Season 2 SEMO Grown Medicine

The Bodhi AK-47(1995)x G13 88/HP are doing good. I have three females and a male that I will be chopping today.

Umm not sure lost the label.

The last of the Bodhi Spirit Train F3 x Useful Seeds Chocolate Diesel. It will be cut today.

AKBB Lemon Star F2 These are growing great, the stalks if you feed them right thicken nicely for short plants.

There is a frank revegging by the five chem91 S1 out front of the tent, in the back corner you can see another Frankenstein and white Rhino, hidden in the back is my favorite pheno of the Bodhi x useful cross revegging for breeding. Three AKBB Lemon Star F2 are in the tent as well.


While trimming up the AKBB Lemon Star F2s I found a twelve bladed leaf. The older fan leaves are dinner plate sized. I am looking forward to flowering out the Lemon Stars.


Oh yea! Looking forward to seeing them in the coming weeks!

Happy harvest on the Spirit train cross!

Are you bring this to F4 or using her with something else? :face_with_monocle: :vulcan_salute:

Hope you have a great week brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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I like the look of the flowers from the genetic foxtailing. I think that might be some aracta trainwreck genetics showing. If I can get her to reveg I plan to pop some more Spirit Train F2s(I have around 12 left) and hope for a great male. If that doesnt work I have F3s from the #1 Pheno from my seed run in 2022.

As long as no nukes go off it will be a great week.

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Weed’s hand is bigger than yours, must be a huge plant!

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It isnt a tall bushy plant at all. It is from the tallest of the Lemon Star F2s, that isnt saying much as the others have the classic short indica structure.

Here is the plant that fan leaf came from.


One of my favorites that I always have in Flower White Rhino

Three Bodhi AK47(1995) x 88 G13/HP

Five AKBB Lemon Star F2s

Five Chem91 S1, One is a little bit different looking than the others

White Rhino Cuttings


Nice Kukri, is that for HST or harvest?.. :wink: :+1:


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That is my tool for harvesting Haze’s

If you want one I ordered this version


My test result, Disease Free!


If you care about your health I suggest you look into quercetin, vitamin D and Zinc. I drink milk daily and take Zinc and Quercetin from Thorne.


The grow continues to go very well. Im going to keep this train rolling until I wreck it.

I had to clean up the White Rhino and take more cuttings, my favorite plant so far.

Chem91 S1 I am not sure what is going on with the mutant.

AKBB Lemon Star F2 One is taller and one has a much thicker stak than the others.

Bodhi AK47(1995) x G13 88/HP

My Flowering White Rhino


Excellent work @SEMOActivist !

That’s going to be a great harvest.



The grow is never ending. The Lemon Star F2s are doing great. One Pheno I call Stretch is far taller than any of the others. One of the Phenos cant handle my soil or watering, maybe both, it has some signs of stress.

White Rhino will be harvested soon.

The Ak-47(1995) x 88G13/HP are doing fantastic. A couple are getting close to harvest time.

Chem91 S1 I trimmed off the large fan leaves.


The Eternal Grow continues. The Chem91 are putting out hulk roots. I can get strains to put these roots out by putting a thick layer of earthworm castings just under the surface of my soil.

Flowering Plants are four AK-47(1995) x 88G13/HP, 1 Tall Lemon Star F2 and a White Rhino

The Future

Five Chem 91 S1, Frankenstein, Lemon Star F2, Cap Junky and Panama Spice


With all the rain and humidity insect and spider populations are starting to get out of hand. I have killed many spiders in my house. They like the basement and my grow area. I dropped a five-pound weight on this spider on my throw rug outisde my grow room. The spider laughed at the weight, I had to engage it with my Kukuri.


They’re good little pest controllers but don’t want too many around! Grows looking brilliant mate! trim jail time soon enough :smiley:

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We’ve got “dock spiders” up here that could give Tranchulas a ‘run for their money’… :wink:
Dolomedes okefinokensis, I looked it up… :nerd_face:
If you see a big one… it’s female…
Ohh… and they swim too… …definitely nightmare fuel…



The grow continues. I harvested the White Rhinoe yesterday, she goes in the cannatrol this evening. The AK-47(1995) x 88 G13/HP harvest window is open. I gave one AK cross away to a new home. The Lemon Star F2s are donw to three plants. Two in flower several weeks apart and one still in the veg tent.

Ak-47(1995) x 88 G13/HP

Here is the AKBB Lemon Star F2 Spear, a smaller Lemon Star F2 on the other side of the AK-47 x 88 G13/HP by the wall.

Cleaned up my Flower Area.

I have waiting their turn for flowering one of each of the following Frankenstein, White Rhino, Cap Junky, Panama Spice and Five Chem91 S1s in the Veg Tent.
I have multiple cuttings rooting of both Frankenstein and White Rhino for the future of the never ending grow.


The Lemon Star and Ak-47 x 88 G13/HP