So tell me, What do you know about the human microbiome? All input is welcome!

I saw a study on parkinsons and Ms which basically says the same thing. Damaged mitochondrial dna in the hippocampus part of the brain from environmental polution and processed food.

Carbon Tetra Chloride found in many degreasing agents, which is used extensively in dry cleaning clothes, is toxic to the mitochondria controlling our nervouse systems.

Foods that cause our mitochondria to uncouple and high doses of vit B1 Benfotiamine 800mg to 1000mg a day seems to stop and help reverse the damage to some degree depending on how damaged the mitochondria is.

High carb diets used up the majority of B vits we get, especially B1, from the liver processing sugars, which exacerbates these problems because our mitochondria need it to replicate and function properly in the nervous system.


Thanks @Shadey


Thanks for the vid, I think I shall add alpha lipoic acid to my supplement list, my doc thinks I have parkinsons, not so sure myself, I have to go for another brain scan soon with a dye this time. I am hoping they need the dye as they can’t see much of a problem, or I have lost my brain somewhere lol.

Dr Berg explains things so well.


Best wishes brother @Shadey may your test be negative. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Cheers man, my symptoms were worse 3 years ago before I started the keto and intermittent fasting, so I am not worried about it, if I have it.

I know its reversible with fasting, a vegetarian diet rich in polyphenols and Benfotiamine, it just means no booze and even stricter on the carbs which is a pain when socializing. It’s bad enough for our friends just doing a separate vegetarian meal for me when we are invited for a meal every couple of weeks, tell them no carbs and I may as well cook and take my meal with me lol.


Truly Best Wishes brother @Shadey.
Thank you for the education too.

I do my best to eat only what I grow myself,
leafy greens, squash, celery, cukes, etc. and
lots of herbs. No grains.
I do have to buy a few things, tofu, sweet potatoes,
avocados and occasionally dairy products.
(I try not to “fall off the wagon” much but I am human).

Can’t type much more atm as I am still working on the neuropathy
in my extremities. I too am way better than 3 years ago when
I had trouble walking and could not think about a mouse and keyboard.
It’s only been a couple months I have been able to type or mouse around
for a few minutes. (example: Spent the last 40 minutes, with breaks, to
complete this reply. Makes for an interesting challenge attempting
to keep pace on OG.
Mostly I reply with :heart:'s). lol).

Socializing? Usually means time to fast or bring my own. lol

No pharma meds for me either.

Great thread here. Will be watching.
Thanks Gromies.


Thanks man. What are you afflicted with :thinking:

Yeah its not easy, I go through periods where I crave sugary things, I take a small hit of organic maple syrup, maple whiskey or a teaspoon of hargen daz ice cream if the wife buys it, I open the fridge and I unconsciously know which foods have the highest carb content, I am a sugar addict lol. I find berries good for satisfying cravings as well, raspberries are my favorite strawbs and blueberries next.

The shakes get very frustrating sometimes, but I persevere until I get finished, or the wife tells me to quit and take a break, because I start shouting and swearing at what I am trying to do, or I end up throwing stuff and breaking it lol.

I spent nearly an hour the other week trying to solder 2 wires together, ended up making a jig with 2 clamps to hold the wires and both hands holding the soldering iron resting my forearms on my desk lol. I just have to work smarter, necessity is the mother of invention :wink:

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Self-discipline is a challenge.
Trying not to be my own worst enemy too. lol

Got some type 2 diabetes smothered in neuropathy and
a side of kidney disease. Not complaining, as I mentioned
I have improved greatly in last few years.

Cravings are not too bad. Jones for a pizza occasionally.
Might have had a spoonful of ice cream once in the past two years.
Berries definitely help. I had a good raspberry yield this year
and an incredible blackberry yield. Had blackberries every day
for two plus months. Love the berries.

Sorry to hear about the shaking. Glad I don’t have to deal with that.
I am inured to the various levels of pain that come from the
neuropathy in my hands and arms when I type. Just have to pace
myself and take frequent breaks.

The breathing exercises and cold water definitely help.
A little more cardio will help too. lol


Not sure if you know, but raspberries can block blood glucose release, so it’s good to eat them first before a meal.

You would definitely benifit from taking the Benfotiamine as it repairs the mylar sheath around the nerves, if you can afford it. Your doing well with the self control if you can keep away from ice-cream that’s like crack cocain for me lol.

