Shit I just got out of hospital small heart attack

I’ve been meatless for years-

Had chest pains, odd heartbeat, so got to spend the night for new blood pressure medication and a stress test…

Healthiest option on the hospital menu was a turkey sandwich. Nasty sodium packed lunch meat on white bread with a sachet of all temperature mayonnaise :face_vomiting:

Heart issues are no joke-

Have a friend our age who felt something wrong with chest pain and tightness, in the middle of the night.
He decided to wait until morning to get to the hospital.

He had emergency surgery, and has permanent heart muscle damage. Doctor told him it was a big mistake to wait to get to the hospital…


sorry to hear that. the dr said i had a heart attack? but i did not know it. sure hope you have good insurance. speedy recovery.

Sending healing vibes your way get well soon

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Feels wrong to hit the like button on hearing news of a guy who has had a heart attack, Definitely take care of yourself man, Hope you have a speedy ass recovery

I’m doing a lot better today
Just a bit sore from hitting the floor when I blacked out in hospital lol
My wife is making me take it easy

Took the dogs out for a walk


Yeah! Beautiful dogs! All the best to you friend! And listen to your wife! :laughing: :kissing:


What he said love your dogs! My wife’s a nurse as well and owe her my life. We are lucky and in two short months you get to burst into those cream eclair looking things yum! Keep well!

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I sorry to hear that. You look good. So do the friends of yours. Love the Chevy. And peace. Some old school tattoos. I see this has been a minute now. How are you today?

I’m fine twisted my back when I blacked out doctor has me on muscle relaxers lol
Wife got
Me a fitbit lol she’s
Track of
My steps


How many you getting in per day ?

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About 15,000


Please take care of yourself buddy. I would nag you about a bunch of stuff you should and shouldn’t do, but you’re married so I’ll spare you :grimacing:. Hang around here a while. :v:t2:

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Wow man, that’s amazing. I walk most of my day at work and average 10 to 12 thousand a day which for me us a little over 10 miles. That’s amazing brother, you are sure putting in the miles. Good job.


My wife has me on a tight leash lol she bought 48 doughnuts for work and didn’t give me one lol
I’m to old to be sneak eating doughnuts I have done it lol dogs like doughnuts as well


Well I have to walk the dogs few times a day since I live in an apartment,I just go across the street to golden gate park,

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Hey man, that’s great. That will sure go a long way to keeping you healthy.


I just got back from the park it’s hot here today


I need to do more myself. Having the same problems. I’m over 50 and I played to hard. Lol. Fk life is ruff. A fall at 5 years old or a car wreck. 40 years later. Not spring chicken anymore. I’m happy you feel better. I need to walk more myself.


You should get out more
Old walk clears the head,my wife has a gym in here lol rowing machine treadmill and bike I don’t use any of them I like to get out and walk,haven’t rode my Harley in about 4 months just been walking,


Man I wish I could show myself. I was a beast. Hard working and playing. I just got to where I can walk straight. Just the same things you guys and gals going though. I have a small gym. I do my yard work and other stuff. Yes the walking and stretching. Is something I need to work on. Got two nice bone Spurs just need to be cut out. Funny, I’m happy with how happy I am in my head. But damn the body is tired. Not giving up.

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