Season 2 SEMO Grown Medicine

Looking great in here…wow! Really enjoy your journal and the plants look very happy. Grow on :green_heart:


Thanks. I am having a blast keeping the Evergrow going. It also feels good gifting ounces to the elderly neighbors on fixed incomes. I love taking money making opportunities away from the banking/corporate masters.


Good morning brotha and hope you had a great week!

Very nice job! Looking forward to the smoke report.

Tip top magoo!

Does the Lemon is the Lemon Star F2s very robust in the smoke?

That looks eerily similar to a recluse spider. Keep an eye out.

Healthy and thriving Great job!

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Thanks! The Future Starts Tonight.


Four of Five have tails showing. Doc D Wookie 7 x Headbanger


Three of them are going into solo cups. The fifth seed is not showing any life yet.


Growing is Heaven, heaven continues…

Three AK-47(1995) x 88 G13/HP : Smells are floral and musty earth and my favorite has fruity with chem or gas undertones. Out of four plants two have a somewhat subdued generic floral cannabis smell, one heavy fruit that I gave to a family member and my keeper with a strong citrus smell with the added chem or gas smell.

AKBB Lemon Star F2

The Future : Starting Back Row Left Cap Junky, Middle Panama Spice, Right Chem 91 S1

Middle Row Left Frankenstein(reveg), Middle Chem 91 S1, Right Chem 91 S1

Front Row Left Chem 91 S1, Middle Lemon Star F2(I topped This one), Right Chem 91 S1


Tragedy, four of the five sprouts were assassinated by a black cricket.

Counter Espionage team took the cricket out before it was able to assassinate every seedling.


:yum: Is the last AK47 x88 G13HP pic the keeper?
Sounds like some nice variety to choose from.

Very nice, Do they finish in the 10-12 week window?

Hope youre having a great weekend brotha!

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It is, the one that needed the most Nitrogen and yellowed the most.

The keeper

The others and group shot

Three Lemon Star F2s in Flower now after Chopping the Bodhi Ak-47(1995) x 88 G13/HP. The one to the far left I topped.

First two Chem 91S1 in Flower.

The three Chem91 S1 in Veg. The first one is in the center of the picture closest to the door of the tent.

Panama Spice looks a little strange with the crooked stalk.

Back Corner is the Cap Junky

Reveg Frankenstein, she is an older plant. And the AK-47(1995 x 88g13/HP


Goooooo @SEMOActivist looks really good from here. I dislike crickets, noisy and chop down seedling. They totally interrupt my buzz in the garden at midnight, when i take the headphones off. :sunglasses: Thank you for joining the

Anniversary Celebration.

Have a great week.


Cleaning and Watering Day. I am really digging the AKBB Lemon Star F2 Spear. In the group shot I have three Lemon Star F2s on the right, two Chem91 S1 and a Frankenstein on the left and the larger two plants on the left in the back are Frankenstein and White Rhino.

In the Tent I have three more Chem 91 S1, Cap Junky, Panama Spice, wookie x headbanger seedling, a white rhino and frankenstein clones in solo cups.


New round of germinating to replace losses inflicted on the grow by predation.

@Tracker Donated these great genetics for a server auction fund that I was able to steal for lack of bidding.


Oooo…I bet you find some tasty things in those seeds. :eyes: :green_heart:

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I hope you find something good in there.


I hope it is me finding something good and tasty in those seeds and not another cricket.

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I assume the counter espionage unit is still on standby ready for redeployment? Little bastard crickets.

I had the shop vac, broom and mop out this morning. I moved everything around and vaccumed around and under everything, all the cracks, edges, ducting and foundation. Swept the floor them mopped. I did not see a single insect.