Seeds From Friends

Hey, thanks for checking out my humble grow.

I wish I had more time to check out the awesome work everyone does here on OG but work, family and garden take priority.



No worries we’re checking it all out. Full report eventually lol


Great thread also. That’s a commitment I haven’t stepped up to


That is a delicious looking plant. Great job.


Really enjoy your thorough smoke reports. I know they are subjective but they provide great insight on whether they jive with what I try to seek out or what I try to avoid. Thanks!


Thank you. I’m just trying my best to follow the lead of other growers who provide reports as detailed as possible.
Breedbay has some great formats to use as a guide.


Today is day 11 F for most of the 6 female Nitro Monkey. Here is a pic from 2 days ago under the new lamps.

And here is a cool variegation on one of the Nitro monkeys.


Those cuts still trucking along?

Those nitro monkey are looking nice. Especially that 2 tone one. :yum:


Looking a little rough tbh, but they’re still alive lol
The nitro monkey is giving off some stanky smells. I’ll be reporting in those a little more as flowering moves forward :green_heart:


Well, I can always send more. :wink:

Excited for more nitro monkey reports.


You’re single-handedly keeping the flame alive, man. Nice work! But seriously, too heavy for you?!? Is that possible! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: If you have time and interest, the shorter leafy ones are honestly another level. :astonished:

Haha that it does… :sun_with_face:

I forget, is that nitro monkey your 2017 cross of nitro cookies (kmog cut) x space monkey male?


Oh yes it is. I smoke two joints a day tops. So like 1 g a day ish. I can’t finish a whole joint of this in a sitting. The flavor makes me want to, but this isn’t a creeper effect, you get slammed.

Yes. The cut was in there while I was making the selected F2 of Space Monkey, so I sprinkled some love dust on her. As the weeks go by I’ll take pics of each pheno to see what comes up but I’m loving the structure of all of these so far.

Typical cookie cut but a little more vigorous.
A fun pollen Chuck since it was my first time doing so and I wanted to have seeds after my hiatus :green_heart:


Day 55 F

Lemon Splash x Monkey Dog

Vietnam Black 164 s1
This one will test the umphh of my soil. It’s just now starting to fade so hopefully it makes it.


Lookin’ nice. Good taste in strains. How’s the clusterfunk smell? and the VB for that matter. I have packs of both of those that I’m saving for a rainy day. I bought the clusterfunk when it was still labelled as being chem 91 skunk va but then got changed to the joebrand or whatever but the pictures I saw for them looked really nice.


What was your source of the Vietnam Blacks 164 S1s ? Doc ?
Mine didn’t come out looking like yours at all. I had thinner Sativa leaves, and string of pearl looking buds. Almost no bud actually haha more like a calax with a pistil ha. Smelled like Vic’s Vapor rub and eucalyptus maybe. Also she never finished. I think late November I finally had to take her in.

What are yours smelling like ?

And that cluster Funk :yum: …I’m so jeleous


I bought my Clusterfunk seeds when the female was still being called Chem, too @neogitus, way back. Grew it twice, turned out really good both times. Good yields, very tasty, very stony. You should plant those, don’t wait for it to rain haha. I think it’s one of Bodhi’s most underrated strains.


Thank you :pray:
I’ve seen those packs and I love the story behind the jb cut mixup. As for this cut, is smells of hot garbage, onions, and hashy funk. Heavy stuff. This will be the first clone run of it. I have A half pack of that left I hope to run soon.

@HappyTrees23s The VB 164 smells strong of an orangey lemon peel


Can’t wait for a smoke report on that vb. I have three of those seeds hiding somewhere.


Yeah, mine smelled like onions/body odor big-time, but tasted so good. Seems like the gnarliest-smelling weed always ends up tasting the best haha.

Did you get those as freebies from Doc? I’ve got three seeds that Doc sent as freebies in the fridge, but I’m scared of them haha! Waiting on @Vagabond_Windy’s and Iamyou’s smoke report before I even consider planting them.


They are from doc and like a lot of things I have, I don’t remember what I bought, but I remember the freebie! And I get you I’m scared of them too. Pretty much anything in the vault that sounds amazing I’m waiting for that mythical perfect time when everything is dialed.