Señor Christmas' Fuck-Ups (And Downs), 2023 edition

Turning out like a bonsai.
Nice thick stems…:v:t4::herb:



You’ve got this down to a science!



Ain’t it beautiful! I’ll be making some mother bonsais soon with more of an artistic touch. I train them currently for practicality since I veg for a few months. I’d assume they’d break through my ceiling if I didn’t, but I’ve never really grown a plant upright before.

Thank you sir.

9 out of the 12 Skelly HP seeds that sprouted have broken through soil.


looking GOOD!!


Had to buy an RO filter today. This water is harsh as fuck. The humidifiers are clogging my carbon filter sock every two days.


This PUCK is stretchy as shit. I’ve never seen seedlings stretch so much. The light is as close as I typically have it, so I’m unsure if it was my doing.


Also, there’s one jagaloon who got stuck under the soil in it’s shell. I was able to dig it under but it’s just been chillin in this micro-size.


“Oi Mister Christmas, oi Mister Christmas, what’s going on with the 4x8?”
Just some veg shit.



Some of the PUCK seedlings are experiencing necrosis on the leaves. Two days ago, I increased the nutrients attempting to prevent the nutrient deficiencies experienced with the 4x8 plants. Well, it looks like some of these seedlings aren’t as hungry as the others.

Thinking I had already pH’ed my “flushing” water, I watered them all with it. It was at an 8.1 pH so after I realized so, I brought it down to 6.5 and actually flushed them with it. Lot of fuck ups. I’m unsure how I’ll handle the situation since none of the other seedlings are showing any nutrient burn.


I decided to kill the one runt that looked like it had seen some shit. I also decided to continue feeding them 3mL/L of base nutes like before, because I’m trying to grow winners here. The truth of the matter is, you can’t win a marathon without putting a few band-aids on your nipples.

I’ll be providing some update pictures of the 4x8 sometime next week. I have family visiting from the East Coast so I won’t have too much time to meddle with it. I’ve transplanted 4 G-rides and 1 Moonshine Haze into 1 gals and they are going crazy. I need to hit them all with some LST, but it’ll take me about two hours to go through them. Again, it’ll have to be next week.

I did get to snag a picture of Holly’s roots before her transplant:

Also, I installed the RO filter I got from amazon. It took most of my afternoon but I’m glad I now have access to clean water.

I realize for most, the vegetative cycle is boring and mundane. Most people just want the juicy cola pics, and I get it. I do. And we’ll get there, trust me. For now, please accept my offering of a picture of my dog

That’s all for today folks.


R u sure your medium is ok?
I’ve used bad quality coco coir earlier had faced many issues losing good beans. Symptoms somewhat similar to urs.
Now I’ve found a good brand with consistent quality.
Something to think about.


Stunning dog!!
Seedlings: Once I crack them open or tail them, I use a starter mix, zero nutes, a sprinkle of BO’s.
Once they pop 6-8 points, then I start their food. A seed has all it needs to for the first few points to emerge. well that is what I’ve read anyway. Your mileage may vary, LOL!

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Hey brotha,

It should be good! It’s some HP ProMix mixed in with Roots Organic 707. I’ve kept it in a covered plastic bin out in my balcony. I honestly think I fucked up by increasing their nutrients before transplanting them. I was trying to prevent what occurred with my last seedlings, where they began experiencing real gnarly curling due to a nitrogen deficiency. However, they weren’t as developed as my last seedlings as they had been restricted to the small seed starter tray space.

I’ve wanted to switch to a no nute soil so I could push the plants ʜᴀʀᴅ from the start, so now that I’ve done it; I just have to dial my technique in. Basically, future me is going to remain feeding them 2mL/L of AN base nutes until they get transplanted to my green pots, and then I’ll go up to 3/mL/L.

Thank you for stopping by and dropping some knowledge.

A homie always says the same thing man, and it makes total sense. They have to have a lil lunchbox packed inside there to keep them going for a bit.

Thank you bro, I honestly wanted to chuck the whole seedling tray the day I saw some nute burn lol. I’m glad I didn’t. It’s all worth it to gain some knowledge.

Edit: I realize now you were talking about my actual dog. Days later. Lmao. @webeblzr



How are you? :wink:

I’ll be transplanting these gals’ today.