Costco do a low carb cauliflower pizza base that is not too bad, I have one about once a month, most of my food is polyphenol rich salads with goats cheese, eggs or home made lentil and bean burgers, or vegetable curries. It gets a bit boring sometimes but that’s because I am lazy about cooking lol.

I was doing the wimm hof breathing for about 18 months I don’t like the cold water part lol I stopped doing the breathing last year after I injured my back because it hurt to much to do it, I can’t seem to get back into it now that my back has healed up apart from the left side of my left foot being numb.

You mentioned fasting, is that intermittent or long fasts. I did both for a while, still doing OMAD, not done a long fast sice January now, other than the odd 48 hour one, now and again when I can’t be bothered to cook anything lol. I am interested in how effective long fasts are in fixing type 2 diabetes, as we are not all the same, some people respond better to it I think.

I know what you mean, if you suffer for a long while with pain, it becomes a normal part of life and I forget when I am telling someone what I am suffering with how bad it may sound, as I am de sensitized to it, I sometimes think I come across as a whining poor me, when telling someone whats happening, but like you, I am not looking for sympathy, just saying this is what it is. You got laugh about it sometimes or you would go crazy lol.

Don’t feel you have to respond any time soon man if it’s hurting to do so.


Good morning @Shadey, hope you have a great day!

Yes, I am aware of raspberries benefits as well as Benfotiamine (B1) and
the B complex vitamins. Took supplements for a few years and tossed all
supplements out when the pharma products hit the trash.
Try to get what I need from what I eat.
“Heal thy self” comes to mind.

I think I mentioned Moringa Oleifera. Moringa leaves have been the go to
vitamin supplement for 4 or 5 years now. Very happy with this find.
Due to the condition my condition is in, I find it difficult to search for
scientific info on the web so I am pleased when you post legitimate info
and share your knowledge. Thank you.
Anyway, here’s a start if you are interested;
Moringa oleifera: An Updated Comprehensive Review of Its Pharmacological Activities, Ethnomedicinal, Phytopharmaceutical Formulation, Clinical, Phytochemical, and Toxicological Aspects - PMC (
There are a few related articles at this site.

I have background in Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, herbs, massage etc. but
have not practiced for forty years. Life’s curve balls. Although I try to
keep my finger on the pulse and help myself heal.
I’ve been concentrating mostly on the herbs and mushrooms as of late.

If you have the inclination, please check out the benefits of cannabis suppositories.
I’ll be very interested with your findings.
I will be making more when this next crop is finished.
I have not had any for the past two months and I notice a difference in my energy levels.
Could be psychosomatic, but I don’t think so.

Pizza! Prefer not to buy.
When inspired, I make my own cauliflower pizza dough.
Time consuming and delicious. Very pleased when it’s cauliflower I’ve grown.

I enjoy the Wim practices. Cold showers everyday are a pleasure once I start.
Kinda like the kid who is told to "Take a bath. "I don’t wanna take a bath.
After time in the bath, “Okay time to get out”. “I don’t wanna get out.”
If I was in better shape, physically and financially I’d like to take a class from the man himself.

Most of my fasts are two and three days at least once a month.
Long fasts, 5-7 days, two or three times a year. These are not too
difficult after the fourth day but more often than not Life gets in the way
and they get cut short. Happy if I get 5 days in.

Pain. If you have it, people with pain will relate. Don’t worry about what people
without daily pain think. You know you are not whining just stating fact and
laughing about it is good medicine. lol

I’ve been here at OG as a supporter for 66 days now and I am very impressed
with the highly developed human beings here. I think I’ll coin the word Gromisattvas,
if somebody else has not done so previously, (probably have with the brain power
and creativity around here.), and it is disheartening when I read threads like,
“What do stoners eat?”, knowing that most of the meals pictured are toxic
from my perspective and there is little to nothing that I can do to help folks
understand they may be heading down a very painful rabbit hole.
On the other hand, what do I know?

Thanks brother. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner even it the
response takes some time.


I don’t know that much but what I can tell you from personal experience is if you want to improve it and quickly then you should drink kefir.

It’s like an elixir for modern life.


Very hard but very smart. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am gonna check that out…Thanks for the link! :wink:

It sounds like the scientific names we saw on Roadrunner cartoons…LOL
Nice work. :rofl:

I am pretty good at that, so if I can be of service please feel free to inquire.
Here is some stuff I found that may be of some interest.
I learned a new word today thanks to you folks…so thanks again! :exploding_head:

Nutraceuticals have unambiguous potential to treat various symptoms
and diseases.

