other crap designed to break.

My Dwarf Sun Flowers