The PUCK is being PUCKing annoying, again. Read all about it here!



till next time, amigos. :santa:t3:


stoked for these skelly hp ive wanted to grow her again for 12-13 yrs easy! that and the lizard HP still are burned in my mind as some of the best, longest lasting, absolutely unreal buzzes ive ever had. no joke had me and my homie tripping balls thinking we were walking on a frozen lake with thin ice, giggling like school kids for 5 hours. i sought out that bag for the next 3 years, faithfully until his brother got raided and lost it all… still have not had either since. he had those and haog and those three are STILL to this day 3 all time favourites ive never b able to obtain. hoping you can make some beans. if so ill gladly swap with you i have tons of gems!

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Shit man, that’s good to hear. Makes me look forward to smoking it. The whole reason I popped these was to make some seeds through open pollination, but as the plants dwindle… who knows.

We shall see said the blind man!

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I went back and forth with the idea of LSTing these PUCKs. I see no reason not too, so here we are. This first bend I use as an anchor. I fold them slightly in the opposite direction in which I want to lay the seedling down so that the roots can hook on tighter to prevent the plant from just falling over at bigger sizes.

I was on one last night and decided to pop some seeds. I’ve got @stanknugzz77’s Chem^3 and @darkillusion’s Sour 13 sitting in some good ol’ water. I only have a 2x4 space for these suckers, so I’ll either flower them in 4 inch containers, or I cull a few and flower them in my 1 gal pots. I’m real tired of worrying about the future though, so for now we shall just enjoy growing some good OverGrow genetics.


Awesome! I am currently looking through a nice population of the Chem^3 myself. For anyone that is interested, the lineage is Chem D x Dog Patch. I hope that germination goes well! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



󠀠󠀠I’m 󠀠unsure if I’m overwatering, or if the plants are ready to bounce up to their final pot. They’re not perking up like they normally do after being watered. The soil feels dry, and the container feels light, but meh, I’m not entirely sure so I’ll find out tomorrow morning when the droop either worsens, or improves.

In the first picture, you can see a very out of place lookin plant in the corner. Ends up being that that’s the sick PUCK seedling I posted about. I transplanted all the PUCKs into these weird containers I have, and all 10 seedlings didn’t fit in my 2x2.

As you can see, I used @SensiBowl’s Paper Clip Tek™. Didn’t work too well for me with these containers though, made everything sit awkward.

I then decided to flip them to flower and realized they were too small and LSTing them how I do might be counter-intuitive, so I freed them. “Be free, you fucks” I whispered to them.

But then I realized that the fugly PUCK in my 4x8 would probably be a hinderance so I put it back in the 2x2 to flower. She fits in there real tight like. Especially with the humidifier that isn’t pictured.



Haven’t had any luck with darkillusion’s Sour 13, but I still have hope. Here’s some Chem^3:

Real stretchy. I read that it may be the dogpatch contributing to it. Although the roots weren’t were I’d like them to be before transplanting, I did so to prevent the older seedlings from toppling over.

They’re still plenty tall, so I’ll give them a couple of days before starting some good ol’ LST.

Hasta la proxima, amigos.


Lmao, love the trademark. Everything’s looking great!

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Turns out I’ve gout 4 males in the tent. I’m a noob and have failed to identify a male in my past grow, but I think I know what’s goin’ on now.

The 4 males are:

1 x Moonshine Haze. (Kika)
1 x Super B x Blue Cheese (Chuletica)
2 x Purple Punch x Do-Si-Dos (Miss Jackson & Malagueña)

The moonshine haze has been such a great plant from the get-go. Amazing vigor, great tight :wink:inter-nodal spacing, and has been stress free with feedings. I will definitely be taking a cutting, using Naptown’s long storage tek, and flower it out whenever either my 2x2 or 2x4 open up.

Chuletica has me bummed. This plant REAKS. I mean straight sweaty, hot armpit with grated cheese atop. We’re not even in flower! Defoliating has the room smelling real foul, which had me in love. Again, I’ll be taking a cutting and storing it for later pollen collection.

I’m unsure if I’ll keep cuttings of both the PPD males however. They’re both equally great plants, but Miss Jackson has a purple hue to his stalk and leaf stems that I really like.

Regardless, all males gotta go come next week because that’s when I’ll be transplanting and placing my SCROG netting.