New Concepts in Nutraceuticals as Alternative for Pharmaceuticals


nutraceutical.pdf (506.4 KB)

Polyphenols: Natural food grade biomolecules for treating neurodegenerative diseases from a multi-target perspective

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It would seem this will fit into our cannabis growing habits too…
From your link.
The methanolic leaf extract has nearly 99% inhibition against Botrytis cinerea (a necrotrophic plant fungus) [71].


I just checked out the pub med studies, man that is an impressive list of its contents and abilities. I think I am going to get some myself. I find potassium very hard to get enough of so thats a good benifit, but with everything else it offers everyone should be using this, it must be a great mitochondria booster.

I am using magic mushes atm, I have turkey tail growing in a lot of places on my property, got some in the freezer, I just need to get organised with gel caps to put it in, I want to grow lions mane as its so exspensive to buy. I use spices more than herbs, I love cinnamon, cloves and cardamom to chew on and my curries are loaded with with good spices.

After riding my motorcycle in the UK during winter and after emigrating to Canada and working outside doing construction through the winter, I have had enough of freezing my ass off, when you’re working 8 hours in cold that freezes your eyelids together you start not enjoying it lol.

So have you reduced your insulin use much with the fasting or do you think the low carb diet has had more effect for you?

I used to post a lot of my meals up, hoping it might be a positive influence but I think I am probably boring everyone with the same meals constantly. I find it hard to look at what some people eat and give it a like, and I don’t bother trying to change people’s food habits anymore unless they ask for help. People change when they are ready or forced to, at least they might know there are options for healthier alternatives.

I use weed oil as a patch, I can’t stand the taste, on my arm or wherever I may be hurting, spread it on and tape some cling film over it, I have messed up a few shirts now lol. I had a buddy with cancer he did 3 x 1 gram suppository capsules a day, he was doing ok and the tumors were shrinking.

Then his doc persuaded him to try an experimental drug, the doc misread the amount, which should have been a 0.3mg dose and gave him a 3mg dose instead, after 2 weeks of bad side effects he died sadly.

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That is pretty messed up. :woozy_face:

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I agree @Spliffwizard, Great stuff kefir.
Glad it works well for you.

Many fermented foods seem to be very good to/for us.
Kefir, kimchee, miso, natto, pickles, etc., also add a bit
of variety and umami to what some might consider a
bland leafy green vegetable diet. lol


Good morning @shag,
I will try to reply in an orderly manner. Might take a couple of tries. lol

Not as hard as one might suspect.
Just a matter of conditioning.
I find it amazing what we can adapt towith a little resolve and perseverance.

You are welcome. Hope this works for you.
I use moringa about four days a week.
You can find some research on long term use of moringa saying
daily use may have its downside. I suspect this might be misleading
information as I have not experienced and problems. Just being
cautious on my part with so much ambiguous “scientific” info available.

Thanks. A little misspelling mistake on my part, I forgot the W.
should Growmisattvas. My bad. lol

Thank you for offering to do web searches. Much appreciated.

Yeah, “nutraceuticals” cool.
Thanks for the links.

Interesting studies. All these folks need more funding.

This is cool. Very interesting stuff on neurodegenerative diseases.
Lol. I can’t type as much as I want say. I’ll have to set up speech to text.

Good thinking @shag. I’ll add it to the aloe coconut concoction. Should be good.


I am about to harvest some Lingzhi, Reishi today and hope to fruit some shitake this week.
I’ve grown some Lion’s Mane too. Got to get those happening again.

I know the cold. Spent time surveying in the Tetons, Wasatch and Uintas during winter.
We’d quit work at -30F. Cold water immersion is bit different.
Deliberate Cold Exposure Free Guide – Brass Monkey Health

Agreed on the “trying to change people’s food habits anymore unless they ask for help.”
Initially, one cannot do much more than offer exposure to the information.

I make topicals with RSO and/or tincture in coconut oil. Good for my skin. lol

Condolences on your friend’s passing. Tough situation. Very “messed up”.


The Flexner Report: Uncovering the History of Pharmaceuticals

Flexner report of 1910: defunding natural healing

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Whenever I tell people they are taking drugs made from oil they dont believe me lol. That’s why there are always side effects. They find a natural cure for something that indigenous peoples use, which they can’t patent, and then synthesize the molecular structure from the oil but it never matches perfectly, only very close to it.