Seeds From Friends

I need irene in my life. I’m ashamed I live close to where she originally came. And can’t get her. Anywho… here’s the two goji ×dla5 the bubble bucket just got full strength nutes’ and a better pump she’ll catch up. Lol

. Then we got 6 good shit×hunza valley 91 from @Hapi waiting to pop. . And then just some cali kush I increased


@Jamescoldflame @iamyou_youareme @HolyAngel
Seedlings are chugging along at a snails pace and I blame cold temps in my grow space. Some are runty and that’s ok with me.

@HolyAngel i was staging my next round in the 2x4 and I noticed to my pleasant surprise that we have 3 female NL5HSS :muscle:t3:
Here they are in order of my favorites. They all grow similarly. But the first one has more vigor and a more pronounced minty incense stem rub. Like very sharp compared to the other 2 that have similar smells.



ooh man, making me wanna pop those!! :heart_eyes:

The first one you like the most, sounds and looks the most like mom. The C5SS F3 #5 girl.

Can see the leaned back leaf tip in blue that’s really common on her, and the double serrations in red. The overall leaf shape and blades look really close in general and that stem rub sounds on-point.

The other two have some of her features too. Think I see a bit more of the male in that second girl. The 3rd one is giving me straight NL5 vibes :thinking:

Hopefully those TF’s and other seedlings take off soon, they’re looking good! :muscle:


Day 56? Bubba

Lavender Jack (NN)

2x Church in the same medium, same watering, same everything but one is eating more? Or maybe when I first put them in flower the soil was too wet and nutrients leeched? Either way it looks cool


Well looks like 5 for sure on the good shit ×hunza valley 91 1 hasn’t made its mind yet. Lol

the goji ×’dla starting to figure it out… photo bomb by chemd ×white runtz by goat and monkey via @Carty there’s two of those popped. And the kush…cali kush that is . Lol. :love_you_gesture:t5::v:t5::seedling:🥷🏾


Don’t have anything of value to add just wanted to comment on how healthy the plants look. That lav jack looks beautiful too. Have you sampled Irene before? Exciting!


Yeah once they get over the hump, they might veg a little faster but I’ve yet to encounter anything “fast” vegging yet. I have 4 in veg that I’m going to flower in January. They range from small and no side branching (no clones) to tall with nice even side branching but still slower veg compared to other crosses. It looks like you have a faster Goji leaner and slower mutant DLA leaner


Yes she’s amazing to look at, smells glorious and smokes good too. She’s nice. I’m glad she found her way to you.

From the same person I sourced irene from I also received samples of her. Just like I remember from 10 years ago. I even have had samples of TK recently and to me, Irene is better :man_shrugging:t2:


Very good to hear! I’ve only read the Irene thread here and the nspecta one on icmag so far, seems like there isn’t nearly as much information available on it as the tk / bubba / chem etc.


I do find the liking Irene better interesting. Just the effects mainly vibe better with you? By all accounts the Irene should be noticeably weaker than the TK :thinking:


Oh man yeah. I get this nice tingling sensation that starts off in the face then neck then down my shoulders. I get none of that racey vibe I get from TK and other OG crosses. Great couchlock video game weed. Too much and it’s “Goodnight, Irene” :wink:

That being said, TK is awesome and I love how it grows compared to Irene, especially in veg lol.

Different strokes for different folks. I think growers would lean more towards the TK than Irene. But that’s just my guess


Ooh nice! Those effects do sound great!


Day 61 F
I can’t get enough of these kush plants





:heart_eyes: That’s like the best looking Irene I’ve ever seen! Usually the pics I see of her flowers are more squat and leafy like Bubba. Getting that florally grandma’s purse smell already?


Thank you for the compliment but I’m just getting lucky I believe lol

Yes but more soapy savory at the moment. She’s right next to a lavender jack that makes it really hard to smell anything else nearby


We have 5x RBK (rainbow belts 2.0 x Baba kush )
4x TriForce
3x Whoop Ass F2

We have at least one runty seedling from each line in there but that’s ok. I can’t recall one single time I’ve culled a seedling because of how small it was. Just feels wrong to me.

I’m excited that these are getting bigger and stems are getting stronger. I’m hoping for at least 2 females from each :crossed_fingers:t3:


We definitely could get you more w.a …there might even be a i.x done eventually as there’s still 6 f1 in the o.p


Day 64 “Lowers need Love too”


Lavender Jack

Mystery cut




BHix 3.0 Church


I either forgot or didn’t notice you were growing a “Mystery Cut” haha. I’m assuming it was supposed to be something specific and then whoever you got it from realized that it was mislabeled or something? What was it supposed to be?


2 years ago I germinated 3 packs of seeds.

When they were barely seedlings freshly planted into solo cups I dropped the tray they were in.
All the tags fell out of the cups lol
So it’s been a mystery ever since
With the lineages being so similar, it’s hard to tell but I’m leaning towards it being either the Iraqi Red Skunk because of the smells and “reddish” tint or the GSC x Afpak because of smells and structure.